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Convene Inc's POH Designer


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Tefda:1 Convene_inc: 0


=; [-( \'






Only a subjective judge can say that.....




So uhm.....




Tefda:1 Convene_inc: 0




:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

No offence to tefda, but this program is much smoother. Tefda's program is pretty annoying to use.




Tefda:0 | Convene_inc: 1




The whole reason that Tefda has so many more hits then this is that GM files cannot be put up directly on a website, and have to be downloaded. There is an experimental program that converts gm->java, but it doesn't work with variables. :wall: If Convene_inc could put his up like you did, then he would have a lot more views.




Tefda:0 | Convene_inc: 2




Also, bloodvelds rokz0rz my sokz0rz




Tefda:0 | Convene_inc: 2 | Bloodvelds: eleventy-six


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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I can't see how tefda's can be topped. Not that it's the best program i've ever used, it just seems like you can't make a great POH designer. A POH designer is a POH designer, tefda's rotates the rooms, is quick to load up, and doesn't look too bad.




For the convenience of Tefda's which earned it a quick link on my browser;




Tefda:1 Convene_Inc:0




Not knocking anybody, but Tefda's is more convenient and can't be improved upon enough to make me want to clcik anything more than the one link i have to click to get to Tefda's.

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Ah, talking about people in the third person, gotta love it.




Honestly though, people will use whichever one they like better. More people have used NukeMarine's "Designer" than anyone elses on the forums. Again people will use whichever thing they want to, it's all a matter of opinion. I even said that my Flash file was simple.




The reason why I got all uppity was because of two things that Convene said (even if it was in jest).


Glad you posted, I wanted to say that the only reason I made it in game maker is because I thought game maker could make a POH Designer better than flash could. In more rude words, I thought I could make a better POH Designer than you could :P




Firstly he thought that game maker could make the better POH designer. But he is comparing it to a seventeen year old who has only had about two years experience with Flash and NO professional training. He too has never received training in Game Maker but I don't believe our handicaps will equal us out in either fields. The only REAL way to settle this pissing contest is to get the top developers of Game Maker and Flash to make their own POH designer and see whos is better by a vote from the Runescape Community. Now that is not going to happen anytime soon.




Lastly he is telling me that he could make a better POH designer he is even saying that the statement was intent to be "rude". I decided to tell him exactly how my File was doing in comparison to his own.




Now to the Game Maker users out there. I do NOT have preset tools and premade codes in Flash. I have to hardcode everything. I cannot simply "tweak" a space ship for it to be able to move with WASD instead of the arrow keys, I need to know how Flash itself works otherwise... it won't work. I'm not trying to start a debat between Flash and Game Maker and I do not enjoy trying to defend myself on another persons thread. I would like to say as a last point as I said before, if you want to download Convene's, go download it. If you want to use NukeMarines PAINT way, use his, if you want to use mine, go ahead and use mine. It does not matter whose you use so long as you're happy with your house. Stop debating between my own designer and Convenes. We're both providing a service here and I was simply trying to defend my designer, is it a crime to be defend your own work against wouldbe assailants? Convene has defended his own tool by telling people it is not a keylogger, it is a safe file, etc. I had to do the same but it was against Convene as he "attacked" my file and flash itself. It's done and over with and I'd appreciate it if people would get over it.

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Uploaded version 1.1, basically the big thing is the cost count, and you can turn the music and sound on/off.




Thanks for all the comments!




I'll be adding most suggestions next version - now is the time to tell me what I need to add!




Oh, and let's just get over the Tefda's vs mine thing, they both have there ups and downs and it was pretty stupid of me to say that. (At the time I was kinda annoyed with all the 'don't trust' posts)

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(This is at tefda) You obviously have never used GM. :lol: I've used both flash AND GM, and GM is much better at making quite a few games. (I have had two years of professional flash training, btw.)

Now to the Game Maker users out there. I do NOT have preset tools and premade codes in Flash. I have to hardcode everything. I cannot simply "tweak" a space ship for it to be able to move with WASD instead of the arrow keys, I need to know how Flash itself works otherwise... it won't work.
This is why I prefer people to call game maker GM, as people who have no idea what the program is think it's just some incredibly basic program. How do you think GM works?? You think it has built in games, and you just add courses or something?? No. The only thing easier about GM then flash, for example, if that the most basic of codes have "drag and drop" buttons, where you can learn the basic coding easier. But, if you want to make something a bit more complicated then pacman, (like this game) you are going to have to learn coding.




