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Quitting, What to do with the cash lying around.


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how about you just roam runescape, changing worlds every once in a while, and just look around. if you see someone help another with a quest, give them some $. if you see someone tell another person that yews are 300 ea, not 150, give them some $. if they do something as simple as let someone follow them to a certain town, give them some $. you could even ask people to let you follow them to a town on the other side of the rs mad. if they agree, and get you there, give them some $. i think the nice people should be rewarded, not people who could win at a game by using google, or a "run around the map" game and the first 25 people to you gets 1m ea. i tink you should take some time and really reward the people you think should recieve it.

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I would say use some of it on some new player. I think 25mil would be a lot to spend on some newbie players... it would take a while to give all that away.




When I first started playing, there was a guy in lumbridge standing there giving away 100k. I started the game, wandered around a bit, and then he started following me. After watching me die from a man (:lol:), he said he would give me 100k if I would go put it in the bank immediatly. I thought 100k was 100gp... which was still a lot to me then. When I withdrew 26gp and saw it was still at 100k, I asked him how much he gave me. "100,000gp". I about lost it lol.




He was the nicest guy ever... he spent about 2 weeks telling me what to do, what not to do, and taught me a few secrets. I don't know if he did that to more people, but I really appreciate that he took the time to teach me what to do. The last time I saw him was when he said he was leaving for good... he said bye, and I tried to pm him ba


ck to say bye, but he logged. :cry: I've had him on my list from day one, but never seen him since.




Obviously, I've always remembered that. Whenever I have a spare 100k, I go to lumbridge in a not-so-full world, and find a guy needing some help. If they die, I get their stuff, run back to lumbridge, give it to them, and then mentor them for a few weeks after giving them 100k. Most turn out nice... one or two have been rather rude, demanding more cash. I tell them that I have no reason to do that, and will stop helping them, then add them to ignore.




I do have a favorite... I taught him to merchant. He's now got about as much cash as me, and has turned into a great friend.




So, my idea is that you should give some of the newer players some cash (maybe not 100k, but enough for full mith and some other "whoa!" armor :P, plus some other spending money). Or maybe buy them armor and a good weapon and some food, see how they turn out, then give them more cash.




Since you have so much, you might consider giving some to your trusted friends, and ask them to do the same?




Or, how about the Tip.it events team??




Just my idea. Sorry its so long... I get typing and just have to finish :lol:




EDIT: #1 spelling


EDIT: #2 spelling i messed up in #1 :oops:


EDIT: #3 RSN = bagpiperdude

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Buy tons of bronze-rune sets and have a field day on f2p and p2p alike just handing out free sets. The ones gettig the free will not be the only ones happy. Youll feel real good before leaving







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Having a drop party is fun, but if the goal is to make some people happy it's not the best idea. Some folks will get LOTS of drops, other nothing - and those that get nothing feel majorly let down.




If you don't have friends to give it to, go around doing random acts of kindness.




Or, start a low level character and go ask for some help. Ignore the folks that call you 'noob' for asking a low level question ("can you help me get to Varrock","How do I make a ring of dueling"), and then give them some cash as a surprise when they help you.




Contests and lotteries aren't really good ideas. That's a meaningless transfer of cash. Make it meaningful - you'll feel much better than if you gave 25m to some guy who had 100m already, just because he won your contest.




By the way, these are free suggestions - I'm not interested in the cash... for the reason mentioned above. :)

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Well, this may seem a bit mean, but giving out money to the lower levels would be a bit of a waste, as they would most likely lose the cash within a week. The non-veteran players, many (not all, however) of whom have basically no concept of price values, the Runescape economy in general, and many things along these lines (i.e. most likely to get ripped off) would do nothing but recontribute to the inflation of RS by spending copious amounts of gold on useless items (i.e. spinach rolls). Personally, I believe that you should divide the gold into a bunch of semi-expensive items (i.e. dragon medium helms; obby sets; etc) and give those out to your close friends. Either that, or buy a couple of discontinued items, so that if you ever choose to come back to Runescape, you could have a nicely inflated surprise waiting for you in your bank account. Well, anyway, sad to see any player go from RS, and good luck in all your endeavours.


~ Sing



Proud Member of the Dragonz Clan

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Here are my idea's of what you could do with it.




1) Make a disguised post that asks suggestions for what to do with it, and whoever's you think are the best, give it to him or her.




2)Host a lottery.




3)Host an essay contest




4)Host a drop party




5)Give it to a friend




6)Donate it to the TET




7)Invest it into rares




8)Keep it




9)buy a bunch of diff. stuff with it and wander around runescape dropping it




10) merchant until you have about 100-400M...Buy a bunch of santa's and then alch them all.




I have more idea's but these are just a few that pop off the top of my head

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Oh I have another idea!! Sorry if someone already said this...




Okay, you reward the nice people in the game. What you do is go to somewhere like Varrock and ask someone to take you to some absurdly far away place like the Castle Wars arena or something like that. You can ask other favors too. If you find a person nice enough to help you, then you wait until you get to the place and then you give them 1M or so and say thanks for making the RS community a better place...

