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noob callers


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hmm im at the magic trees im talking with my friend im wearing a glory, prince, white shoes and zammy cape. i find out from xp charts i have cut arround 20,000 magic logs since lvl 75 and i tell my friend, then somone 1 combat lvl higher then me in preist top, glory, obby cape and mystic shoes comes up and says "yeah right noob then wheres your 20mill?!" and i said what happend *i gave it to my little brother for a birthday present* he starts calling me a noob and my freiend a noob because he has monks clothes and a legends cape on... i have higher total lvl and he says "i can still own you.." i decide to just cut again and ignore him and all i hear is noob lier lol who thinks mixand is a noob! *no-one talks* then he asks, why would you even want to give somone 20mill anyway noob... people have given millions in rl is it so hard to beleive i gave some pixels.. then he justs log outs... and the conclusion is... IGNORE BUTTON IS GOD!, USE IT!



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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lol i was mining in mining guild, coal and kept stealing coal from a guy, he kept calling me a noob and he was lvl 65 with total like 600. im 78 and total 1163, non member total around 880



Currently training all skills to or above 60.


Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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People just like to feel superior to other people and then become quite rude when they find someone with a lower level than themselves and is better. (does not apply to everyone) It's good to see you reacted well and with a calm cool head instead of fighting back with equally rude words.

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I was doing slayer yesterday at the kalphites. A lvl 110+ comes in and sets up a cannon. A breach of slayer etiquette at the kalphites. I just stay and go stand on top of his cannon and start hitting whatever comes near. I didn't really care that I was getting less experience. I was still getting melee experience.




Then he made a remark on that i must make little slayer experience now. I said I don't care. He said he was almost 85 slayer. I said everybody can get 85 with a cannon. I guess he expected me to give up and go, but I was having fun. Slayer is always quite the same. This made is more interesting. And I was still getting the occasional kill and plenty of defense exp.




And then he was finished. He said something like: it's fast with a cannon isn't it. He traded me and he put up 5 super restore pots for free. I refused because I was full.




I guess he wasn't that bad. He could have started calling me noob and I could have called him noob, but in the end it's just a game. We annoyed each other a bit but both realized it was part of the game.




we said goodbyes




I was done with my task 3 minutes later. I saw him and shilo and asked him what his new task was, but he didn't answer. I think he was afk or so, or just going through his bank.




Things can escalate easily but often it isn't necessary.



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wow, i made a topic with this exact title, but it got locked. urs probably will too but before it does ima post about it. here goes:




i really hate them too, they think theyre all that just because theyre higher level than you. if they are higher level than you, that makes you the "noob". if youre higher level than them, that makes you the "no-lifer". thye just want to find somebody to insult.

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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lol people are mean.i usally end up challenging them to a duel.




lol why bother, i just shrug my shoulders, and kinda brush them away from my mind.... i think it's kinda sad how emotional people get over the game...

-= weasel =- rsname: moosewalker ~ top 10000 player :D

newscape300x50qz7.giffull qp - always willing to chat add me...

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I was ranging caged greaters for slayer and a lvl 80 comes in and starts half-killing them. I start killing the bats and goofing off until he is forced to kill one. I was much faster than him at hitting the spawned ones so I took the first one to spawn... then rotated between that one and the next to spawn... then took the first hit on the third to spawn and went back to killing my other two. He was lagging or just had bad reflexes because this went on for my entire assignment. He also brought poor range gear (rune lol) and expensive ammo (iron knives 45 ea) which meant he was literally throwing his money away. It was pretty funny too when he realized that he forgot telegrabs and couldn't get the rune piece (large I think) that dropped... I didn't forget MY telegrabs though, hehe. The chat consisted of him saying "get outta my spot you nolifer noob" and me not replying. He repeatedly made remarks about my momma', my weight, my butt, etc. and I repeatedly ignored him but laughed inside. When my task was done I half killed the rest of them as they spawned, said "You are the definition of noob and loser. Welcome to my ignore list.", put him on ignore, bowed, and teled. I found it funny that he thought that he was still "owning" me by half killing one of three demons while I rotated the other three. Ah, noob jerks make me laugh. :D


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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thats why i love jagex for having made the ignore list :D


Chuck Norris doesn't ever need a compass; he randomly points somewhere and north goes there in order not to anger him.
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people that call me a noob for no appearnant reason.. i tell them and thats all u got to say?... or tell them to stop crying like a little 5 year old kid. they usually just run off.. if they dont ignore list is best.. but theres always teleing or switching worlds.

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i get called noob every once in a while by ppl i destroy in the duel arena...then i wonder...who is the noob now?




for example, the other day i was messing around in the duel arena with my friend with full zombie on. i got challenged by a lvl 77 and said ok. he brought me down to 25 hp and he said, "sweet im gonna get a pic of me killing a 93 :)" i then said, "lemme test that theory" pulled out full dharock and owned him in 4 hits :D

#5102 to get 99 cooking

Current Attack XP - 7,3xx,xxx - Going for 99

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if people start being like that i just put them on my ignore list and continue doing.....whatever it was that i was doing :)


Got Xbox Live? Gimme a call - Gamertag = Razoid

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I was trying to buy some raw trouts + salmons at barb village but no-one sold so i was walking back to Varrock with Jester hat + Prince outfit ( im comb 56 on my noob ) i was running past a guy lvl 39 that call'd me noob so i went back to him that did he really say it so he starts to insult me lol then i say im richer than him and i got lvl 100 main so this guy went crazy "MY LVL 98 WOULD WIP HIS AS!!!111111" lols. Reported from abusive language :wink:




God i love f2p.

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