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thought i had a friend in rs


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i thought i one of my friends or thought was friend i lended him my obby shield and zerker and thought he was friend so wasn't worried about him stealing i log in next day he at magics cuz he gettin full drag jus needs to shield now he got the chain other day and i tried to message him cuz i changes worlds


and he jus logs off and i know he heard me



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Yeah. that sucks. You shouldn't trust people easily in rs or anywhere else online. You might want to take his name out though, it's against forum rules to name other players.





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Just goes to show you: you cant trust anyone.




Yup. For me, I don't really have good RS friends. I just hang out by my self, doing whatever. So I don't worry about it, I never lend stuff.

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im jus happy cuz i still havent gotten rid of my dharok plate my one drop in 160 runs at least by now he wanted to try on like a week ago but couldnt cuz it was dmged so got lucky there cuz then he would have stolen my one and only barrows drop



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weird thing is thought usually i dont jus lend it out but i thought i coudl trust him cuz ive pked with him and had jus as much items worth more in inven from pking and he never did anythin then when i was low on hp cuz i did melee he was the mager and he was way richer so didnt know why he was inclined to steal a total of prolly 650k not that much and even less for him



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I only trust the people i know irl on rs, makes it a lot easier if they have to see me everyday at school and i keep asking for my item, no ignore list irl.


you know.......that doesn't always work as sometimes the punchs i throw get me in as much pain as i give them(2/2343045948584584839 times 8-) )




anyways yeah that sucks, and people always do that to you, just got to know who to trust, like some of my friends on rs won't dare do anything bad to me or else............(something about connections to a few rs assaisns...)

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most ppl im friends with jus dont steal ppls stuff because its jus pixels its nto huge deal and this guy seemed that way to cuz ive had to transfer some of my friends stuff before cuz ive had to hold on to some of there stuff because they might have gone free for a week cuz a check was cancelled or somethin so knew they wouldnt beable to play for the day and didnt want to lose stuff



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Just goes to show you: you cant trust anyone.




Yup. For me, I don't really have good RS friends. I just hang out by my self, doing whatever. So I don't worry about it, I never lend stuff.




But without friends, RS is boring as hell. :?



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i hope ur lesson is learned


i have never been scammed or lost items this way cause i tell all of my friends NO when they ask to borrow my whip or something else :?

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I only trust the people i know irl on rs, makes it a lot easier if they have to see me everyday at school and i keep asking for my item, no ignore list irl.
one of my school m8s in rl stole my d med, i told on him on the princeable and he got in trouble and i got my d med bac :)
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But without friends, RS is boring as hell. :?




I disagree, my chat is always on Friends, and I have 7 people on my friends list, and I enjoy RuneScape.






thats actually quite sad :oops: i play rs cause i can talk to different people :D u should try it it's SUPER DOOOOPER INTERESTING!! w00t private chat on ftw




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seems realli hard to trust a net friend eh?




well.. a piece of advice... trustworthy friends are friends who offered coins.. runes (lots of them) when u are realli down and out.. eg. main got hacked etc..




i did tat like 1 yr odd ago to someone i barely know.. we have become best of friends eva since.. i could even borrow his phat to take screen pict together (he has 2 by the way)




well.. friendship once made.. it can last a long long way.. unless u betray it..

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i trust my good friends all the time, and they trust me, for example, my friend is lettign me borrow his santa hat right now, and i would trust him with an entire phat set. Im sorry for you loss though, next time be more careful.


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I only trust the people i know irl on rs, makes it a lot easier if they have to see me everyday at school and i keep asking for my item, no ignore list irl.
one of my school m8s in rl stole my d med, i told on him on the princeable and he got in trouble and i got my d med bac :)




LOL, Good on ya. :lol:



I think I'm back :O

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well definately gonna go get some one to find out if he ever goes clan pking so can get my clan to go pk him then i gonna somehow or other make him kill me with a death symbol over head so i can take all his stuff when i kill him cuz i always owned him in the duel arena or pits cuz i 3 lvls higher and his str bad



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