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Lvl 100+ players are ALL selfish (funniest moment on page 7)


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They didn't put those on google! They are definisions of the words! Shows you that your IQ is low.




Does anyone find it amazingly ironic that this guy's name is WHIZKID?




I can't stop laughing.

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Whats so funny about it? Did you know how to solve quadratic equations in 6th grade? I did. Did you read The Hobbit in 1st grade and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy in 3rd grade? I did all of that. I doubp you have. With your narrow-minded view of High level players.

R.I.P The Old Nite. Heroes get remembered. But Legends never die. You were truly a Runescape Legend


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This is wonderful, it's like watching morons on parade. I haven't seen so many short attention spans since I last encountered a support group for ecstasy abusers. Don't do drugs kids, or you'll end up like these people.

"Join me next week on 'Let's Make No Freaking Sense', when I shall be waxing an owl."

- Green Wing


Barrows Drops: 1x Verac's Flail, 2x Karil's Crossbow, 1x Torag's Hammers, 1x Karil's Leatherskirt, 1x Karil's Coif

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I think that you are a jerk to diss high level players, thats your opinion. But when you diss my name is when you become a total, absolute noob. Even the lowliest noobs in Lumbridge and the ones that begg in the streets of Varrock don't go as low to diss and flame someone's name for the fun of it. I know a lot of people who make fun of their friends name, because they all know that it is a joke, but when you diss a total strangers name just to get back at them is when you become really cold.

R.I.P The Old Nite. Heroes get remembered. But Legends never die. You were truly a Runescape Legend


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I think that you are a jerk to diss high level players, thats your opinion. But when you diss my name is when you become a total, absolute noob. Even the lowliest noobs in Lumbridge and the ones that begg in the streets of Varrock don't go as low to diss and flame someone's name for the fun of it. I know a lot of people who make fun of their friends name, because they all know that it is a joke, but when you diss a total strangers name just to get back at them is when you become really cold.




I think i gotta put whizkid out of his misery, despite how much entertainment he just provided.




Whizkid: This entire thread was making fun of a guy I met in runescape who said that all lvl 100+ players were selfish jerks. I was making fun of him for saying that. I was not saying lvl 100+ players were jerks. You misinterpreted, and I decided to play along. You somehow still didn't get it, despite all the clues I gave you. This makes you 3 things:




1) definitely NOT a whizkid


2) very very gullible


3) COMPLETELY unable to understand sarcasm.




This is your last chance to read back through the thread- I suggest you take it and at least try to save some face.




By the way, I was working out triple-variable quadratic equations in 5th grade.

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MY. GOD. You. Are. ALL. Idiots.




This was the most painful topic I have ever read. Never before has such a huge collection of idiots paraded their pea-brains on tip.it forums. I wish that I could add each of these idiots to my ignore list so that I would never have to suffer through one more of their posts. I seriously feel my IQ drained at the sight of so many imbeciles' posts.




I would long ago posted:






at the top of the initial post... but then again you wouldn't get to see morons in their "spl3duhr" now would you.:lol:






Oh NOES imma 104 c0mbahts0hrz im shellfish t00!!!........ *twitch*


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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Whats so funny about it? Did you know how to solve quadratic equations in 6th grade? I did. Did you read The Hobbit in 1st grade and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy in 3rd grade? I did all of that. I doubp you have. With your narrow-minded view of High level players.




let us all bow down to the cool guy who read books. He is our superior for reading books, in a grade, all hail the book king.

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Thanks for a most entertaining thread chris and for keeping your humor through the truckload of knee-jerk posters who couldnt read past the thread title before hitting the post reply button. However, since the thread did take a turn (lost soon after through several other wrong turns) towards discussing at some point the validity of the title, I will add my view on that aspect as well.




As many have posted earlier, the combat level of the player has nothing to do with the selfishness of the player. Yet, people tend to notice it more among the higher level players. There is a reason for this thats similar to people taking more notice of celebrities behaving badly as opposed to ordinary folk.




A lot of players associate a higher combat level with maturity or generosity either because they are looked up to as someone they would like to be (role model) or someone they can challenge for supremacy (sort of like a tribal elder that you want to dethrone).




