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So I made the cabbage cult related things.


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I am in some kind of cabbage cult in RuneScape called the OoC.


And someone had a pic in his sig of his character saying "Alas, I have no cabbages either..."


So I just decided to edit it cause I was bored while killing kurasks.


Here are the three that I made:








They took just a few minutes to make, but now I have a clue scroll and i gotta do that, with the help of tip.it of course.

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Woah... Are you sure you didn't screenshot those straight from the game?




The heads look nothing like the would in RS... The text you've done isn't the same, and it's very jagged and all over the place...




Good idea, bad work though, try spending longer on it.

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Woah... Are you sure you didn't screenshot those straight from the game?




The heads look nothing like the would in RS... The text you've done isn't the same, and it's very jagged and all over the place...




Good idea, bad work though, try spending longer on it.






Any ways yeah.. That would be cool if you modeled them in ;). Try at least using the RS Font, lol.




1000th post. (Woot). ;)

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Woah... Are you sure you didn't screenshot those straight from the game?




The heads look nothing like the would in RS... The text you've done isn't the same, and it's very jagged and all over the place...




Good idea, bad work though, try spending longer on it.


Lol, I took a screen shot from the text thing, but just added the face cause I had nothing better to do.


I used the RuneScape text, it is just that when I enlarge it in Microsoft Paint... it messes it up.

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They took just a few minutes to make, but now I have a clue scroll and i gotta do that, with the help of tip.it of course.




Exactly why they look the way they do, it pisses me off when you post some crap like this and want us to rate. You even admited to not taking time on it, why should we even care to rate it or critique it?[/b]

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They took just a few minutes to make, but now I have a clue scroll and i gotta do that, with the help of tip.it of course.




Exactly why they look the way they do, it pisses me off when you post some crap like this and want us to rate. You even admited to not taking time on it, why should we even care to rate it or critique it?[/b]


Cause I dont have photoshop...


Why do you end your post with a bold tag but not begin it with one?

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Woah... Are you sure you didn't screenshot those straight from the game?




The heads look nothing like the would in RS... The text you've done isn't the same, and it's very jagged and all over the place...




Good idea, bad work though, try spending longer on it.





You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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They took just a few minutes to make, but now I have a clue scroll and i gotta do that, with the help of tip.it of course.




Exactly why they look the way they do, it pisses me off when you post some crap like this and want us to rate. You even admited to not taking time on it, why should we even care to rate it or critique it?[/b]


Cause I dont have photoshop...


Why do you end your post with a bold tag but not begin it with one?


That's not a very good excuse. You can easily get GIMP, or some a trial of photoshop for free. These edits are very poor in quality, and slightly scary.

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Woah... Are you sure you didn't screenshot those straight from the game?




The heads look nothing like the would in RS... The text you've done isn't the same, and it's very jagged and all over the place...




Good idea, bad work though, try spending longer on it.







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Well they are different I will give you that, but take a look at this that was dobne by Tyler K 69 on the OoC forums,








Just try something out like that first and then, If you want to move on do the people's faces on ms paint.






"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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Lol around the names the background is a lighter colour, it has a white box around it

^^^ Another Ownage Post! :lol:

RSN: Busted Fool

Private Chat is on so feel Free to add me.


R.I.P. The Old Nite 1961-2006

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I have a few things to say, i want to say that being a recruit doesnt make you a part of the OoC, many people make sigs saying they are from the OoC while they are just recruits which are not a part of them.




Very bad, the text is waaay off and the render is cut out very bad..

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Woah... Are you sure you didn't screenshot those straight from the game?




The heads look nothing like the would in RS... The text you've done isn't the same, and it's very jagged and all over the place...




Good idea, bad work though, try spending longer on it.













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