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How to lvl construction for free


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Thats right a guide on how to lvl construction for nearly free


okallyoull need is some spare time


and 1013gp




1 thing i would like to commen on at this point is that it is possible to vlv construction without a house you just need a mate with a workshop and a workbench in it (prefrably a mate whont mind you being camped out in his wor5kshop for hours on end




OK first a list of items you'll need:


A house












A house is easy just buy one for 1k of the estate agent




hammer and saw are easy, most people have a hammer if not theres a respawn above falador furnace to get a saw either nag a mate with a tool rack in there workshop to give you one or splash out and spend 13gp




Nails could be simpler just make some the best to use are iron or steel i recomend steel




Planks are equally easy so you want them for free? serveral options:


1. the fast way is the wilderness but its annoying if theres pkers


2. the slower way is entrana there are now 2 plank respawns to the left of the law alter and theres no chance of a wasted trip




Ok now start making and removing chairs until you hit lvl 3 now you have an option: 1 make book cases or 2 continue making making chairs this is to quite frank all there is too it you can add a fire place to your room if you get lvl 33 you make it a brick one but apart from that the limit of your ability is to make and remove the best chairs you can. A major upside to this is you can get to your desired lvl without creatin a monstrousity you spent loads on and then have to tear down. Remember the only use for construction is your total lvl and your house so its not worth wasting your time lvling a construction for free unless at some point you were planning on spending some money.

ahahaha IMA A IDIOT

cant argue there mate
Real world? *looks around confuzzled* Real world?!? :ohnoes:


have now quit rs :-( (but i still browse these forums :-)

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Don't forget you also have to buy that first parlor room :P


Combat 116+; Total 1900+; All Hard Tasks; (Nearly) All quest points; (Nearly) All skills 60+; An aquatic moose ninja.

Currently: Using 63 hunter to get some of those "Chins", then I'm going to range stuff down. Interruptions of agility when I feel like it, as well.

And lucky enough to get 4 Dragon and 6 Barrow Drops.

[hide]Kwimbob now looks exactly like me in real life except for hair color. Yes, this means I look exactly like the protagonist of that certain anime that my second character, Faye_V is also named after. Yes, I bought a jacket that also looks like his. No in real life I don't have a slain bear to sling over my shoulders. Yes, I'm that skinny even if I no-life it for years in basements. No, I can't shoot a gun. Yes, I can win any other strategic video game you have never played - because I probably have, ahahaha. And yes, I also have brown eyes, yet one of my eyes looks different from the other. And yes, I'm completely oblivious to the [real] world around me as I constantly engineer new solutions to daily problems in my head. When I get hungry, all that isn't food can wait. When I'm sleepy - nothing is of any priority in front of sleep. But at any other time, I never slow down. Never give up. Never Surrender. Makes for a good life.


- See You, Space Cowboy.[/hide][/hide]

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The REALLY silly point is. If u spent all the time getting free planks doing wc, fishing or mining you'd b able to train with oak planks cut yourself.

- My skills are now really, really lame ! Time to fix that! -

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When youre able to make Lime Fireplaces - make them! Youll need 65 (or 62 with pots) agility, chisel and a pickaxe. Go to place where you can mine it (Next to Rag and Bone man's quest starting), mine full invent, run to church near to this mining place, then theres a shortcut that requires 65 agil, go through it, run to bank, drink some energ pots (isnt required if you have spare time/high agil) and run back to mining place! then chisel all limestone and good luck.




-Just a stupid 'guide' (mine) - I use teaks myself :P (And yeah, I cut them myself >_< - I wish I were Saw Operator - he gets ~10m in a second/minute if counting ALL member worlds and if theres few 'Mahogany guys' :D)



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How is it slow? It's self efficient and stops all the complaining. I got 200 planks from a respawn ofplanks near the grand tree and it only took me 10 planks to get to level 7. lol


Proud Tip.It Moderator December 07 - October 2009
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"I had a standing agreement with god. I'd agree to believe in him, barely, so long as he let me sleep in on Sundays." - Rose Hathaway
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How is it slow? It's self efficient and stops all the complaining. I got 200 planks from a respawn ofplanks near the grand tree and it only took me 10 planks to get to level 7. lol




Gettin up in those high levels huh. :roll:




The self efficiancy of it is very slow is what he's saying. That 200 planks took one hell of a long time to gather... and it got you pretty much nowhere (level 7 counts as nowhere)




I'm level 50... and I spent like 5M to ge there. This whole skill is pretty much impossible to do without losing money.

