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Scammed! I hate it!


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how u get scam? u click accept so fast or something? read the trade screen before u fully accept


read the post dumb wagon...


really, you aren't the brightest one are you?




You cant blame him.




Devil childs post was almost a paragraph long.




A paragraph!!




Do you know how much suffering he will go through?

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I also beleive that no punishment should come to scammers, because once again, it's your fault.




So you think that people who lie and cheat honest players of hard earned items and money shouldn't be punished? Someone needs to melt your icy heart.




Sorry about your loss. But if you hang in there, you can get back on your feet in no time. Just mine alot of iron or cut yews.

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I also beleive that no punishment should come to scammers, because once again, it's your fault.




So you think that people who lie and cheat honest players of hard earned items and money shouldn't be punished? Someone needs to melt your icy heart.




Sorry about your loss. But if you hang in there, you can get back on your feet in no time. Just mine alot of iron or cut yews.




Someone needs to help you get over the falacy of intristic justice.




If you fall for a scam, the scammer deserves your things, and you don't. If you can't defend whats yours, you deserve to have it taken away.

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I also beleive that no punishment should come to scammers, because once again, it's your fault.




So you think that people who lie and cheat honest players of hard earned items and money shouldn't be punished? Someone needs to melt your icy heart.




Sorry about your loss. But if you hang in there, you can get back on your feet in no time. Just mine alot of iron or cut yews.




Someone needs to help you get over the falacy of intristic justice.




If you fall for a scam, the scammer deserves your things, and you don't. If you can't defend whats yours, you deserve to have it taken away.




It's not his fault devilchild fell for the scam....he didn't konw it was a scam. I'm sure you don't konw every scam in the world, do you? And almost everyone has been/will be scammed at least once. What if you had just bought full dragon (or rune, if you aren't a member) and you were almost broke. Then someone somehow scams it from you. How would you feel? I'm sure you wouldn't think it was fair.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I've been scammed of a lot more than full dragon. I didn't whine like alot of players. I knew it was my fault for being to trusting of a friend. And guess what? I'm still friends with him. I wouldn't trust him, or anyone else like that anymore, but he just exploited a weakness. The weak are meant to be exploited. It makes them stronger or removes them from the gene pool.

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And you know what? I didn't even buy the full rune thats how poor i am. My friend did it.




Man, i better go play 100 or so rounds of winning pest control to get 70k.


add me rsn:softwarewiz


i dont mind giving u 30k after all im extatic from winning 500k the other day staking O:)

ive quit because of the dumb side of the RS community, not because i play too much (like 1 hour a day)



dont get lured!

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Don't worry man, everything will work out.




Just keep at it. =)

Does anyone happen to know death_siren? She stole a green mask from me, and I think I found my way into her ignore list. If you know anything, please, don't hesitate to give me a pm.

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Someone needs to help you get over the falacy of intristic justice.




If you fall for a scam, the scammer deserves your things, and you don't. If you can't defend whats yours, you deserve to have it taken away.




In this case, it was ignorance that was exploited. Why should ignorance be punished? If all ignorance should be punished, then every one of us should be punished, because all of us are ignorant of one thing or another. Unfortunately for him, he was ignorant of a scam. How can he defend from that which he doesn't know? And what if someone is too weak to defend themselves? Do they deserve to have their things taken away?




Devilchild, I can donate some money to you. Add Ss J9 Goten

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My personal opinion is that if you get scammed, it's your fault. I also beleive that no punishment should come to scammers, because once again, it's your fault. Survival of the fittest, baby.




Hmm, I'd like to see you in the real-world with an attitude like that. Beat up laying on a street corner. Scammers deserve to be punished, they are breaking the rules, although if you get scammed it is entirely your own fault. Just think a bit.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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My personal opinion is that if you get scammed, it's your fault. I also beleive that no punishment should come to scammers, because once again, it's your fault. Survival of the fittest, baby.




Hmm, I'd like to see you in the real-world with an attitude like that. Beat up laying on a street corner. Scammers deserve to be punished, they are breaking the rules, although if you get scammed it is entirely your own fault. Just think a bit.




That is why I carry a knife and a gun on me at all times. I have a concealed weapons permit. I just don't think it SHOULD be against the rules. It weeds out the weak, and the idiots, and lets those who can learn from their mistakes better people. If a scammer can get one past you, they should take whatever they want. To the victor belong the spoils.

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The scammer is still doing it





God i want to quit. You don't know how long it took to get thats tuff for me.




Quit for that? man, i lossed tooo much more in my runescape life (including my account) but i never quited for that, i just go forward with revenge in my mind to be better, you cannot quit for only full rune and some dragon... Please donnot quit, and never eat Karamjam octopus or whatever is it name, is like a nice marine star but it hurts you and poison you...



Behold my blog! Thou shalt visit it and rejoice!

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And you know what? I didn't even buy the full rune thats how poor i am. My friend did it.




Man, i better go play 100 or so rounds of winning pest control to get 70k.




pm me you're rs user name i'll replace some of the stuff for you, since i'm not using my geepe much anymore



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