Consider an average player on RS, say in the range of combat lvl 50-80 (or equivalent experience in the case of a skiller), who has gone past the first few levels to realize that it takes a lot of effort to reach combat 100 or thereabouts. They now look upon the higher levels with awe (like their big brother if you will). When the few higher level players react in a stand-offish manner for any reason, even if they are perfectly valid, it leaves a bitter impression in the lower level player and they take it out on other lower level players.




At the same time, an equally rude or stand-offish lower level player does not affect the player so much simply due to the fact that they are not role models for the average player. Take the case of the rude beggar on the street and compare them to the rude teacher in a classroom. Now do you see why it seems like the lvl 100+ players are ruder than the lower lvl players? If you still dont get it, thats alright. Some people do take a few extra years to catch up.


# 1101 to 99 range on 12-18-05

85 slayer on 12-18-05 with combat at 102;

retired from members since Feb 06.

Back since June 07. 2000+ total.

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I'm not selfish.... :(




I was going to take you at your word, but then i saw your sig saying that you were level 111. Which means you're a jerk. But you get an A for effort for trying to fool us all.










Your the jerk, I'm not lvl 100+ but I know a few. Are Barihawk and Nathanich lvl 100+? what about Trojann2? I bet they are, but if they are they aren't selfish.




barihawks 90 something, and trojann is 100+

75/80 Hitpoints | 81/85 Strength | 1/1 Pray | 1/1 Defense

[Make Me Rich!] | [Brutal Ownage]

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That means that barihawk is a near-guaranteed jerk and trojann is not only a guaranteed jerk, but has a small chance of making people around him into jerks too.




Thanks for the thanks people- its good to find people who actually can read.

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Anyone that's arrogant enough to think that the entire rs world is so annoying or beneath them to put public chat to off/friends so strangers don't chat them up is a jerk, level 109 or level 9.




And you're a jerk for being narrow minded. So... whats your point?




Fact is, the community can get down right annoying at times. I was harrassed as a lvl 101 and as a noob lvl 20. So of course I'm not going to want to be bothered sometimes. That doesn't make me a jerk. It makes you a jerk for thinking what you do though.




I'm not quite clear what you're getting at with the last part of your post- but I will re-iterate.




If you think that everyone is beneath you, you are a jerk. That's what my first post in this thread said, and I'll stand by it.




Thats a mere assumption on your part. Just because I opt to set my chat to "off" or "friends" doesn't mean I think anyone is beneath me based on level and level alone.




I strongly agree when people use the clicḫ̩̉̉ "We all start off as level 3s". Fact is, some of us just don't want to be bothered unless its by someone on our friends list. And even then... sometimes some of us just don't want to be bothered at all (even by the people on our friends list).




Your statement is totally broken and pure ignorance once you think of it. Whether you think you're right or not... You're just plain out wrong. So yeah... that would make you the jerk. Its pretty sad because I actually had a little bit of respect for you. With a statement like that... My opinion has slightly changed about you.




EDIT: RAHK... that last reply/flame post was really a bit much.


R.I.P Shiva

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Whats so funny about it? Did you know how to solve quadratic equations in 6th grade? I did. Did you read The Hobbit in 1st grade and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy in 3rd grade? I did all of that. I doubp you have. With your narrow-minded view of High level players.




Oooh, so that's 1300+ (more with appendices) pages of literature, I can see why you were too tired to read the 4 pages of posts :lol: and you've got to admit, the quadratic formula is kind of a plug and chug thing... no thought neccessary. Now if you derived the quadratic formula in 6th grade, that would be a bit more impressive ;)[/good natured ribbing]

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In conclusion: everyone who's lvl 100+ is a jerk. A completely selfish, piggish, mean, horrible, abusive jerk.





Everyone who is less than 100 is a jealous noob.




Don't brush with such a broad brush. You end up sounding like an idiot.


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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mmkay... so the moment my combat goes from 99 to 100 im a jerk? interesting.... YYou fail to realize your combat level is an average of your str, hp, prayer, atk, and def. levels. It has nothing to do with being a jerk. its only a level. Combat levels are mostly made to let you know how well you will fare against a monster or player before you jump in. They dont dictate how you cat in the game.




You just met a jerk Period. Combat has nothing to do with it.

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In conclusion: everyone who's lvl 100+ is a jerk. A completely selfish, piggish, mean, horrible, abusive jerk.





Everyone who is less than 100 is a jealous noob.




Don't brush with such a broad brush. You end up sounding like an idiot.