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How is it slow? It's self efficient and stops all the complaining. I got 200 planks from a respawn ofplanks near the grand tree and it only took me 10 planks to get to level 7. lol




Gettin up in those high levels huh. :roll:




The self efficiancy of it is very slow is what he's saying. That 200 planks took one hell of a long time to gather... and it got you pretty much nowhere (level 7 counts as nowhere)




I'm level 50... and I spent like 5M to ge there. This whole skill is pretty much impossible to do without losing money.






Lol! it took me 700k to get to lvl 50.... But lvl 7 really isin't that usefull

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It is extrememly slow to get levels like that for free. Using soft clay and limestone is really slow but surely you will get levels. So just spend some money, but not too much.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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When youre able to make Lime Fireplaces - make them! Youll need 65 (or 62 with pots) agility, chisel and a pickaxe. Go to place where you can mine it (Next to Rag and Bone man's quest starting), mine full invent, run to church near to this mining place, then theres a shortcut that requires 65 agil, go through it, run to bank, drink some energ pots (isnt required if you have spare time/high agil) and run back to mining place! then chisel all limestone and good luck




Pots don't work. They give +2 and don't work on shortcuts. (I tried this method a week ago but didn't work.



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When youre able to make Lime Fireplaces - make them! Youll need 65 (or 62 with pots) agility, chisel and a pickaxe. Go to place where you can mine it (Next to Rag and Bone man's quest starting), mine full invent, run to church near to this mining place, then theres a shortcut that requires 65 agil, go through it, run to bank, drink some energ pots (isnt required if you have spare time/high agil) and run back to mining place! then chisel all limestone and good luck.




-Just a stupid 'guide' (mine) - I use teaks myself :P (And yeah, I cut them myself >_< - I wish I were Saw Operator - he gets ~10m in a second/minute if counting ALL member worlds and if theres few 'Mahogany guys' :D)




I was thoroughly confused when you just said "Lime Fireplaces". After reading a bit further I realized it was actually Limestone Fireplaces :oops:




But that is how I plan on leveling up my Construction and saving all of my gold and planks to redesign my house. I started with no plan at all, but not I know what I'm doing so I can actually make a decent looking house.

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when will people realize that time equals money?




When it's displayed in a mathematical formula such as this one proving women are evil.




Okay, so math can be used to prove girls are evil...




Given: Girls take up time and money.




Girls = Time x Money




Since time = money...




Girls = Money x Money


Girls = Money ^ 2




Since Money = the root of all evil




Girls = the root of all evil ^ 2








Girls = Evil





Edit: I didn't even notice, but it must be assumed that Time=Money for this proof to work, therefore Sessie is correct :wink:

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I'm level 50... and I spent like 5M to ge there. This whole skill is pretty much impossible to do without losing money.






Lol! it took me 700k to get to lvl 50.... But lvl 7 really isin't that usefull




I made level 60 in 7 days and only spent 1.5Mill. At least 750K of that was money I spent unwisely -- on rooms I then had to tear down because they were in the wrong place.




At level 31, when you can make carved oak dining tables for 360 XP and six oak planks, you can get some good power levelling going on. You'll need a servant (preferably the cook) to run oak to the sawmill for you, and have to pay her. But it's fast XP and works out at a fraction under 300 GP per plank.




I cut the oaks myself (over 3K of them) and got about 12 nests 10 of which had tree seeds in them. Mind you, I did nothing in RS for 7 days except cut oaks, and build things. And one quick trip to do Tears of Guthix.

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I'm level 50... and I spent like 5M to ge there. This whole skill is pretty much impossible to do without losing money.






Lol! it took me 700k to get to lvl 50.... But lvl 7 really isin't that usefull




I made level 60 in 7 days and only spent 1.5Mill. At least 750K of that was money I spent unwisely -- on rooms I then had to tear down because they were in the wrong place.




At level 31, when you can make carved oak dining tables for 360 XP and six oak planks, you can get some good power levelling going on. You'll need a servant (preferably the cook) to run oak to the sawmill for you, and have to pay her. But it's fast XP and works out at a fraction under 300 GP per plank.




I cut the oaks myself (over 3K of them) and got about 12 nests 10 of which had tree seeds in them. Mind you, I did nothing in RS for 7 days except cut oaks, and build things. And one quick trip to do Tears of Guthix.




Yeah, I spent a lot on rooms also, I cut all of my oaks and made them all into planks myself. I only used the butler to get me oak planks for making oak larders.

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