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What? You cant take beer out of your house!


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Well I was bored so I used my infinate asgarnian ale to get really drunk (0/71 attack). I was gonna go to Falador to try to kill gaurds. I got some extra ales to take with me in case my attack recharged on the way. When I left the portal the ale had vanished! Even the glasses! What's up with that?




Or maybe it could be I was REALLY drunk and hallucenating.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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that doesn't really bother me. hwat botehrs me is I can't get my darn boxing gloves out of the house... :-k


And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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Drinking on the street is illegal, jagex is merely implicating that getting drunk should be done in the privacy of your own home, now lets all thank jagex for teaching us something....





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have you tried giving it to your servant to bank?


He won't do it, and you can't use the beer to make beer barrels either. :x




those bums :wall: guess they don't want us seen drunk in public xD

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have you tried giving it to your servant to bank?


He won't do it, and you can't use the beer to make beer barrels either. :x




those bums :wall: guess they don't want us seen drunk in public xD

blue collar FTW!




edit: w00t 50 posts

finally back in the game! send me a message, all my old friends quit

I laughed so hard I pooped my thong. :lol:
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The only way you can chefs delight is buying it from someone who brewed it or brewing it yourself. This way people can't take it out of houses and charge high prices for it.




So the obvious solution to that is to greatly limit supply and let the people who already charge high prices for them continue to do so without any competition. Right. :roll:

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Its because they dont want people charging high prices for Greenmans Ale or Dragon Bitter in Falador and Astinian Ale in Yannle. (sorry about the spelling)
A guy in yanille sells them, nobody would really sell high, I have like 20 in the bank :lol:
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Hmm, so then there shouldnt be a problem of taking the beer out of ye house.. Dont get why u cant oh well



Currently training all skills to or above 60.


Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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its the same with the tea btw




you cant use construction out of your house...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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its the same with the tea btw




you cant use construction out of your house...




what about hiring a servant?it does require certain lvls.


i tried to take the tea in order to hire a butler but.....

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It was great too hear we would have access to the various ales in our homes and it is a little disappointing we can't take em with us, but I've learned to work around it..




Once I got to the lvl to make Greenman's ale I've stuck with it. (I could brew it myself, but I'd rather not tie up a bank space with it.) So now I fill up my bag with herbs, vials and secondary items. I leave a space for the beer glass. (This is probably more expensive way to do it. Fortunatley, I can make my own laws.)




Anyway, once I teleport to my house, I grab a beer glass, pour myself a tall one and mix like crazy. True I don't get as many done as using one in the bank, but it's not that much of a difference.




Then again... It would still be nice to be able to leave with a beer or two.

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Beer should be able to be a takeaway item! :lol: And someone try bashing down your wall :wall: so you can get it out, a house without 4 walls is a ruin! But yes the other beers are no takeaways cause it would unbalance the economy, good beers go down drastically....... However you can use the effects at home.. "Now I need a Normal-Mahogany plank dispenser, a rune nails dispenser and a shop". That's basicall what you say when you ask for infinite chef's delight.

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I think the reason is that if you could take the beer out it would only take 8 pints for the first barrel and it would be too easy to make a whole lot more barrels after that.

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