In fact, quite a few things are much harder to do in GM then flash; cut scenes, for example. While flash has frames, GM must use a complicated timeline connected with rooms, and yet still is missing the ease of just being able to draw directly in the actual game, as you either have to import images or use the cruddy, built-in paint program.




The main problem with yours is how confusing it is. When I loaded it, I saw all the "nifty" buttons, and decided this piece would be better off here, so I tried to drag it. Err...that didn't work. So I try double clicking on a spot, and again nothing worked. Then when I clicked on a piece, it magicially went to the last spot I clicked. Shouldn't a "master" designer be easy to use, without having to spend a few min trying to figure out how it works?




Another problem with yours is the lack of polish. The pieces are messy and not perfectly trimmed. Also, the rotate feature is quite weird. I added a portal room, and when I tried to rotate it, it gained 2 more doors! I rotated it a few more times, and it magicially lost one door, leaving it with two? WTF? Don't forget that yours has only one floor, no music, no sounds, no screenshot program (this one automaticially saves the screenshot to your desktop), no dungeons...




Didn't you say earlier that you only spent like 30 min on this? Don't be so defensive of your program if you didn't put any work into it.




I can't see how tefda's can be topped.
You obviously haven't tried this one ;)




For the convenience of Tefda's which earned it a quick link on my browser;


Not knocking anybody, but Tefda's is more convenient and can't be improved upon enough to make me want to clcik anything more than the one link i have to click to get to Tefda's.

What is more convenient: loading up the web then going to a bookmark or loading the program right from your desktop?


I'll be adding most suggestions next version - now is the time to tell me what I need to add!
Try making it that when you press the button to save a screenshot, it asks for a string to name the program and what extension it needs. (ie png, jpg, ect)


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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I'll be adding most suggestions next version - now is the time to tell me what I need to add!
Try making it that when you press the button to save a screenshot, it asks for a string to name the program and what extension it needs. (ie png, jpg, ect)




I actually tried to save it as a png and it said 'not a valid png vile' when I opened it. I think I can get it to save as a jpg or a gif though, but I didn't add those because I don't like those file formats. I'll get to it, though - the file naming was something I should add that I forgot about.

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I'll be adding most suggestions next version - now is the time to tell me what I need to add!
Try making it that when you press the button to save a screenshot, it asks for a string to name the program and what extension it needs. (ie png, jpg, ect)




I actually tried to save it as a png and it said 'not a valid png vile' when I opened it. I think I can get it to save as a jpg or a gif though, but I didn't add those because I don't like those file formats. I'll get to it, though - the file naming was something I should add that I forgot about.

Here, I'll see if I can make you a demo program on how to save it as a png.


EDIT: It's really simple, just make it so that it saves it as the file (whatever).png


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Bloodveld, just forget about it. I never said my designer was perfect. You've thoroughly pwned a newb-coder. Congrats. Nothing more can be said by either party and I'm sorry for ever even posting here as I acted stupidly for that one brief post. To Convene, rock on with Game Maker keep doing it and investigate if there are programs to convert the game maker files into something placeable on a website, you'll reach a much broader audience that way.




To shadowFax: :P




Continue to flame but know that I feel I have a clear conscience now. Again I'm sincerely sorry to Convene for starting this flamefest. Now everyone please go back to talking about Convene's designer.

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Could you post the GM file? I'd like to see if I could improve it a bit. ;)


Bloodveld, just forget about it. I never said my designer was perfect. You've thoroughly pwned a newb-coder. Congrats. Nothing more can be said by either party and I'm sorry for ever even posting here as I acted stupidly for that one brief post.
Hehe, I'm sorry too. Spending 6 months perfecting my GM skill has made me a bit defensive of it ;)


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Convene, instead of having that whole "copy and paste, then type in this" thing, why not make an html page? Simple and easy...




Here's the example (or just use this), but to make one on your own, if you don't know how to already, is rather easy.








