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Imhomer's Pixel Gallery. *Load Time Warning*


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Ok here they are, my first 19 pixels. All have been made since May 2006 I think you'll see that sometimes I get lazy and don't even finish them :oops:.




#1: Started this but had no idea what I was doing. NEVER FINISHED






#2: After giving up on my first one I decided to start on another generic sig. Not really for anyone just from my mind. This was my first completed sig. I spent about 30 hours on it and now that I look back, the shading kinda hurts my eyes.






#3: Cruised the forums for a bit, found someone looking for a pixel. Tried to do this one and finished but didn't like it. I ended up relpacing this sig with #5 for the same person. Spent only about 8 hours on it. Completely horrible, don't know what I was thinking :oops:.






#4: Got a PM request for this one. Wanted to make sure I did better than the last sig. Couldn't figure out a good way to shade sand or water and the guy looks like he's doing limbo/pelvic thrust. :? Still,I think the idea was good, just poor execution.






#5: Doing this one for the same person as #3 because I screwed up the last one. For this sig I finally got the hang of it and it's the first I've made that the person actually put into their sig. :)






#6: Tried a new style, kinda sketchy with few colors. Spent some time with the pencil and fill tools and the palette colors. Some people don't think it's in good form but I like it. I spent about 45 minutes on this one. Pirates FTW!






#7: Watched Back to the Future III and thought I'd do a sorta Clint Eastwood sig. Shading on the poncho needs work but I think the sky is awesome. :D






#8: Just a random picture. It's the first I've drawn by hand before pixeling. I also tried a new pastel/painting style and I think it turned out pretty well. Total 9 hours.






#9: I also came up with this avvy while I was trying to figure out a way to shade water for sig #5.






#10-18: After taking a break since early June, I came back in mid august and made these. They're mainly texturing practice. I'm personally very proud of the ice and water avvys.








#19: Once I got back into things doing the elemental avatars, I did a Starcraft Pixel. Not really a sig unless you turn it on its side. Total time 30+ hours.





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Since you are not doing a cartoon style. not like you can do a good cartoon linework anyway




?? :? ?? Since I'm not doing a cartoon style........ cmon you can finish the subordinate clasue, I know you can! :wink:



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The fourth sig is almost identical to another one here...


But you need some anathomy work up.





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Dude i really love the last sig;








did you made it?? :) that shark looks about perfect,


finish the water, clouds and sun, and thats a big 10/10 for you :wink:




second one: nice, the anti dragonshield is to small though.


fourth one: nothing wrong with, 7/10.




(btw, do you use graphicsgale? or paint?)



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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Dude i really love the last sig;








did you made it?? :) that shark looks about perfect,


finish the water, clouds and sun, and thats a big 10/10 for you :wink:




second one: nice, the anti dragonshield is to small though.


fourth one: nothing wrong with, 7/10.




(btw, do you use graphicsgale? or paint?)




Paint and thanks for the flowers :wink:



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You've made very quick progress, its like a fast-forward of most people's pixel careers all into one week :shock: ..




Love the last one, but yes you could work on faces more, study other peoples work to see how they've pixelised character to the scale you want, I know its tricky gettin detail and proportions right in such a small canvas.




Google is your friend, search ocean and you'll find some good ocean sceneries, notice how the light is placed. And look at disney character maybe, it could help you develop your faces into something more interesting and stylised.. goodluck :wink:

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You've made very quick progress, its like a fast-forward of most people's pixel careers all into one week :shock:




Wow, didn't actually think my sigs were that good.:shock::shock::shock:


Who knows though, don't see many pixels around here anymore. :?



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  • 4 weeks later...

may you make me a sig where there's a room of stacked GP on a table in the middle, the back wall is white with armor hanging on it


a verac's set hung on the wall in the center, over gp-stacked table


a dharok's set hung on the wall a foot to the left of the verac's


a full dragon set with drag shield and whip hanging a foot away from the veracs on the right


one guy with sunglasses and shorts laying on a long beach chair on the right under him in little letters is Tannaris, he'll be saying, "Hey Trunks, remember our old schemes?"


another guy, on the left in sunglasses and shorts, reclining the same way, says "yeah, that was fun"


In the top left corner it says Ftrunks123


quote "this scheme worked"




i gave a lot of thought into this one...


Sorry for the off-topicness, but is that the god for Pastafarians? I've heard so much about these cultists/teenagers/people

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  • 3 months later...

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