Well, thanks to your ever so informative post..... Allow me to make another statement: There do exist lvl 100+ players who either have no reading comprehension or are too lazy to read through pages of posts.






Read again, mr. 99 slayer man. Very carefully. Very slowly. Don't skim the cliffs notes. Read very carefully. Then you can reply here saying "wow i'm dumb I don't understand sarcastic humor, my apologies for wasting your time."




But then again, thanks for giving us all someone to laugh at.

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They didn't put those on google! They are definisions of the words! Shows you that your IQ is low.




no yours is. he is sarcastic and you are gullible! not really but i almost fell outta my chair laughing at that. sorry.




if lvl 100+ are jerks then i must be the nicest guy ever sweet! i think barihawk is lvl 94 at the moment ( i just checked)




and speaking of derivitives in 6th and LOTR in 3rd. i did that too you know i am a bibliophile got 13 bookcases in my house average over 100 pages per day reading for me




chris 1216! you are so funny keep the humor alive! keep tipit laughing you can do it!!! have you ever considered being a comedian?


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mmkay... so the moment my combat goes from 99 to 100 im a jerk? interesting.... YYou fail to realize your combat level is an average of your str, hp, prayer, atk, and def. levels. It has nothing to do with being a jerk. its only a level. Combat levels are mostly made to let you know how well you will fare against a monster or player before you jump in. They dont dictate how you cat in the game.




You just met a jerk Period. Combat has nothing to do with it.




I need to start making a list of people that can't read.

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In conclusion: everyone who's lvl 100+ is a jerk. A completely selfish, piggish, mean, horrible, abusive jerk.





Everyone who is less than 100 is a jealous noob.




Don't brush with such a broad brush. You end up sounding like an idiot.




Well, thanks to your ever so informative post..... Allow me to make another statement: There do exist lvl 100+ players who either have no reading comprehension or are too lazy to read through pages of posts.






Read again, mr. 99 slayer man. Very carefully. Very slowly. Don't skim the cliffs notes. Read very carefully. Then you can reply here saying "wow i'm dumb I don't understand sarcastic humor, my apologies for wasting your time."




But then again, thanks for giving us all someone to laugh at.




I don't need to read through 5 pages of spam on a worthless topic about who's cooler than who because they read LOTR and can divide fractions. Don't post if you don't add anything to our discussions of General P2P. If anything this should be off topic.


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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They didn't put those on google! They are definisions of the words! Shows you that your IQ is low.




no yours is. he is sarcastic and you are gullible! not really but i almost fell outta my chair laughing at that. sorry.




i did that too you know i am a bibliophile got 13 bookcases in my house average over 100 pages per day reading for me.




Does Bibliophile mean a dictionary? It sure sounds like it. :lol:

R.I.P The Old Nite. Heroes get remembered. But Legends never die. You were truly a Runescape Legend


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In conclusion: everyone who's lvl 100+ is a jerk. A completely selfish, piggish, mean, horrible, abusive jerk.





Everyone who is less than 100 is a jealous noob.




Don't brush with such a broad brush. You end up sounding like an idiot.




Well, thanks to your ever so informative post..... Allow me to make another statement: There do exist lvl 100+ players who either have no reading comprehension or are too lazy to read through pages of posts.






Read again, mr. 99 slayer man. Very carefully. Very slowly. Don't skim the cliffs notes. Read very carefully. Then you can reply here saying "wow i'm dumb I don't understand sarcastic humor, my apologies for wasting your time."




But then again, thanks for giving us all someone to laugh at.




I don't need to read through 5 pages of spam on a worthless topic about who's cooler than who because they read LOTR and can divide fractions. Don't post if you don't add anything to our discussions of General P2P. If anything this should be off topic.




May I present Axe Man Jack, an arrogant no-reading-comprehension guy who COINCIDENTALLY happens to be a high lvl player. You may all shower him with accolades for his ability to post without even reading the initial post on this thread.




HINT HINT: read the first post, buddy! save some face.

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They didn't put those on google! They are definisions of the words! Shows you that your IQ is low.




no yours is. he is sarcastic and you are gullible! not really but i almost fell outta my chair laughing at that. sorry.




i did that too you know i am a bibliophile got 13 bookcases in my house average over 100 pages per day reading for me.




Does Bibliophile mean a dictionary? It sure sounds like it. :lol:






Read any of the thread yet, mr. quadratic equation? Or still in the dark?

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