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are we really that much better?


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there's a new section at the bottom if any one has any comment please post them.


he has a phat just cause he is a p mod, now shut up about it
you're right, it's like giving candy to a fat kid and punch him when he eats it
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are you kidding? I see people calling eachother noobs over combat lvls in f2p, 14/7, theres literally 20 times more scamming in f2p, p2p only has those occasional edgevill scams (which can actually earn you 400k), and sometimes some scamming in world 2. F2p has disrespect 24/7 too, i spend some decent time in f2p, both on my main and noob account, I know enought.


do something in p2p with alot of people for a whole day straight than do something in f2p for a whole day. most likely you will see more people argue over combat levels in p2p than in f2p. obviously f2p has more scamming, low level people there have nothing but what they scammed to lose, while p2p people have their money and work to lose.


so youre agreeing with me? f2p scam for their money, and p2p work for their money?




ps: sry for the double post.




no some of both scam for their money, most f2p mine, fish or something like that. while alot of mems fletch, alch, cut mages, fish sharks, make d hide, kill dragons, mine pure ess(well not alot of peeps do that), runecraft, ect.


so whats your point?

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You have to think of the structure as school.




F2p is like a mix of elementary and middle school. Elementary because it's where players learn a lot about the game (Where everything is, for example) and middle school because there are some brutal people (verbally and morally) just as I witnessed in middle school.




P2p is like highschool and college. Highschool because the people there are experienced, most know what they're going to be doing when they get there (mage, ranger, melee, all 3, noncombat) and College because you've got all the high class, hot shot players who have their own hangout spots (barrows, kalphite queen, dagganoth kings, etc)




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Yesterday I went on a crowded f2p for the third time since my membership and I will say, it'll be awhile before I go back. Apparently, trying to buy yews means message me and harass me to death to buy your willows. When walking to Lumbridge from Draynor, someone said I had been scamming a lot and I should give him my password to keep from being banned. Naturally, I just sent up a nice "haha" which he followed up with "**** my **** ************." Later, someone said he'd report me if I didn't buy his 100 yews at 350gp each.

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im (very close to) lvl 100 and i get called noob every time i go to cw? why? because they are jealous.




my definition of noob is: stupid newbie




thats why i am seriously offended by those *insert inappropriate words* who just use it like how everyone uses a weapon, no real decision or thought put into it




i've played for almost 3 years now and i was never called a noob on f2p when it was still rsc only days(maybe once or twice tho)




but runescape has lost about 80% of respect values ever since i started






oh and to omali, anyone can go into p2p, regardless of their lvl or skill, so you really cant compare it to the school form as there are plenty of high lvl(95+) people in f2p who are more mature than a lot of people




and everyone has their own style of playing, so you cant really describe the rs population

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IMHO, I don't view f2p any different from me, apart from the content of the game itself. I'd never think of assuming someone is a noob just because they're f2p, because I myself have been a non-member for almost two years willingly, and at any time I could of upgraded to members, but I chose not to because I enjoyed f2p. Non-Members, in a way, is almost better then p2p. It's really hard to have a legitiment conversation with anyone in p2p, they're all so wrapped up in the content of the game they don't even want to just chat, even when they're training.




That's why I find f2p much more entertaining sometimes, don' get me wrong, I still like p2p and all, it's not not social enough :lol:




I agree with you though, nothing is wrng with f2p EXEPT for the people that just start out, and decide, "hey! if i pretend to b e a gurl i r can get leik free stuff, ja?"...But that's in p2p as well..




in f2p wcing is actually fun, while in p2p no 1 ever says anything, their like drones or something :-k lol the pretending to be a girl thing is huge in p2p.




I'm probably 1 of those "drones" you've seen. I hate talking to people while I wc... I dunno why I just don't. also I'm usually playing my ps2 while wcing or laying on my bed because my mouse has a long wire :lol:


And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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i'd say your way off..sure theirs jerks on p2p...but i meet a hell of a lot more people worth talkin to on p2p then on f2p.




I was going to f2p to talk to my cousin the other day, and give him some stuff. BOOM...OMG 107 COMBAT...Dude, can I have some wepons and rmor plxZ!...dude, you want to buy some yew logs...trade spammed to the max.