1. Create a page named poh.html (you need to be viewing the extensions for this to work).




2. Open that file in WordPad or NotePad (doesn't matter).




3. Copy and paste this code into that page:


Download EXE

Download ZIP




4. Save the file, and upload it.




5. Edit the first post to lead to this new page.




It will get annoying otherwise.




And great job on the cost calculator, heh, now try to make it include the commas.




Also, I don't think it's possible to build a third floor (correct me if I'm wrong here), so you should remove that one.




EDIT: Here's my new house. 20 rooms, and it would cost me 729,500 gp to build, and that's JUST the empty rooms. Now add all those pieces of furnature, and then the xp it'll take getting to the perfect level, and erg, that's a lot of money. Anyways, here's my dream house:










First Floor






Second Floor



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I dunno if it is just me, but it is getting pretty annoying when people start flaming posts with pointless crap like " OH MAH GOD im not gunna dl that becuase it's a keylogger" etc... etc... etc. Look up there are like 5 pointless posts. Have you thought that maybe not everyone is trying to get your account? Personally I either just wait untill I check it myself or someone else confirms what I find to start posting useless crap that helps no one, and gives what may be awsome programs a crappy image.




Also, competition, even though for the creators feels horrible, for the rest of us is great. Without competition prgrammers could release all the half assed programs they wanted and would get paid because the consumer would not have anything else to choose from. Luckily there is competition and for programmers to make money they have to make the best product they can to get paid, hence the consumer gets the best item for his money. Tefda, thank you for taking the time to make your designer which I used as well, but both of you needa chill.




Finally, Convene_inc, very nice job on the creator. Easy to use and has a lot of nice features added on. Sorry that your first page had to be filled with pointless posts which did nothing but soil your programs reputation. Also, I do not know if you can do this or not, seems pretty simple though but you may needa reprogram depending on how you made it, but... make it so like when you are in dungeon mode.. you cant see the parlour, kictchen, garden etc part.


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Nice work! I like your designer. One small thing bothers me though :P


There's no option for spiral stairs. I have a house with only one stairway which leads up and down. So "stairs up and down" option would be cool.




It's just a small thing though :P






Retired ~ "I'll Be Back!" NOT

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Nice work! I like your designer. One small thing bothers me though :P


There's no option for spiral stairs. I have a house with only one stairway which leads up and down. So "stairs up and down" option would be cool.




It's just a small thing though :P






Also, I do not know if you can do this or not, seems pretty simple though but you may needa reprogram depending on how you made it, but... make it so like when you are in dungeon mode.. you cant see the parlour, kictchen, garden etc part.




Those are easy enough, it's just I didn't know about the spiral stairs when I made the designer, and I thought you could build any room in the dungeon, as well as the dungeon rooms. Can someone tell me what rooms you can build in a dungeon?




Once someone tells me, I'll finish up the new version and upload it :)

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You know, I checked the gm6 file, and it's actually very clean. :o =D> I would have used like 6 controllers, just because I can. \'


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Every suggestion is done and every bug that I know of is fixed. When someone answers my previous question, I'll upload the new version!




By the way, saam - Your POH Designer sounds interesting, but instead of using my thread you should make your own or something, or leave it in your sig. :wink: More people will check it out, too. Also, the java file doesn't load. I get a red x in the corner.

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Every suggestion is done and every bug that I know of is fixed. When someone answers my previous question, I'll upload the new version!




By the way, saam - Your POH Designer sounds interesting, but instead of using my thread you should make your own or something, or leave it in your sig. :wink: More people will check it out, too. Also, the java file doesn't load. I get a red x in the corner.




Really ? weird... I check it again. I know I just compiled it using JDK 1.5 Update 7. I know it work with IE6 with JRE 1.5 Update 6. Maybe I will try to compile it with older JDK.




EDIT: compiled it in JDK 1.5 Update 6 (couldn't find older atm) and also change it to short name files (hdesign instead HomeDesing) hope it work now.

Visit my web-site http://www.saam007.com.

Where you can find: Runescape Home Designer, Runescape Farming Tool, Runescape Sudoku Solver and how to pay membership while playing.

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Saam, I must say, I like your POH designer. I like the stats that it gives (VERY helpful), and the ability to turn on and off the room names and prices.




Convene, you should add some of these features to yours, it would make it even better (sorry Saam, I'm not trying to push you out, it'd just be a good thing to have everything under one roof if you know what I mean).

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