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Disarming some comments against f2pers who want an update


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Sometimes in a post a f2per will say that he wants this or that update. While such question isn't necessarily justified, many of the comments people reply to it are getting old and some are just false. I'll here put my opinion on different comments I've seen:




It's just 5 bucks a month




This is a very lame and narrow minded comment. Some people really can't afford it. Are you going to laugh at those people with this comment yeah?




But much more common is people who can afford the money, but who have no way to pay it. You need a credit card or some other way (like the more expensive paybycash) to get the money to Jagex. That isn't as easy for everyone.




Then there are also children whose parents forbid them to get members.




You have to realize that, even if it seems like "just 5 easy bucks a month" for you, it isn't like this for everyone, for different possible reasons.




f2p is just a demo of the real game




I admit this one is true. It's been posted in every single thread about f2p updates and I think it should be common knowledge by now.




f2p wasn't a demo before p2p came out, but now it is, and the best business strategy is to give f2p the exact amount of features to attract enough people to Runescape in generan and make them p2p.




If f2p hasn't got enough features, not much people will ever bother making a Runescape account, and every f2p Runescape account is a potential future p2p customer.




If p2p has got too much features, lots of people will sign up a Runescape account, but less of them will become p2p customer.




So the trick is to find the optimum, that will create the most p2p customers. That means, not too much, not too few, f2p features.




I don't think me, nor Jagex, can know where this optimum is, but in the current situation, no matter how sad I find this news, I think there are more f2p features than needed.




But Jagex isn't only a company that makes money, they're still people with honor too so they know they can't take away f2p features. Except for that tree on Karamja :evil:




They don't pay, so they aren't allowed to complain/ask




People are allowed to complain about free services that they use just as much as on paying services. Some services are free and have many users, those users are allowed to complain.




They're also allowed to ask for what they want. That doesn't mean they'll get it, but they can ask. Sometimes asking can even have an effect.




There are many free things in the world. If people wouldn't be allowed to tell what they think about them, many of those free things could be worse than they were supposed to be.




You get what you pay for




While this is true, such a comment is pretty harsh in my opinion. Some people can't afford it, don't be rude against them.




Only members should get updates




Sometimes there are updates happen to f2p to favor p2p. Some changes to the f2p economy affect the p2p one. Some f2p features are actually a part that's used by members too, for example f2p PKing.




Stop whining




Asking for a feature isn't whining.








Justified comments against asking for f2p updates in my opinion are:


-It has no effect anyway so don't clutter the forums with it


-If the post in question contains anti-jagex comments while wanting an f2p update

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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This is.....great. Its what every lvl 60 F2P and above think. i know i do. F2P Has a lot. It's when that certain F2P'er hits every 99 and becomes a 126 that they know they have conquered F2P.




Well written. Some good cookie for you.



kju32.gif-A Magical Flying Elephant


hbga3.gif-Blue bird who enjoys Chompy hunting (The head feathers)

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Wow that makes F2P not sound so bad. My dad wont let me become a member until I have done my exams which is understandable, but I hate the way people have a go at F2Pers for not paying anything. Good work Lode.






"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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They don't pay, so they aren't allowed to complain/ask




People are allowed to complain about free services that they use just as much as on paying services. Some services are free and have many users, those users are allowed to complain.




How can a F2P complain about a service they don't even have, may I ask?


It's like me complaining to AMD that they haven't given me an Athlon 64 processor for free, because I'm currently using an older AMD processor.




Bit of a bad example, really...but still.

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Nice going, let's hope it keeps some topics away. :P




As a free player [no credit card :x], I sometimes wish for more, but I surely won't think I deserve more and we free players should be happy with the things we get, it's free. :o

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some f2pers are greedy and think because they play the game jagex needs to give them updates they dont need to, and if u dont like it stop playing its only a game. some people cant become f2p for whatever reason but why do they have to spam about it. it is understandable that jagex will only give f2p graphical updates to entice people into getting a membership if u want updates become a member if u cant dont complain to jagex because you arent allowed, dont whine about it, jagex didnt even need to make the game its just a bonus feature of getting the internet, it gets annoying when people fill up half the general board with rants about this stuff so stop it, and members just because they dont pay doesnt mean they are bad undeserving people so lay off them, sometimes its not their fault theyre f2p, and not all f2pers complain about not getting free updates only a few do, if jagex wants to give f2p updates hooray for us but dont get pissed at us because of it.


(\/) 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

(O.o) cabbage rools

(><) my sig is cool, if you agree put this in your sig. *is too lazy to animate*

^the bunny is back! yay!

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I myself think it would be awesome if jagex made like little cards that were sticked in major stores(eg virgin megastores)and you just put a number from the back of the card into a little membership suscription thing on the site.I would gladly pay like $15 for that

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They don't pay, so they aren't allowed to complain/ask




People are allowed to complain about free services that they use just as much as on paying services.




People can complain for free services, if it is within reason. Complains like "why does P2P got more then F2P - that's not fair!!!" are plain ridiculous. Just like complaints of "why isn't construction F2P???", "why doesn't F2P got any dragon items", etc etc. People creating such rants are not being reasonable at all.




Furthermore, what I think most people/P2P'ers have a problem with is the demand-like way in which many F2P players "ask" for updates. Actually, they don't really "ask" for it. They demand it or say they "deserve" it. But F2P has no right to demand anything.




