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Last Days of a Runescape Player


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After coming home after school Friday on a seemingly typical day I decided to go play Runescape and join in some games Pest Control, which I had been hooked on since its release the week before. After slowly waiting for my computer to boot up and Runescape to load I went to enter in my username and password, only to see the fearful message "Your account has been disabled. Please check your message-centre for details."




Horrified I went to check what this was about, brining up another Runescape window and loading up my message-centre. Clicking on the newest message titled "Re: Your Runescape Account" I discovered I had been banned for supposedly marcoing, which I have never even seriously though of doing. Continuing to read the message I discovered it was a permanent ban, my only hope was to appeal it.




After returning to the homepage I clicked the link titled "Appeal a ban", a link I thought I would never have to use, and began to write my appeal, hugely constricted by the low amount of characters I was allowed to type. Finally I wrote the best appeal for the situation I could with only 400 characters, and sent the query, hoping to have this mess straightened out as soon as possible.




Impatiently I refreshed my message-centre inbox less then 5 minutes later hoping for a reply, and amazingly, there was one. Opening it I discovered it seemed to be a completely automated message that did little more then restate what the previous message had said. This clearly meant they didn't even read my appeal, which astounded me further. I then hoped this was standard procedure, simply confirming that that received my appeal, and that they would send another message later telling my they sorted out the problem.




At this point I then loaded up Runescape again, this time on a free world, and logged onto my newb account designed as a skill pure, hoping to inform some of my friends what had happened. Very few of my friends had this account name though, so I could contact very few of them, but I desperately added the few who I could remember their full name, including various numbers or etc. hoping they were online. Through the course of the day I only managed to contact about 5 of my friends, who were also astounded I got banned, for they know me as an honest player. But this didn't worry me much, I had faith in Jagex fixing the problem and that I would have my account back soon enough. At this point I had to get offline, as I was going to my aunts, and truly believed I would have my account back the next day.




Upon returning home I loaded up Runescape, not even checking my message-centre to find the same horrific message, and after logging onto the message-centre, I found no new messages. My friends advised me to send another, which I promptly did, adding in the detail that I was sending in another because the first one seemed to have not been read. For this one I did receive no automated message, so I expected a human would actually be reading it, and it would just take some time. Throughout the day I checked my message-centre quite often while still attempting to remember as many friends names as I could. Then one of my friends had a strike of brilliance and thought of friends list highscores, so I rushed on to that and printed the list that contained the majority of my friends, and added them to my newbs friends list, hoping to contact them. After adding the great majority of them to the list, I noticed a frighteningly low amount of them were online, only one thing could have caused that....Private chat set to Friends. This worried me greatly, because it meant that if I didn't get my account back, I would not be able to contact a great majority of my friends. But I still had hope...Thinking of time zones, I realized that Jagex would have been closed at the time, and that I would most likely receive a message come morning once the staff got back to work, and on these happy thoughts drifted off to sleep.




Waking up the next morning, today to be precise, I decided to check my message-centre, and....still nothing. At this point I was really starting to loose hope, but decide I would get a reply soon and went to go do stuff outside. After I came back inside about 2 hours later I again checked my message-centre, and this time...A REPLY! Quite happily I opened it and began to read it. It didn't take long for my smile to change to a frown. It clearly stated that my appeal was not successful. Then continued to state that any further appeals would not be considered. It finally dawned on me that I would never get my account back.




My total loss from this? About 4 years of honest work, at least 70 million in items, and most importantly, it cost me over 100 friends. My final stats? 105 combat, 1500 skill total, and quite a few high skills. This would have been considered my first offense, if I had actually done it, and it got me a permanent ban. To this date I have NEVER done anything illegal in Runescape, yet I lost everything on a falsely justified ban. I have already decided I am done with this game, for if everything can be taken away without you doing anything I don't feel like starting from the beginning only for the same thing to happen.




If any of my friends who I failed to have contacted please add "ye olde frog" to your friends list, for it is the only account I will ever be on. I will play for a few more days, trying to contact friends, but after that I'm gone. Though I still have a mask set, which I stored on a secondary account incase my main ever got hacked, I don't know what I will do with it.




This is a farewell to all Tip.it'ers, for even though I have rarely posted, I have read just about every topic this forum has had since I joined it. This is also a warning that a similar thing could happen to you, why? I don't and will probably never know, but apparently Jagex prefers to ban innocent honest members, rather then the thousands of autoers that litter free to play worlds.




