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Lvl 100+ players are ALL selfish (funniest moment on page 7)


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God, this guy made my head hurt. But it was funny.




So I'm sitting gathering herbs at the chaos druids in taverly, and there are two other people there: a lvl 109 named McDolittle or something with a whip/d legs/whatever, and a lvl 74 genius named, lets say, Imamoron2k6.


So Imamoron2k6 says "Mcdolittle....I buy your d legs 2.6million".




No answer from the 109.




So the frustrated 74 says "omg of course you're lvl 100+, you're all selfish." By this time, the 109 has gone somewhere else. So i decide to ask the genius 74 why exactly he said that.




A short summary of Imamoron2k6's argument: All lvl 100+'s are selfish because the ALL ignore everyone who ever talks to them.




A summary of Imamoron2k6's answers to my arguments:




I say: Some people turn public chat to "off" so they don't get bothered


He says: They're jerks and should leave public chat on "on" and just say "stop bothering me" to everyone that talks to them (politely, of course)


(can you imagine if zezima did that? I think his fingers would bleed from all the typing)




I say: Maybe some people want to play this game alone (I point to i believe it was GalaxyG in rsc, who basically played the game by himself. He didn't even get his hands on a r2h until someone from the tipit forums found him training and dropped it on the ground for him)


He says: It's impossible to play this game alone. Therefore you should put public chat on "on". Unless you're a jerk.




And the grand slam of all arguments, that left me feeling so absolutely wrong and speechless I almost jumped off a building:




"What if you have public chat off and someone's selling full guthans for 5 million? You're missing the trade of the year!"




My response in short was "who gives a flying panda".






In conclusion: everyone who's lvl 100+ is a jerk. A completely selfish, piggish, mean, horrible, abusive jerk.






At least I got a laugh out of the whole deal.

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Thank you for making me laugh! I feared the worst when I saw the headline, but this was a well-written anecdote. :D

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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Lol I love these people who hate high levels. I agree that some high levels are jerks but still these people that think all high levels are jerks are just ignorant or jealous.

R.I.P. The olde nite. A legend is gone but not forgotten.


a Faction Related Item Sink for Rune Labs. https://[LikelyScam]/m=player-proposal/a=13/c=VcG-Ir5Ijno/view-idea?idea=19



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well... we are free... we can answer or not... you dislike it? not my problem kid




did you actually read what I typed, or are you actually answering (Imamoron2k6, who's probably here in spirit), or did you just read my thread title and type a response?

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In conclusion: everyone who's lvl 100+ is a jerk. A completely selfish, piggish, mean, horrible, abusive jerk.









Lol yea, you had a few not so nice lvl 100+, and because of that they are all selfish :D

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The only level 100+ ignorant jerks are the ones who started out as level 3 ignorant jerks - such as Imamoron2k6!

Why is 'common sense' so named, when there is so little of it about?

Welcome to puberty, we've been expecting you.


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Anyone that's arrogant enough to think that the entire rs world is so annoying or beneath them to put public chat to off/friends so strangers don't chat them up is a jerk, level 109 or level 9.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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Anyone that's arrogant enough to think that the entire rs world is so annoying or beneath them to put public chat to off/friends so strangers don't chat them up is a jerk, level 109 or level 9.




And if i like playing quietly by myself and treating RS like it's single player?


I'm a jerk all of a sudden?




Or if I'm so introverted I just don't wanna talk to other people? I'm a jerk?




For someone with such a high post count I would have figured you as having a bit more sense than the rest of the RS community. There do exist people who are constantly bothered to the point that they have to turn their public chat off to avoid having less fun with runescape.




Besides, my mama told me not to talk to strange-uhs.

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Anyone that's arrogant enough to think that the entire rs world is so annoying or beneath them to put public chat to off/friends so strangers don't chat them up is a jerk, level 109 or level 9.




And if i like playing quietly by myself and treating RS like it's single player?


I'm a jerk all of a sudden?




Or if I'm so introverted I just don't wanna talk to other people? I'm a jerk?




For someone with such a high post count I would have figured you as having a bit more sense than the rest of the RS community. There do exist people who are constantly bothered to the point that they have to turn their public chat off to avoid having less fun with runescape.




You act as if people don't bring bother upon themselves.




And I'm sure you'll agree there's a difference between lilyuffie and Brolly2k2k2k59

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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Anyone that's arrogant enough to think that the entire rs world is so annoying or beneath them to put public chat to off/friends so strangers don't chat them up is a jerk, level 109 or level 9.




And if i like playing quietly by myself and treating RS like it's single player?


I'm a jerk all of a sudden?




Or if I'm so introverted I just don't wanna talk to other people? I'm a jerk?




