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This is the end of my rs career... i had a great time, and it is a phenomenal game, but i just dont have the itme anymore (sophmore year in hs)




I was planning on quitting this summer, but now it seems the end came early bc wen i lagged in the wild today the next time i logged in i was in fally :( :(


Its just not worth it working back all that cash (lost: full ahrims full rune whip new gloves inf boots, toxic shield runes etc. etc.)


I had a great time and this is a great game, but it can be waayy to unfair sometimes and relies too much on time put into it and not skill.


1 day after my first real pk (see my thread in graveyard) I got pked. Bad.




The time neccesary to be good at this game tis ridiculous


novalyfe gave up his life for this game


I just cant play a game that means the more time u waste the better u are.


all my friends had quit a while ago, now it is my turn


Thanx for the many memories Runescape, It's been great!

The PROUD owner of a fire cape.

-- I Support Israel, the United States, England, and any other country that has been attacked by terrorists--

---Any country attacked has a right to defend itself---

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If you quit now, you are gonna hate yourself for it.


My friend quit and gave his account to a friend who moved away and now that he wants to get back on rs, he can't lol.




Just leave your account and come back once you have licked your wounds.


I know what it feels like to loose everything.


I got banned once before lol :lol:

First D-Drop on 7/2/07! (skirt)

Trading herb seeds for herbs with INSANELY GREAT ratios to earn you millions!


One of the few players of Runescape who knows PHP, Java, Javascript, HTML, and Advanced Image Editing while being under 18! \:D/

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Dude... I'm in the military. Do you honestly think I have the time to play? NOOOO!!! It takes me a long time to train up, earn money, get what I need because of my unavailibility. However, I'm still in there. Hookin' and jabbin'. I've lost my money, armor, what seemed like everything, but I kept pushing and eventually I was a better scaper for it. You can't lose sight of your goal, and the reason you started playing in the first place.

(now some1 quote me and add me to ur sig)
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Never heard Obby Shield be called Toxic shield lol. Anyways good luck, but keep your character and your stuff.




toxic just sounds awsome im calling it that from now on. also ive seen only like 1 other person use it other than the topic creator.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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Well goodbye, I wish you a good life. I personally don't think I could quit but if you're bored with the game then you're doing the right thing quitting. No reason to play if you don't enjoy. Good luck :!:

R.I.P. The olde nite. A legend is gone but not forgotten.


a Faction Related Item Sink for Rune Labs. https://[LikelyScam]/m=player-proposal/a=13/c=VcG-Ir5Ijno/view-idea?idea=19



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you may quit, you may never return, but you will never be the same person, when you are hanging with your freinds you will fell odd for a while becuase its like there is another world they don't know about but you do.




or you may just go on and live and normal life

-no longer playing runescape, I have moved on to play world of warcraft. But I love the community of the forums so I plan to stay here.

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=) a fellow comrade. i didnt lose my stuff, but i got bored a mth ago. i juz linger around the forums before i will be off too.




yea, u gotta feel odd when hanging around ur friends. sure, welcome back to the real world. this is where your life and flesh is.

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the reall woring for the obby shield sounds like toxic by the way.




yeah it must really s*ck to die the way you did, personnaly i wouldnt pk in everything i own, specially if your on a low speed comp taht cant handle it sometimes. when i log in and out i pick a safe area most people do.




You also said it was 1 day after your first pk personnaly id say you dont have the experience to pk with ahrims. Use mystic and take d hide you can buy that 10-15 times over and its not much different to ahrims that combination. You can always pk with a freind to nothing wrong with it thats what freidns are for. can get your abck when u log in.




i was pkin with my freind the other day a noob 91 str pure lage in right next to us, my freind simply ranges him and hes dead for whip, it happens and there nothing youc an do about it. go kill green drags for moeny its quick and you dnt have to loose anything if you do it right. easy cash quick and fast.



GWD solo drops: Armadyl Hilt sold at 63.5m - (More to come hopefully)

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im a sophomore in high school too, and i still find plenty of time to play rs. dont let death get in the way, just make more money and all that lovely stuff. that or just retire for a period and come back

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Most people who randomly make these annoying quitting posts will come back within a week or so. If you have enough time to make a quitting post then you are probably not quitting. When I quit, it was very random. I just stopped playing altogether, but that's an entirely new story. My point is that if you're going to quit, then quit. Don't turn on your computer. Quitting is hard.

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I quit also... over one year of non-activity on my char Cc_Asskicker.. I come back and every single one of my buddies is level 110+ and i'm still friggin 98.. go figure... I've been playing 3 + years mostly pking free servers (even while a member) and making friends. Just don't quit for too long. It's easy to get back everything you have, however, it's a pain in the butt to train a account up again.

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