So long, and good luck in avoiding a similar fate.

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If you still can ask for proof. They should at least try to prove it, and if they say we have enough proof to make sure this ban is in order threatan legal action:p

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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I'm getting even more paranoiac now. 4 yrs of honest playing, 1500+ total, 105 combat, all exactly like me. It's amazing to think that they would ban people after 4 long years... The customer team is junk..

2480+ total

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Man, It's a shame they are falsely banning people for macroing because other people are too lazy to work. Runescape is becoming all corrupted because of them. Hopefully they get this problem worked out and you succeed in what you wanna do irl.

122 Combat : 99 Hits : 99 Attack : 99 Strength

97/99 Defence : 99 Fletching : 99 Woodcutting

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Other than getting a new account (or don't playing RS anymore), your only option would be to keep sending appeals until they read one. Sorry for hearing that. :cry:

This signature is intentionally left blank.

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These things seem to be happening more and more often, and it sickens me. :evil: So many honest, runle-abiding players are being banned, many of them losing years of work. Jagex need to either stop being so ban-happy, or really make sure the player is a rule breaker. I mean, if someone has played for 4 years and were macroing, it's extremely unlikely that you wouldn't have caught them before now. Well, mage190, I feel sorry for you. It happens to the best of us, unfortunately.

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Other than getting a new account (or don't playing RS anymore), your only option would be to keep sending appeals until they read one. Sorry for hearing that. :cry:




He said that in his message, he said that no other appeals would be considered.



There are 10 types of people in the world - those that know binary and those that have a social life

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just about the same thing happened to me


my first account was banned in january 2006 for macroing in rsc (didnt macro in rsc when i played and i also havent played rsc in like a year, logged in at times though to watch my cousin stake when i was bored) yeah all my appeals failed, about 4-5 years of work gone 1361 skill total 65 slayer, 94 fletching and 80 cooking i was banned the day after getting 80 cooking lost full guthans, full dharok, full drag no chain, 211k rune ess, 2m and other stuff.


so i started working on this old account i had, back in like march or something and its all going pretty good now




sorry to hear about your account :cry:




The Corporeal beast has become wise to your tricks and has gained a stomp attack that hurts players standing underneath him. Watch out!

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Thanks for your posts. I also posted this same story on the Runescape official forums, only to find that within 15 minutes of posting it, it was locked, aswell as all my posts hidden. That really makes you feel that they don't want people to know they are banning inocent players.

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ffs man that sucks..cant belive stuff like this is happening



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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I know how you feel :oops:




My account got permanent banned to because i said "jagex blocks your pass out (joke ... dont report me!!!!!!!!!!!!!)"




They report me and i get PERMANENT ban, i didn't scammed ANYONE in the past 3 years.




However the first appeal i did was succesful and i got a reply within the first 3 minutes. So yea i got 'lucky' to get only 3 black marks and 7 day ban


I completely lost faith in Customer Support and Jagex myself cause of this to.




Sorry for your loss, you might still be able to send queries to jagex through 'comment on our service ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâû complaint'

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Every1 unite against those "ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâç%()"$?"`"ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâç!($!)ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâç(/%))%("=ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâç)`/$%("ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâç%/("ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâç$)="!(ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâç)%&!(/"&ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâç$!?"$`!)="/



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I feeel for your m8,But try to get over it,And get a new hobby or something,One day you will look back and probably be glad they banned you right? :)

23 whip pks,3 dhorka,2 ahrims lvl 119 attack 99 strength 99 and defence 92 plus 94 mage

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If you were banned from macroing they normally have concrete proof before banning for that, for example the detection system picked you up or something you said in game suggested that you may be using a macroer. Do you use any 3rd party clients to play runescape?




Keep appealing and asking for evidence.

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Men, I am getting sich and tired of all of these Jagex. Not because you should post them, but because it just goes to show you how incompetent the costomer service system is.




Still, I'm starting to get a bit paranoid about all of this. One of these days i'm afraid they'll ban me for something like this, which is why I make sure never to sound or act even remotely like a bot.




Good luck with whatever you decide to do in life :)


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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Srry for that man the same thing happened to my friend 2 days ago but lucky for him they only banned his pure well I wish good luck to you in rl and drop by to check whats up on tip.it every now and than.

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