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My sig, The most controversial in all of TIF?!!?


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Pirates- All the cool stuff they did was real


















Ninjas- Lame




Pirates would own a ninja in real life




Vikings are cool too.


You know what you say! :D




Ninjas rock my socks. AND YOURS!


Yeah, thats why Ninjas stinks so bad....








but really, ninjas are waay cooler then pirates...


No...read what McOwned said :P

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Ok, we all know pirates just blow their enemies' heads off, but if they can't find their enemy, (ninjas in this case), pirates are a wide open target for ninjas to slice their heads off with a throwing knife. It would take like 2 minutes for a ninja to kill like 10 pirates. Seriously, one throw and the pirate is dead. Pirates are dumb, ninjas own, straight up. 8-)

fan of her's.
You know what I hate? People putting an apostrophe on a personal pronoun. STOP IT.
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hahah! itr crushes both pirates and ninjas on the earth!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

ok that looks staragly familure,is tthat the edited box from the movie " Evil Clowns From Outer Space"?




on topic: i am very good with many different wepons(i can pick up 2 rotted stickd and use them to put dents in metal)so im for the ninjas

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It all comes down to a basis of morality. Regardless killing people isn't moral but if you have to sneak around and do it, that's just cowardly. Now if you can go face to face with someone, in a sword fight (you guys seem to forget that pirates know how to sword fight), and kill the person, now you're giving murder a face. At least they'll know who to look for; and come on Pirates are just far more hardcore they take gun shots or cannonballs to the legs and just slap on a wooden stick and they're fine. Plus they have hooks, now that is just totally badass.




Pirates get my vote.

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It all comes down to a basis of morality. Regardless killing people isn't moral but if you have to sneak around and do it, that's just cowardly. Now if you can go face to face with someone, in a sword fight (you guys seem to forget that pirates know how to sword fight), and kill the person, now you're giving murder a face. At least they'll know who to look for; and come on Pirates are just far more hardcore they take gun shots or cannonballs to the legs and just slap on a wooden stick and they're fine. Plus they have hooks, now that is just totally badass.




Pirates get my vote.




yeah but they end up getting killed besides ninjas can turn into wood for a fake body

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also they where spy's, not assasin's.



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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atleasts ninjas dont have to talk like this : are ye matie swab the pood deck or off to davy jonezez locker ye go. :lol:




atleast pirates dont have to talk like this : hajakafakfalflalfokan ninchukawakakakak JAPAN winditfjgf grrrr


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