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Oh Dear You Are Dead !


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This is like a game I saw on the runescape forums a while back.


It's really fun so I hope you like it.


You type a sentence and end it with "Oh dear you are dea!"






You die in Lumbridge


Oh dear you are dead!


Nothing interesting happens




You alch yourself to see how much you're worth


Oh dear you are dead!


And 1 gp drops to the floor




You get stabbed and lose 1hp


But you bleed to death


Oh dear you are dead!










1-No flamming


2-No spamming


3-No posting if you're not playing


4-No not having fun




Hope you guys enjoy it !!!!

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Come on guys ! Jon the fun !!




You hear of people eating swordies and want to try it


You eat one with "rune" in the title


Oh dear you are dead!




You complete Dragon slayer quest by killing Elvarg the dragon


You find out her father is the KBD who shows up with his buddies


Oh dear you are dead!




You eat a shark but forgot to cook it


Oh dear you are dead!

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o look its a guinea pig.....oh no its a cave


guinea pig spawns and owns u


oh dear you are dead




i no its lame but i tried :lol:



one time i woke up sleeping under my bed with a jello and a spoon lol :ohnoes:
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This really happened to me!




You eat the kebab.


That kebab tatsted dodgy...


Oh dear you are dead.




I was fighting a River Troll.

A mad scientist in the attic, the owner is a vampire that dwells in the basement, a witch, skeletons, ghosts....

And you thought YOUR neighbors were weird!

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That's the spirit ! Keep 'em coming !




You swallow a fly by accident


You swllow a frog to catch the fly


The frog has poison in his skin


Oh dear you are dead!




You take a sndwich from the sandwich lady


You don't like the sandwich and the sandwich lady gets mad


Oh dear you are nearly dead!


A dragon shows up to finish the job


Oh dear you are dead! (completly)

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Come on! Use your imagination !




Welcome to Runescape!


Oh dear you are dead!




You ignore the MOM and he tele you


You find out you got tele into the inside of an active volcano


Oh dear you are dead!




You follow a lvl 97 and keep calling him NOOB


He goes into wilderness and you keep following


He turns around with his sword in his hand


OH dear you are dead!




You go back to the wilderness to find that same guy


You brag that you have a phat in your inventory


Oh dear you are dead!

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You attempt to pick up the kharidian scorpion


But it stings you senseless


Oh dear you are dead



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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You wonder what the cavada potion tastes like.


Oh dear you are dead!




You use the cat with the fishbowl.


The fish looks at you strangly.


Oh dear your fish is dead!




You put the bannana in the bottle of ale.


You begin to wonder why.


You give the pirate the ale.


Oh dear you are dead.




( can really happen... exept for the pirate killin you. try on a karmajian ale.)

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The following ones were given by my friends




You attempt to log in but find out you're banned


In you're state of misery you throw yourself out the window


Wow the view is nice from the top floor


Oh dear you are dead!




You fall in a lake


You don't know how to swim


Oh dear you are dead !




You die but there's a bug in the game


You keep respawning back in the lake


Oh dear you are dead!


Oh dear you are dead!


Oh dear you are dead!


Oh dear you are dead!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You invite the oracle to come to your house and judge how good your piano playing is.


You start the recital


You see the oracle cover his ears and start to fume.


You realise your playing is not that good.


In your misery you throw yourslf out of a window...

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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You attempt to pick up the kharidian scorpion


But it stings you senseless


Oh dear you are dead

Oh dear you are dead,the other noobs steal your metal and the scorpion here it comes you so good :oops: look but the other gyus :twisted: look thieves
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