I think one reason its more enjoyable on p2p is because a 107 is almost considered mid lvled on p2p, and so when the lower p2p's see you, they arnt so surprised, and they don't freak out. Also, since most p2p is people who are willing to pay for their membership...they are a lot more mature then the freeloading f2p members who ussually flame the heck outa you when you dont give them free stuff.




Was going to say something similar but hey, you did it for me already :)


thnx lol


ohw and to the creator of the topic, of course there are many, many nice people on f2p.


But there are countless more on p2p.


Ohw and your comparison is dead wrong too.


It's like saying look my neighbour has 100 sheep and 5 of them are sick.


I have 10 sheep but only 1 is sick so heck I'm better :D:D:D


While when you do a good comparison measuring the amount of noobs as a percentatge to the total amount of p2pers and f2pers I'm sure there are a LOT more noobs on f2p.




I had to edit for this:


in f2p wcing is actually fun, while in p2p no 1 ever says anything, their like drones or something lol the pretending to be a girl thing is huge in p2p.


Do you even have a clue of what you're talking about ????


I have met REALLY REALLY little girls in p2p, while f2p is full of them because they suppose they casn get more phr33 st00f being a girl.


Note: they don't even go to the makeover mage to switch gender, omgz no that costs a whole 3k :o


nah they just make a second account to go and beg with, its free anyways ;)


Ohw and there's another reason for most of the rs playing boys to pass some playingtime as a girl, they all do the quest sooner or later, and now that you're a girl anyways I've seen many people leaving it like that or just being to lazy to change it back for like a month.


Lol so woodcutting is more fun on f2p ? I don't like woodcutting anyways :/ lol

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Yesterday I went on a crowded f2p for the third time since my membership and I will say, it'll be awhile before I go back. Apparently, trying to buy yews means message me and harass me to death to buy your willows. When walking to Lumbridge from Draynor, someone said I had been scamming a lot and I should give him my password to keep from being banned. Naturally, I just sent up a nice "haha" which he followed up with "**** my **** ************." Later, someone said he'd report me if I didn't buy his 100 yews at 350gp each.




lol i've never seen that happen.


he has a phat just cause he is a p mod, now shut up about it
you're right, it's like giving candy to a fat kid and punch him when he eats it
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i'd say your way off..sure theirs jerks on p2p...but i meet a hell of a lot more people worth talkin to on p2p then on f2p.




I was going to f2p to talk to my cousin the other day, and give him some stuff. BOOM...OMG 107 COMBAT...Dude, can I have some wepons and rmor plxZ!...dude, you want to buy some yew logs...trade spammed to the max.




I think one reason its more enjoyable on p2p is because a 107 is almost considered mid lvled on p2p, and so when the lower p2p's see you, they arnt so surprised, and they don't freak out. Also, since most p2p is people who are willing to pay for their membership...they are a lot more mature then the freeloading f2p members who ussually flame the heck outa you when you dont give them free stuff.




Was going to say something similar but hey, you did it for me already :)


thnx lol


ohw and to the creator of the topic, of course there are many, many nice people on f2p.


But there are countless more on p2p.


Ohw and your comparison is dead wrong too.


It's like saying look my neighbour has 100 sheep and 5 of them are sick.


I have 10 sheep but only 1 is sick so heck I'm better :D:D:D


While when you do a good comparison measuring the amount of noobs as a percentatge to the total amount of p2pers and f2pers I'm sure there are a LOT more noobs on f2p.




I had to edit for this:


in f2p wcing is actually fun, while in p2p no 1 ever says anything, their like drones or something lol the pretending to be a girl thing is huge in p2p.


Do you even have a clue of what you're talking about ????


I have met REALLY REALLY little girls in p2p, while f2p is full of them because they suppose they casn get more phr33 st00f being a girl.


Note: they don't even go to the makeover mage to switch gender, omgz no that costs a whole 3k :o


nah they just make a second account to go and beg with, its free anyways ;)


Ohw and there's another reason for most of the rs playing boys to pass some playingtime as a girl, they all do the quest sooner or later, and now that you're a girl anyways I've seen many people leaving it like that or just being to lazy to change it back for like a month.


