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Better, funner missions for the f2p people of rs


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i have completed all the free missions and olny 1 of them where fun and that was the dragon slayer quest. i mean come on. there was over 10 new mission in the lats couple of months and they where all member quest. never siece i started playing there has been a quest, item , or anything for the f2p citizens of rs. :wall: #-o :wall: #-o :wall: #-o :wall: #-o :wall:

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F2p is no trial. Members is simply an expansion pack.


Thats where you got it wrong. F2p is the demo, P2P is the real game.


Dont pay=Dont get updates




P.S. They're called Quests... :roll:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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F2p is no trial. Members is simply an expansion pack.


Thats where you got it wrong. F2p is the demo, P2P is the real game.


Dont pay=Dont get updates




P.S. They're called Quests... :roll:




Actually, no. By definition a demo is a small sneak-peek into a game which either has servely limited abilities or forces you to pay after a time trail. F2P in Runescape is fully an independent game by itself... you can play very well on F2P alone.




So technically, F2P and P2P is like "First Class" and "Economical Class" in a plane.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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F2p was made with its lack of bank space and quest, to make you become a member, you do not pay for the game, why would jagex give free stuff all the time to people who dont pay, members pay, the get updates.There are hundreds of post like this, and not matter how much people you get on your side, jagex will NOT change it.




Number of times this posted: 1

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I call for respect. There seems to be copious amounts of disrepect creeping into this thread. Let us do this calmly and rationally like human beings...








I agree with the others about F2P does not really need any more stuff. You don't pay, they have absolutely no reason to give you anything extra: it is good enough you got a non-trial, non-demo game for free, as well as the chance to upgrade your account if you ever wish to do so. Again, if you want more quests, upgrade your account.




However, there is absolutely no need for the disrespect of those people who retaliate against the poster. Even though you might deny it, there is quite a wiff of spite in many of your posts.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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ok, first off, apparantly you're not that attached to the game since you call them "missions" and not quests. Secondly, stop whining and saying.."OMG F2P SHOULD GET MORE UPDATES AND QUESTS!!!!111" why don't u actually suggest something that you want, instead of whining. Third, stop overusing emoticions, its just annoying. Forth, its called "marketing stratagies" Jagex's goal is NOT to make the f2p game as good as p2p. Why do u think there is a "P" in p2p standing for PAY! P2P gets updates because they pay money for the game, get over it. 5 bucks is not that much...just mow a lawn or something, so stop whining about this :roll:

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F2p was made with its lack of bank space and quest, to make you become a member, you do not pay for the game, why would jagex give free stuff all the time to people who dont pay, members pay, the get updates.There are hundreds of post like this, and not matter how much people you get on your side, jagex will NOT change it.




Number of times this posted: 1




F2p was made as a standalone many years ago. Members was added in order to help supplement the funds and offset costs. I don't believe that f2p really needs any updates, don't get me wrong there. But you are certainly insulting f2p by making it anything less than a full game. I would perhaps compare this to google. It's similar, but not quite the same. Google first started a free service but it didn't make them much money. They then created an entire ad system that has now made google millionaires. Starting with a basic product, then creating add-ons to make money.




Once again, f2p is in fact a full game. But updates are by no means necessary.

RSN: Mutashi

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F2P people are getting a new update, as said in the "Behind The Scenes - June".




i think its something about a fighting pit or something..





\:D/ Ray::P2P::::Roaming Around::::Phat me pl0x?::::Beamster:: \:D/


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im f2p (dont flame me yet :P) and i dont think that f2p should get any updates. members pay for the extra skills/quests (btw, they are called quests, not missions). f2p dont pay for anything and therefore shouldnt get anything. im supprised that f2p is getting an update this month and im guessing that the fight thing that it is is going to be totally dodge otherwise it would be a p2p only thing.




to sum it up: f2p dont pay:f2p dont get anything


Sig is thanx to Cookie!!!

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I'm F2P. so don't flame me.




F2P shldn't get new quests. It's as good as it is. If they/we want new quests, must as well get members. In life, we can't get everything we want just because we ask for it ... Money makes the world go round. Jagex rather spend their time working and creating updates for people that pay them, not us. In fact, we can look at it this way. The P2P are not only paying for themselves, they are paying FOR US.








keep that in mind.




If they don't pay, Jagex will just crash and there ... no more runescape. They are keeping runescape on, not us, so why must we complain? They do deserve more than us.




We already have alot. We have more than 50% of the game world. We have most of the skills. In smithing, we can smith most of the stuff that members can. In fishing, members can only get better stuff like sharks and turtles or manta rays? but the only good fish would be shark. We have strength potions. We have big bones.




If you say that Jagex has given us too little, think the other way round. We would have only normal bones, we can only fish up to salmons, we can't harpoon, we can only smith up to mithril, we can only use up to addy armour, we can only cast up to lvl 40 mage.





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Well, they are going to add something new this month, what more could you want?




Please, this game is free and, being free; is very detailed as it is. Don't give JAGeX a reason to close it down altogether because you want more for something you didn't give anything in return.




And before you say "advertisements", JAGeX mentioned only some time ago that the adverts give only enough money to help run the F2P servers, no profit. So I implore you, F2Pers, stop giving F2P a bad name.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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I belive F2P deserves new updates. And we do... Santa, Easter Bunny, ect. SO lets flush those and release a real holiday QUEST with rewards worth working for that don't sit in your bank! Problem solved! O:)




Deserve? Pardon me, but even though I say that people who say F2P do not "deserve" anything is too harsh, to say you do "deserve" something is also plain idotic. Because technically, JAGeX is not getting anything off you.




Let me emphasise this: Equivalent Exchange. The fundamental principle of Alchemy, and almost every aspect of this world.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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I belive F2P deserves new updates. And we do... Santa, Easter Bunny, ect. SO lets flush those and release a real holiday QUEST with rewards worth working for that don't sit in your bank! Problem solved! O:)




Deserve? Pardon me, but even though I say that people who say F2P do not "deserve" anything is too harsh, to say you do "deserve" something is also plain idotic. Because technically, JAGeX is not getting anything off you.




Let me emphasise this: Equivalent Exchange. The fundamental principle of Alchemy, and almost every aspect of this world.




Owned...but hes right, you dont pay, why would you get updates?

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F2p is no trial. Members is simply an expansion pack.


Thats where you got it wrong. F2p is the demo, P2P is the real game.


Dont pay=Dont get updates




P.S. They're called Quests... :roll:






not a demo either


well possibly




but definitely not a trial, 1: they usually cap your stats or items, sometimes playing time




and also, it is possible to get 99 on f2p but members is just an expansion with certain caps still in place

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I agree. It is, after all; a cruel world that is completely not fair or just; but as we live in such a world, it cannot be helped. Live with it. Especially on something as minor as a form of entertainment.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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