For someone with such a high post count I would have figured you as having a bit more sense than the rest of the RS community. There do exist people who are constantly bothered to the point that they have to turn their public chat off to avoid having less fun with runescape.




You act as if people don't bring bother upon themselves.




What, by playing until I'm a lvl 126? It's my fault that I get bothered because I worked hard to get to a high level?




You are making the following arguments:


1) Zezima brought all the bother upon himself because he achieved




And in a much more extreme sense: Women are sexually harrassed because they look good.




EDIT: What exactly is the difference between lilYufffie and brolly if they have the same skill total and same amount of exp? I'd LOVE for you to explain this one to me.

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well... we are free... we can answer or not... you dislike it? not my problem kid




did you actually read what I typed, or are you actually answering (Imamoron2k6, who's probably here in spirit), or did you just read my thread title and type a response?




yes, i did, ur arguments are idiot.,.. ppl can answers if they dont want to, if they dont.. :roll:




i just typed my arguments... I am lvl 103 and i am not "rude". but when i dont want to answer i dont and dont care if it is a mod or something...

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What, by playing until I'm a lvl 126? It's my fault that I get bothered because I worked hard to get to a high level?




You are making the following arguments:


1) Zezima brought all the bother upon himself because he achieved




And in a much more extreme sense: Women are sexually harrassed because they look good.




As opposed to what? "It's everybody else's fault because they all look up to me or want something from me?"

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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well... we are free... we can answer or not... you dislike it? not my problem kid




did you actually read what I typed, or are you actually answering (Imamoron2k6, who's probably here in spirit), or did you just read my thread title and type a response?




yes, i did, ur arguments are idiot.,.. ppl can answers if they dont want to, if they dont.. :roll:




i just typed my arguments... I am lvl 103 and i am not "rude". but when i dont want to answer i dont and dont care if it is a mod or something...




Sweet jesus, you really did only read my thread title. News flash: I typed what some OTHER person was arguing about. I made fun of some OTHER person for saying lvl 100+'s are jerks. This is the part where you acknowledge that you didn't actually pay attention to what you read.

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well..... as you say... "Who gives a flying panda"... I have my private and public chat off at all time...i never give anythign to anyone ( afterall why should I? None ever given me anything for free) and afterall this is a game... what are you ? so damn stupid that you cant even play the game?




And i can just see this thread turning into another Zezima thread...




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What, by playing until I'm a lvl 126? It's my fault that I get bothered because I worked hard to get to a high level?




You are making the following arguments:


1) Zezima brought all the bother upon himself because he achieved




And in a much more extreme sense: Women are sexually harrassed because they look good.




As opposed to what? "It's everybody else's fault because they all look up to me or want something from me?"




Gah, your edit threw me off.




Okay first:


1) Looking up to someone in runescape for simply putting in more time than you is, well, insane. You should consider getting real role models, like Mohandas Ghandi.


2) I never said it was the low level player's fault for looking up to the 100


3) I said it wasn't true that the lvl 100 brought it upon himself.




Again, you're still saying that women are sexually harrassed because they look good.

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Your argument is self-defeating. If the premise of playing an MMO is to have fun, and they have to handicap part of the game (namely the second M) to have fun in the game, you might as well not play.




There are plenty of games for introverts. Solitare comes to mind.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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dude not all are, i was with a lvl 105 at blue drags in heroes guild and even doe he could have got every single 1 he was nice enough to share with me




For the love of god, people need to actually read the story before typing.

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Your argument is self-defeating. If the premise of playing an MMO is to have fun, and they have to handicap part of the game (namely the second M) to have fun in the game, you might as well not play.




There are plenty of games for introverts. Solitare comes to mind.




My argument is not self defeating. You're arguing that the only way to enjoy a game is to play it solely by the original design, and if you're not social and outgoing you shouldn't play.




Additionally, playing an MMO to have fun is defined on YOUR terms, not anyone else's. Why should YOU be able to tell someone else how to enjoy the game?




Edit: And if you turn public chat to friends and only play with friends, are you somehow a jerk all of a sudden because you only play with friends?

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well..... as you say... "Who gives a flying panda"... I have my private and public chat off at all time...i never give anythign to anyone ( afterall why should I? None ever given me anything for free) and afterall this is a game... what are you ? so damn stupid that you cant even play the game?




And i can just see this thread turning into another Zezima thread...




Again, why is it so hard to read my entire story before you post? Is it really that hard to figure out that it's a funny story about someone else saying something dumb?

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Your argument is self-defeating. If the premise of playing an MMO is to have fun, and they have to handicap part of the game (namely the second M) to have fun in the game, you might as well not play.




There are plenty of games for introverts. Solitare comes to mind.




















That explains your location: Cowtown... :roll:




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