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A good alternative to member accounts

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There should be a cash shop, like what most Korean MMORPGs have. That way everyone could experience the whole game AND Jagex would still be able to make great profit off the site. I'm not saying they should let people purchase gold, or anything that would give someone an unfair advantage(Jagex tried making gold available through the site once but rich players kept buying too much and getting too huge of an advantage), but here's some ideas for stuff that could be purchased










~chat effects


~appearance options


~special attacks(nothing very powerful, just attacks that look cool and do a bit more than average damage)


~clue scrolls(although they would most likely have to sell only low level scrolls so players wouldn't get too much of an advantage)


~admittance to Castle Wars(this is one thing that should remain p2p and players could buy tickets to get in)


~past holiday drops(so players can stop whining about how they never got certain drops)




What do you guys think? This could end the f2p vs p2p flames that are commonplace, and it would attract more players. And if anyone still had member months left, they could have those months turned into credits for cash shop purchases.

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Honestly? Bad idea, even if it costs a penny for each item, it would still cost way more than a regular membership. Besides, the former members would get mad because now they have all these autoers and alot of very low levels running around in their worlds. not only that, but jagex would have to make it cost alot to ward of macroers, which in turn would wqard off potential buyers and thus destroy the game due to lack of funding for jagex and its employees.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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:wall: :wall: :wall:




So you are saying that a spolied 8 year old could get his parents to buy him all the items that I have spent my time and effort getting?





You make it sound like running through a few level 87 monsters is hard which it really shouldn't be at your level.



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I'd have to agree, this isn't a very good idea. Jagex has created a system that works and gains them massive money. What this essentially creates is a multi-tiered membership system.




However, I don't think Jagex is really hurting in paying its employees.

RSN: Mutashi

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I agree that it would be bad to let just anyone go in member worlds. But still, the cash shop idea would actually bring in more money for Jagex than the current system. The cost of a membership is around $5-$6 dollars a month. Now let's say someone who used to pay for members wants some of the stuff sold in the cash shop. That player would most likely spend a lot of money a month, if the items in the shop were good enough. Just look at Maple Story, Wizet makes good money(or at least enough to keep the game running and constantly updated)and the only way they get money is through the cash shop. People would literally spend hundreds over the course of a few months just to get everything on their wishlist :P And I'm not saying that they should put in anything that gives players a huge advantage over other players. And people who don't pay would still not be getting a lot of the stuff that people who do pay would be getting, since those items would be available exclusively through the cash shop. Basically, I'm just trying to think of a way to stop f2pers from whining about not getting enough updates and I'm also trying to stop all the member prejudice against f2pers and vice versa. I have friends from both f2p and p2p. I agree that the system I proposed wouldn't work though, although they could still have a cash shop in addition to the member accounts and they could have a decent members skill made available to f2p to shut the "OMG JAGEX ONLY CARES ABOUT MEMBERS" whiners up, and so things are kept fair to members, a new skill can be given to members.(This is what is called trickle down. On some MMORPGs there are p2p and f2p versions of the same game and the p2p versions usually get a lot of the good stuff first, and eventually the f2p gets it long after the p2p version got a lot of new things)

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This game is about your skill, not how rich you are. (in real life)






*Edit: I didn't had enough time to type this part:




Quests: WTF is wrong with you. I can do Desert Treausre and MMII by doing nothing??




Castle Wars: Pay to play C-wars?? Are you ****ing mad??? I love c-wars and I as hell don't want to pay more to play it.





"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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This game is about your skill, not how rich you are. (in real life)


Like I've said multiple times, there would not be anything to give players a huge advantage, only cosmetic changes. On Maply Story do you see anyone getting high leveled quickly because they're rich irl? No, they spend hours hunting to get money for better equips.(some players use bots to cheat, but players do the same thing on Runescape too) Cosmetic changes would not affect gameplay one bit 8-)




Edited to add:I wasn't saying they should charge for every item, only exclusive items that aren't obtainable ingame.

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Wow I just bought Desert Treasure for a fiver, I'm so great...