Lol so woodcutting is more fun on f2p ? I don't like woodcutting anyways :/ lol


not exactly more noobs,f2p has way more people, and some of them are newbs, not noobs. yes actually wcing is way better on f2p cause no 1 is a drone




edit:there's alot of fake girls and p2p anf f2p, f2p ones are mostly around lummy as they cant get to far, while p2p ones are everywhere(there's really a ton at range gulid mages).


he has a phat just cause he is a p mod, now shut up about it
you're right, it's like giving candy to a fat kid and punch him when he eats it
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p2p used to be a lot better, there was a lot less people under lvl 60, which ment a lot less...






-in game arguments








the list goes on...




ya i know a had a low level acc around the time when mauls were still 500k(i cant belive they were that much) everyone was much nicer, some level 60 guy gave me some mems stuff cause it was my first day.


he has a phat just cause he is a p mod, now shut up about it
you're right, it's like giving candy to a fat kid and punch him when he eats it
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i put in a new section, now there is more stuff to flame me about :o


he has a phat just cause he is a p mod, now shut up about it
you're right, it's like giving candy to a fat kid and punch him when he eats it
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wow this thread is empty


he has a phat just cause he is a p mod, now shut up about it
you're right, it's like giving candy to a fat kid and punch him when he eats it
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  • 3 weeks later...
p2p used to be a lot better, there was a lot less people under lvl 60, which ment a lot less...






-in game arguments








the list goes on...






lol wow, you're one to talk about scamming. :roll:


You took my phat. on May 13th 2006 3:30 pm est. karma will get you.



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Pker, you really are a stereotyper and you need to understand the reasons why low levels are ignored in p2p (which obviously makes us jerks in your books :roll: ). Yeah, there are many beggars in f2p and many beggars in p2p(usually ones that came fresh from f2p). I'm just saying you make it sound like we are all jerks because most of us cant put up with the "omg plz help me. gimme your phat. buy my oak logs" stuff. Heck I just had a guy I met in duel arena (who saw me in my veracs and was like "omg friends!") yesterday ask "will you help me get dragon legs, youre rich"






step2: ignore


but noo obviously that makes us jerks pker right?


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Pker, you really are a stereotyper and you need to understand the reasons why low levels are ignored in p2p (which obviously makes us jerks in your books :roll: ). Yeah, there are many beggars in f2p and many beggars in p2p(usually ones that came fresh from f2p). I'm just saying you make it sound like we are all jerks because most of us cant put up with the "omg plz help me. gimme your phat. buy my oak logs" stuff. Heck I just had a guy I met in duel arena (who saw me in my veracs and was like "omg friends!") yesterday ask "will you help me get dragon legs, youre rich"






step2: ignore


but noo obviously that makes us jerks pker right?


no actually it wouldnt, you dont have to be nice to beggars, as they should get to work and make their own money, not beg of people for their cash that they actually earned.


he has a phat just cause he is a p mod, now shut up about it
you're right, it's like giving candy to a fat kid and punch him when he eats it
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Generally F2P are alot nicer.




I was making fun of this F2Per but we ended up as friends.






If u dun that to a P2Per they would just end up challengin u to wildy or duel arena


yes lol thats ususally what happens.


he has a phat just cause he is a p mod, now shut up about it
you're right, it's like giving candy to a fat kid and punch him when he eats it
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ya i always challenge ppl to dms or duels if they piss me off and how come i never get to meet all the nice f2pers most i meet are complete jerks the nicest f2per ive ever met was lets say his name is mr generous he gave so much stuff away he was the most generous person on rs ive met but then i guess i don't meet a lot of good f2pers because i don't ever go on f2p worlds cause i hate being bombarded by beggers



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ya i always challenge ppl to dms or duels if they piss me off and how come i never get to meet all the nice f2pers most i meet are complete jerks the nicest f2per ive ever met was muntrue (am i allowed to say his name?) he gave so much stuff away he was the most generous person on rs ive met but then i guess i don't meet a lot of good f2pers because i don't ever go on f2p worlds cause i hate being bombarded by beggers


just avoid lummy and varrock(unless your on a large world cause people dont beg those as much), i do that on p2p any way to avoid the"omg omg i got hacked free stuff plz!" people


same rules as rsb, cant say the name


he has a phat just cause he is a p mod, now shut up about it
you're right, it's like giving candy to a fat kid and punch him when he eats it
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