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I don't care who takes Zez down, I just think it's time for a change. No offense to Zezima, he earned his spot as number one. Zezima is a GREAT player and all but change can be good. I think it would give some motivation to other players to see that it is possible to beat Zezima. Lilyuffie88 just happens to be the closest to doing that. All she has to do is get her last to skills to 99. Sure, Zez may see this coming and outdo her in skill by then. But at least it puts Lilyuffie in a place to actually be able to get first. Once Lilyuffie completes those last two skills and works her way to at least second, she just has to work harder and faster than Zez to achieve first. Like I said before, though, it doesn't have to be Lilyuffie or N0valyfe, or The Old Nite, I just think it's time for a change in "Royalty".

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the next person to bump zezima off number one is gonna be novalyfe, just casue he plays so much, when the next skill comes out he's gonna get that number one spot before zezima, but then zezima is gonna catch up...but! eventually Lilyffie is gonna take it, its just a matter of time

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I think he could pass her, but only temporarily. As we all know, the limit is 200m exp in one skill. Once zezima hits that, he will no longer be in first. :)

fan of her's.
You know what I hate? People putting an apostrophe on a personal pronoun. STOP IT.
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I definitly think lilyuffie88 could surpase Zezima. But the difference now is only about 3 mill exp. Which means Zezima ia leveling up fast. To quite to level up her remainded skills now would be bad, cause Zezima would definitly surpase her.




Personally, I'd like to see The Old Nite, or Lilyuffie88 in first place. Another favorite I'd like to reach high would be English King, but he was just booted to the top of the second page by someone else. =( But I know he plays cause I saw him in Pest Control.




Zezima comes off as a bit stuck up. And he teases players by messing with his private chat. Which I think is kind of dirty.


Me doing staff.

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i can say this conversation is as useful as finding the next Dhalai Llama in America (btw impossible, we're kinda dumb)


Sorry for the off-topicness, but is that the god for Pastafarians? I've heard so much about these cultists/teenagers/people

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I find peoples obsession with the top players a bit creepy... :shock:




Maybe you should conentrate on your own game?




isn't it the same as peoples interest in royal family in britain or any pop celebrity or Bill gates lol?




I'm a "fan" of Lilyffie too, I hope she comes "unexpectedly" and beats them all :)




though N0valyfe really could be the best if he wanted...


n0valyfe, is a she

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no I dont think lilyuffie will catch up so fast her Runecrafting is to low and that takes a long time to raise up and by then Zezima willcatch up. I think if we get a new skill N0valyfe and maybe The Old Nite will take the lead. Also look out for cyrano74 all he needs is some slayer levels :).

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Also if Novalyfe trains Cooking up fast or firemaking she could get the same exp as Zezima if not more :-)




Go N0valyfe and Cyrano74!




Actually, the next person to overtake total xp in my opinion would be Xxx Neo xxX 7 or whatever. The #1 fletcher, #2 mage, and like #6 firemaker.

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Ive met lilyuffie88 before she is like one of the coolest players ive met on rs! She will easily overtake Zezima and she is a great Rs player. I really think Zezima and the Old Nite's reign is coming to an end and I wish that they'd get that 200m xp limit shud be changed. N0valyfe or Lilyuffie88 but if you ask me Lilyuffie deserves it more than anyone else for being one of the most friendly Rs players i met.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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Zezima will always be the most famous because he was the first to reach 99 in all skills and has been number 1 on hiscores for a long time so a lot of people have seen that

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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