F2P has the right to politely ask for an update (within reason) and has a right to complain about bugs and inconvenient issues with the gameplay (if there are any).

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I agree with you Duke Freedom, lots of F2Pers do "demand" updates, and then complain when they don't get anything, I mean courtesy may help rather than demanding stuff. As I have said I am F2P and I understand that jagEx make updates for members because that is how they make money and if they updated F2P then there would be no members.






"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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also some f2pers parents might not let them get f2p because they think it is a waste of mone (my parents). that is the only reason why i am not p2p.




Hehe, my mom doesn't let me use her credit card cause she thinks it might get stolen...




I can pay, but I just need a credit card to use online...








Here's the kicker - she also doesnt want to update our expired anti-virus and anti-spyware program... :roll:














F2P forever!!! :wink:

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Wow that makes F2P not sound so bad. My dad wont let me become a member until I have done my exams which is understandable, but I hate the way people have a go at F2Pers for not paying anything. Good work Lode.








Lol, this isn't "understandable", my parents say the same... :lol:

Every path you have trod, through wilderness and through war, has led to this road...

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As a f2p, I look at it this way. It wasn't avaliable before, so why should all of a sudden it be available now. I can understand people wanting something for nothing (that is a different rant that doesn't belong here), but I feel lucky just to be able to sign on to a game that went to a p2p product. Just my opinion

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I rather spend my $5 on gas money




that is true...lol depending on how fuel efficient your vehicle is?




On topic:




Can some one tell me where the money from the ads is going?


(I'm not making a point, im just curious)



dude i got pked and lost my full zezima
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only things i have against Jagex as a f2p player is that i dont have enough bank space...... :(




its these kind of comments that we wanna discourage. it sounds a bit whiny. but seriously, along with neo's thread, this is one of the most thought out threads regarding f2p and updates that there has been in a while. both arguements are presented clearly. i have just one question for the author: if you were andrew gower, what changes to f2p would you make? i am interested to see what your answer is.




f2p for life! (or the next year at least...)

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With my 5$ i pay my food (student life)






ow btw they always complain but in 75% of the time f2p gets a hidden update


small, but its an update




those f2pers there, checked ur energy respawn lately?




i think not...




respawn is 1.5 seconds faster as befor


(its strange no1 menstioned that yet, i asked my member friends with high agility and they said there energy went up faster as ever)






btw befor this little update with agility lvl 1 it took 12.5 minutes to get ur energy up from 0% to 100%,


didnt timed it already, i ll edit it in this post later if no1 answered it yet

rsname: lord rex.
december 2011: ranked 107th best f2p player
march 2012 became member.



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if you were andrew gower, what changes to f2p would you make? i am interested to see what your answer is.




f2p for life! (or the next year at least...)




I'd make wilderness capes and the future clan support for both f2p and p2p, because the f2p wilderness is an addition to pking for members too, and members who make a clan might also want f2p people to join their clan. At least, if clan support were something as simple as just a tag that automatically appears next to your name.




If I were Andrew Gower, I'd find the bank space limitation just a pure genious way to let people go p2p :twisted:

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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Well, members are complaining about f2p's he....


1 thing: members can't without f2p!




Essence (not any more): Most of the essence over whole runescape came from f2p.


Yews: Most from f2p


Ores: Lots from f2p


Feathers: Most from f2p


Other logs: Most from f2p


Cowhides: lots from f2p


... And their is even more...




Just want to say this: F2p is needed to excist!


Members their life will become lots harder without f2p!


Where do they have to do their junk? Member junk is worth lots in f2p!






Respect for all f2p'ers! (I'm f2p :))

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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You can see who's F2p and who's membs ... All P2P's are snobby , spoilt prats , wich get evrythign they want fropm their parents , get straight D's and haeva brain of a 5- Wat lightbulb ... You can tell wich is wich from these posts ... Oh and don't think F2p'ers are useless to Jagex . FIrst , they are potential P2p's . Secondly , Jaggx gets cash for adverting in F2P RS .SO Jagex found a way to make F2P practically as profittable as P2P ...




Oh and don't mind if my sig will eb crooekd - i'll test it for teh first time ...

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As a f2p I saw no point in p2p but as I started to level I'm getting ready to venture into p2p,well, after I start mowing lawns to get some $$$$. :)


And of course Runescape needs f2p to help the economy.



^Clickity to go to our forums

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You can see who's F2p and who's membs ... All P2P's are snobby , spoilt prats , wich get evrythign they want fropm their parents , get straight D's and haeva brain of a 5- Wat lightbulb ... You can tell wich is wich from these posts ... Oh and don't think F2p'ers are useless to Jagex . FIrst , they are potential P2p's . Secondly , Jaggx gets cash for adverting in F2P RS .SO Jagex found a way to make F2P practically as profittable as P2P ...




Oh and don't mind if my sig will eb crooekd - i'll test it for teh first time ...




I dont think your post made any contribution to this discussion. You are basically asking to be flamed...resulting in this thread being locked.




Your assertion that all P2P are snooby spoiled "prats" is far from the truth. There are many people who play P2P by with their own money that they made from working. The population of P2pers that you are describing is a very small amount of all P2pers.



dude i got pked and lost my full zezima
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