I'd be against this, however much I want a scythe or bunny ears, I would not buy them, especially for real money. because I wasn't there, so I simply deserve to have it, likewise with emotes etc. And the idea of buying quests sickens me even more. The only idea I like is gaining access to the castle wars lobby.



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This game is about your skill, not how rich you are. (in real life)


Like I've said multiple times, there would not be anything to give players a huge advantage, only cosmetic changes. On Maply Story do you see anyone getting high leveled quickly because they're rich irl? No, they spend hours hunting to get money for better equips.(some players use bots to cheat, but players do the same thing on Runescape too) Cosmetic changes would not affect gameplay one bit 8-)




Edited to add:I wasn't saying they should charge for every item, only exclusive items that aren't obtainable ingame.




So you can be a acient magik for $20 and 'not' have a advantage? Go play Maple Stroy and stay of RS...






I swear this is the most stupidiest idea EVER.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Well the emotes don't have to be emotes that were already used, more like unique emotes which were never introduced to the game. As far as the holiday items go, I guess I agree with you on that. And I guess in the end, even if the p2p system was completely changed to a cash shop system, players would find a new way to flame those who don't pay by going "omg you have no cash shop items you noob!11!!1" because that's just how a large part of the Runescape community is like. There will always be players who find a reason to flame other players.

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i dont like the idea because this is what set runescape apart from the rest of the games. sure i could play any game online and pay to get special equipment, but am i really that addicted to the game that im spending


50$ a month just to be better then my fellow players? hell no, theres not a whole lot of games out there like runescape where i can play for 10 years and not have to pay a dime to do it. i think this seperates runescape from all the other games and makes it special in that you can play as long as you want, and when you want to pay you can.




plus half this game is little kids, if i was a parent i wouldnt let my little kid use my credit card to buy a +70 atk +70 str item..id tell him to piss off and then give him the link to runescape...you earn your way with time, and patience. to spend more money to get an edge out of the game is ridiculous (spelling?) and it would definatly be a turn off for me, because i am poor, and thats my story and im stickin to it

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Cash Shop only happens in games which do not require regular payments. It would be folly for JAGeX to do a Cash Shop when they already demand monthly payments.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Yeah, I guess suddenly switching to a cash shop system wouldn't be fair to those who are already members because then they wouldn't be getting what they payed for. If the game was just made and nobody paid for anything yet, then it would be fair(if players were allowed to vote on it first)but it DOES sound bad to suddenly switch systems like that. I think Jagex should give f2pers a members skill, then give members a bunch of new skills :mrgreen: Then again, some noobs would be going "omg why we only get one new skill and members get a bunch?"

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well i think no matter what you do to make the game better either for f2p or p2p...someones gunna whine..be it f2p that says they dont get updates or p2p saying f2p is the scum of the world, there will always be that line of hate that you cant change no matter what you do to help. im not saying its a bad idea, its just that im drawn to runescape because i can do what i want and none says anything about it. i dont have a trial, or a member fee...or a one time pay fee...its free to play and if and when i decide to become a member, it will be my choice and not forced upon me to do it.

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Yar this is never gonna work. Ok, I'm a multi millionaire (jk), WOOHOO I just beat Zez***. This would take all the originality and hard work out of the game.




Good thinking, but it would never work.

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Hey, hold on. I feel a song coming on.


Here's how it goes...














really, though, that is dumb


I know, i have a long, long, long way to go

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the idea of runescape said by andrew himself is that all players can be the smae nomatter wha tyou have or dont have in real life




witha n idea liek this kids that ahve rich parents get all the stuff and some others kids have nothing wha twould make the game not fun anymore

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I'm not sure anyone is fully reading his post. Although there are some things like quests which shouldn't be purchasable, nor should special attacks, the ideas about additional apperance options are plausible. I find it ridiculous that people are flaming this guy when he has never said you can purchase experience.




Please read.

RSN: Mutashi

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I remember something like this in another MMORPG called Maplestory. You could buy things that made you look veyr cool and covered your clothes but provided no extra stats(e.g. People used hats with good bonuses but bought an "invisible hat" so people could see their hair, which they also paid to get a coupon to change) So it could be like that..

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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