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Yew Trees in Level 1/2 Wilderness

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Just a thought: if there were yews in the wilderness, people could make level 4 pure's just to kill autoers for yews--that's assuming that autoers would want to venture into the wildy to cut. This wouldn't be a permanent solution to the yewbs (love that term), but it would help reduce the frustration over them for the time being. I mean, there are fishing spots and mining spots in the wilderness (and runite is only available in the wilderness anyways), so why not real trees? I remember the early shallow levels of wilderness still have patches of grass anyways.




Obviously these yews would have to be placed away from the abyss entrance route so that members don't get any more headaches. The area above the Mind Altar does seem nice however. Two trees would be enough to serve the real wcers.




A whole new brand of pkers ("yew pkers") would arise, obviously, but that can't be helped. Regarding skill pures: this game wasn't designed for skill pures to begin with, was it?




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The early levels of the wilderness still contain traces of vegetation. Go to the Edgeville/Wilderness border. From what I remember, there's even a few oaks in the wild. I don't expect macroers to head over to this yew tree in the wilderness, but even if they do, it would be possible to create low-level pkers to hunt them for their inventory yews. Who would use the wilderness yews? Woodcutters who would rather do things in the wilderness than compete with people who don't even play the game correctly. I would fall under that category. I, for one, don't mind if the bank is far away if it means less people. It's like using crafting guild to farm cows instead of the one directly south of Falador.




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An decent idea, but these "yew pkers" could ruin the game for wc pures.


wc pures can stay at willows or fight with the yewbs. This game isn't supposed to revolve around skill pures. Again, the wilderness yew trees are for real human players who are brave enough to chop yews in the wilderness. I am not expecting macroers to go and chop these, why the hell do you think I suggested the location to be the wilderness?




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Do realize that I am speaking from an freeworld perspective (which is why I say that runite ore is only available in the wilderness). Members get more locations for yews. The vast majority of the macroers are on the freeworlders, and this is a temporary solution to the problem for freeworld yew cutters while Jagex work on a better way to stop the macroers.

I am a tree.

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I'm not too sure how the yew trees in the wildy would solve much, just give woodcutters who burn a place to go. There is already a nice tree just south of falador for that though.




Skill pures, I'm not too sure whether or not RS was designed for skill pures. I know it wasn't designed to have magic or ranging as main combat styles being as those didn't effect combat level before. I personally found that runescape was mostly a combat based game, so skill pures weren't meant to be in the beginning. However, RS seems to have embraced skill pures so that now they are quite natural to the game.

RSN: Mutashi

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more like lvl 10... like the coal rocks...




and where do you want to put them? oh... i know a nice place... north of the tele tree north west of varock... and then in lvl 10... and about 5 trees... and without annoing monsters that protects peeps from getting pked... ill hang around there the whole time...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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The only way yews would become popular in the wildy is if there were a bank nearby. Otherwise there are plenty of other places to chop yews.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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I wouldn't be surpised if free to play turns to complete crap when the autoers are done with it, they already ruined ess somewhat. Now what if they make a version of pure yews and regular yews and regular yews are f2p and can only be used for fire making



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Some of you are missing my point.




The early levels of the wilderness still contain traces of vegetation. Go to the Edgeville/Wilderness border. From what I remember, there's even a few oaks in the wild. I don't expect macroers to head over to this yew tree in the wilderness, but even if they do, it would be possible to create low-level pkers to hunt them for their inventory yews. Who would use the wilderness yews? Woodcutters who would rather do things in the wilderness than compete with people who don't even play the game correctly. I would fall under that category. I, for one, don't mind if the bank is far away if it means less people. It's like using crafting guild to farm cows instead of the one directly south of Falador.

I am a tree.

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Guest mmortalone

i like y00bs better btw, i dont think it would help, autoers have many other places better

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Firstly, there are better places to cut Yews without risking your neck.




Secondly, the only vegetated parts of the Wilderness are around level one and two. That isn't too much of a threat to me.




So in conclusion: it would not work, and would instead be excessive.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Grant the Fifth Freedom to kill those level-3 yewbies regardless of level!




(I'll become a YewKEr, the Yew Killer!!!) :twisted:




[edited : bad grammar]

[Admin Edit: Innapropriate Text in sig removed]

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no...really what would be the point? no WCer is gonna risk their neck chopping trees in the wildy specially if they are leaving their computer to play for them. i agree with thaimodz we should be granted the ability to kill macroers...if jagex ever released it it should be called "the power of durial" lol.


Empire Mind:Nbk killed your clan.



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An decent idea, but these "yew pkers" could ruin the game for wc pures.


wc pures can stay at willows or fight with the yewbs. This game isn't supposed to revolve around skill pures. Again, the wilderness yew trees are for real human players who are brave enough to chop yews in the wilderness. I am not expecting macroers to go and chop these, why the hell do you think I suggested the location to be the wilderness?

I am a tree.

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The only way yews would become popular in the wildy is if there were a bank nearby. Otherwise there are plenty of other places to chop yews.




- Sligo




it will create a new crowed yew place... and it will create a new pk place... so... trees for the high lvls...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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