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what do you think is better?


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Good English.


Lmao!!! :lol: THat made my laugh in real life, rofl.





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I perfer Offence rather then defence. Crush your oppenent quick and you dont need to worry about defence.



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Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


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i think it is good to have both. hitting hard is no use when your opponent can cut you like butter.



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Crush your oppenent quick and you dont need to worry about defence.




America's strategy in war 8-)


You know it Ash! Well If you have very high def and low off, then you will be there for a long time. If you have a very high off and a low def, well expect to get hit pretty hard.

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Offence. Because if you kill someone quickly and effective enough he wont get a chance to kill you. If your all defence all you can do it sit there and take hits untill he kills you with 1's.

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I would say it depends on your way of playing




I prefer high offense, cause you hit harder and get faster experience. If you use guthans armor, prayer protection.... you dont have to worry a lot for your hp.

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eh that is true it all depends




but lets say you have a good offance and a solid defance and you can hit around 15-20 somewhere in that range. It would be good to have a goo def if you are fight someone higher then you.

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I think it's better to have offense because you can just destroy your opponent... if you have defense, then you sit there hitting 1s... and then by the time you get them down to 5 hp, they can run and you'd keep hitting 0s and 1s...

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