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Do all of these things:




A. Go into Lumby and give out 10K to a few noobs. A lot of people will appreciate that more than any P2Per will.




B. But dozens of sets of full rune and simply have a F2P drop party. It is a lot more fun than dropping only a few high priced P2P items. If you buy 25 sets of full rune and either hand the pieces out or have an unnanounced drop party, many will be happy. And 25 sets only = 5M. 25 sets = 125 pieces of rune = 125 happy F2Pers.




Believe me, Its a lot of fun to give a level 55 a set of rune legs. It's great to see the reactions out of people when you are genuinely nice.




C. Give some money to your friends, even if you don't know them well. Its nice to see some people that you know get the money.




D. have a scheduled drop party (PM me if you descide on this, I would love to be a part of it)




E. With the last 8M... I don't know about you but I have always dreamed of using high alchemy on a rare before I quit. Its an official parting of Runescape, and feels "official" in my mind. If I ever quit... It would be alching rares or selling it in a deserted shop and watching it float away... I will always hold a spot dear to me in runescape, the altar of Guthix in which place I learned of my friend's passing of life. If I ever quit runescape, I will drop all my items on a deserted world on that very spot where I learned of the thing that would eventually wrek my life for a year. I'm sure that did not happen to you... and I'm sure you don't understand on why I would do that... But know that If I ever quit I would drop all of my items at the guthix altar, where all my troubles started.




This sort of turned into a blast from the past with the death of my closest friend... I'm sorry. I would suggest more, but as I type my fingers feel heavy with sorrow from the loss of Eddie.

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I 100% agree with superiousmonkey here on alcing the santas. If i was quitting and never intended to play again, screw giving back to the comunity, i'd just waste it all. Yes, i'm a very mean person 8-)




P.S., make a video of it ;)









Because bepo is always right


RSN: Z A M 0 (it's a zero)

74 att - 45 def - 76 str - 72 hp - 52 pray - 91 magic

Feel free to give me a shout, private is always ON

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My suggestion would be this... buy a holiday item. One month from now, if you decide you want to keep playing, sell it for the profit. If you still have no interest, give it to a freind, or sell it and host a small drop party only including the people that remember you and will still hold conversation. They are the ones that deserve it.

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E. With the last 8M... I don't know about you but I have always dreamed of using high alchemy on a rare before I quit. Its an official parting of Runescape, and feels "official" in my mind. If I ever quit... It would be alching rares or selling it in a deserted shop and watching it float away... I will always hold a spot dear to me in runescape, the altar of Guthix in which place I learned of my friend's passing of life. If I ever quit runescape, I will drop all my items on a deserted world on that very spot where I learned of the thing that would eventually wrek my life for a year. I'm sure that did not happen to you... and I'm sure you don't understand on why I would do that... But know that If I ever quit I would drop all of my items at the guthix altar, where all my troubles started.




This sort of turned into a blast from the past with the death of my closest friend... I'm sorry. I would suggest more, but as I type my fingers feel heavy with sorrow from the loss of Eddie.




:cry: :cry: :cry:




An addition to my previous post -


Try doing a f2p drop party of rune items, and maybe addy (g) items... maybe in world 4 or 5. I spent 500k doing that once... some people thought it was so amazing that i did the party. Oh, and I dropped in Juliet's house. I saved the most expensive thing, and set it onto the table upstairs. I told them it was on there, and they all ran to the table, poised to grab it. 60 seconds late, a zoo of "NOOOOO"s, and one "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" chirped out. It was so funny! :lol:

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Buy 3 santas and low alch them.




Lol, that'd be great! However, that would drive the inflation rate up even more, so I wouldn't recommend it . . . ah well, your choice.



Proud Member of the Dragonz Clan

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Prepare to have half the tip.it population post on here saying "give it to me." :P




I think you should have a small drop party with your friends, or a small invite only drop party. The huge ones tend to end up with people thinking they were going to get rich flaming you for not giving them anything...




give it to me.




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Buy a bunch of easter eggs or pumpkins and eat them... that's always fun.




or you could get a big train of people to follow you around for like 30 minutes, and sometime during that 30 minutes drop the entire 25 mill in one pile... there'd be like 300 people following you then suddenly the gold pops up and they scatter like cocroachs hit by light... well not quite :wink:




well anyway, good luck, lol I'm just coming back to RS after I said I quit, you might find yourself in the same position :shock:


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check the sig...




Best thing about the chest is it wont put it all in one ballon, it will scatter it around. So get a ton of people and do it.

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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Make it a race


There is a clue leading to each judge, 10 judges total.


Have them trade the judge so he/she can write there name down.


All the judges give the person the clue after they have traded them.


All the clues after being solved lead to your location.


You give Prizes for the first 15 people that show up, and are told to you by the judges that they went to all the places. The 15 person gets like a set of rune and the prizes get slowly bettar all the way up to first.




You could throw a party somewhere random.....




Or give it all to me




jk lol :lol:




Well you will be missed may luck befall on you irl




And may you continue to live and prosper !V!




Well good luck with your money


I just came back from a long break. Back on bob.

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oh, by the way..




25 million isnt even close to 1/4th of my total amount ;)


i have far more that alot of people know.




im thinking about having a freak chain and run around world 9. than eventually find somewhere to drop it, where my character will lay into the depths of time.




ps : ive given alot of my close friend MANY gifts , about 50% my worth.


thier all pretty happy. i even gave some random people in daggonoths whips and 5 mil

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