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ask a serious question and get a silly answear


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It all started when McDonalds first originated. The Americans thought, wow, food that I dont have to cook. Day after day they would go into Maccas oblivious to the ingredients the cooks would put into the burgers. They would squeeze pure lard into every stale bun they had. The Americans kept on eating there, and gradually getting fatter and fatter. The average size of the American went from :D to :-X .




That is why Americans are so fat, McDonalds.








Why did I just type that?


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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Yes, science is spelt Sighanze












why are stupid answers to serious questions so bloody aggravating?












Edit: LATE whoops!








Japan is soo cool because they're all looneys!! [Whoops, that's not too silly ;)]








Arggh can't find my funny pic :/

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Because Japan isn't cool. They are small in the pants no?








Was 9?11 a conspiracy? Or is the conspiracy a conspiracy in itself? :-k

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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That was not funny.








Silly, not stupid answers












<.< Question answered.




















Q.Why are people oblivious?




















Mmm...why don't you ask Matzusaka. (Newest Boston Red Sox Pitcher)












You didn't answer my question noob! Answer now!

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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9/11 was a conspiracy in a conspiracy in a conspiracy in a conspiracy in a conspiracy(gasp for breath) in yet another conspiracy...that's just the beginning of a long list of conspiracies in conspiracies that dates back to medieval times.For some reason the king of Spain hated the Vikings because they found America.He made the first conspiracy that started the long list of conspiracies in conspiracies.








If a blackhole suddenly appeared where the moon was,what would happen to Earth?



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How come no matter how many times we're shot, killed, arrested, sent to evil demention, banned, fired etc. we always get back to wishing, banning, firing, etc.?








NOTE: I don't want obvious answer like "Because these are only forums, no real effects" I want some superious answers, in other word silly answers.

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A. Because the polar bear wouldn't buy me a bagel, so I had to drive alllllll the way to Calcutta to meet this ping-pong ball named Jerry who said had some dirt on a Bishop.








Turns out, all he wanted was to do the cha-cha like a sissy girl.
















Q. Why does light refract when it rains creating rainbows?

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Because: The answer to why.








Why is the sky blue?

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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