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TET Presents: Trawler! --Over, feel free to post pictures.--


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Sooooo 9PM central time,or 10PM Eastern? Right?

All Quests completed

99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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this is my first time but i think i have a strategy!




ok we should have like 3-5 people on deck fixing the net and the rest of us will bail the water and stop the leaks. for the people below deck here's what you do: stop leaks first then bail the water that got in.




this is just my idea. you dont have to do it if you dont want to. just an idea




3-5 people on deck fixing the net is overkill. You only really need one person with an inventory of ropes. And if as many people come to this Trawler event as the last one I was at, keeping the ship afloat shouldn't be a problem.

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Good i'm all ready,logging in a min..I got 250 Swamp paste

All Quests completed

99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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Is it now? Dang.....can't seem to get into world 9!! FULL!!!




It's already under way. Your best bet getting into world 9 is to right-click on that window and select refresh from the menu that pops up (that is if you're using a PC). That Refresh will not bump you back to the RS main page.

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Hmm..the 1st time i got on the trawler, I had a lost connection, now I am some beach area with a few people dancing around. Then the blasted internet got down and now I am in the area beach area with the hammock with NOBODY there! =[ What am I to do?

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I think I can post a pic now..




Heres one when we sunk :P





All Quests completed

99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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Well get ready because here comes my photo journal.




If you were there, I'm simply "Cap'n Cdub"!




The trip started out strong... Even though I got a little sea sick! But I quickly recovered, and returned to see a disgruntled team. I knew they needed something- no, someone. Cries of "bail", and "don't bail" filled the air. We NEEDED a leader. Someone with organizational talents, with charisma, with amazingly good looks.




We needed me.




So I took over as captain. Things immediately were looking great. We caught so many fish, and my approval rating sky-rocketed! I thought we were invincible, we couldn't be stopped. But yet- we could. Things went down hill. After a few successful trips, people simply lost morale. Quite frankly, we sunk. I pleaded for my diligant and supportive crew to aid me. I was picked up swiftly by Gargly (Markkei) and we had a blast in the water. We even invented a new syncronized water dance, what a blast! But alas, I got a cramp, and BARELY made it to shore with my breath.




With my fire cape steaming, and my morale in the pits, I decided to go get a pick-me-up at the Port Sarim Bar. Much to my surprise, my entire crew was there waiting to give me free drinks! After a quick chat with my buddy Ahab, we compared some captain'ing notes, and I weaseled my way of the discussion (but MAN, can that guy talk).




In a final display of dedication to their beloved captain, we all headed to Pest Control. I stood back and did my best to defend the Void Knight (knowing how hard it is to be a leader, I figured he was under enough stress). Our conversation was something as follows:




Me- Don't worry, Cdub at your service!


VK- Aye.


Me- I see you're a captain. So am I. I'm the greatest captain ever.


*Random NOOB*- No you're not, you almost killed us all!


Me- Erm... That must have been a different Cdub.


VK- I don't know any other Cdubs...


Me- Shut up! You're just a big fraud- a BIG FAT FRAUD! You don't know anything about leading! Follow me blindly!


VK- Get the hell of my island.




And as suggested before (by nano?), Cdub was voted off the proverbial island.




Here's a great photo-log:




























Well that's it, what an event!




Sure hope you all enjoyed it as much as I. :D




Long live Cap'n Cdub!








Awards for Amazing Loyalty












Awards for Hatred








Other assorted NEWBS.

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boy that was fun. I love T.E.T events.




I got a few pics :lol:


Taking on water!






Swim train (when we sank)






AHHH BEER (to bad the barrel with tap faces wrong way!)






Good times. Good times

Fisher 4 lyfe.




86,674 to 99 cooking

36,414 to 99 fishing! (7/31/10)

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