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New Chat Filter (*Pic Added*)

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My proposal. As P2pers Pay to play the game, they should get to choose what they want to read. This addition would be P2p only.




Under the Chat box, where you find the options to switch Public, Private, and Trade off, you can now also have the option to turn "Chat Filter - off".




You simply must virtually sign an aggreement when applying for a membership.








(I already know it's a bad pic, plz don't make fun of it, #-o )




What do you guys think?




Supporters List:




1. Ferge


2. Issy2


3. Ryenkishu


4. D V Duvnell


5. [Admin edit: This person has asked you twice to remove his name, which you have ignored. Next time listen](I have not had access to a computer till today, since the last of my posts. Sorry for everything.)


6. Um bong0


7. FuBai

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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I agree. I mean, I was talking to my friend on RS today and it wouldnt even let my type doesnt. I mean it worked when I added the apostrophe (spelling?) but I think its a bit riddiculous on some of the things their chat filter blocks.

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Yeah, the chat filter is getting out of hand. My friend irl's account name is Nickderg. When you try to spell it in game, it shows as nick*erg. :-s My name in game is Legolas X0x, but, spell it in game, Legola* *0x. (I guess s x, kinda looks like sex. :XD: )




Something has to be about it.

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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The filter sucks...agreed. I mean I think there should be 'degrees' to choose from, like this;




Degree One; Censor ONLY full swear/extremely offensive words


Degree Two; Censor Degree One and medium-offence words


Degree Three: Censor words written without apostrophes. WDF?!




Degree Four; censor EVERYTHING!!! muahahahaha!!!

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Heck, they should allow capitals for single letters, especially in situations like:




"You and I should go into Varrock Sewers to kill Moss Giants."








"Well this was a crazy idea. =S" (the "=S" is a twisted lip emote, obviously)






But instead, we end up with crud like:




"You and i should go into varrock sewers to kill moss giants."








"Well this was a crazy idea. =*" (the "=*" was meant to be a twisted lip emote, obviously, but got ruined by the blasted word filter.)






Which, sadly, looks like an immature 6-year-old wrote it. :cry:




This whole thing with the filter has gone too far, and it does NOT matter whether you're P2P or F2P... It needs to be fixed, 'post haste'... ('post haste' means something equivalent to "like 6 months ago", for those who do not know.)

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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I agree that the chat filter needs some work. I don't agree that players should be able to determine at what level the chat filter works.




Two reasons:




1. Programming nightmare. There's enough going on as it is to make RS work as it does. If the system had to deal with multiple chat filters on output, instead of a single chat filter on input, we'd be seeing more problems with lag and such.




2. Just because someone is able to pay for membership, it doesn't mean they are responsible or mature, and should be allowed to adjust or modify their filter setting.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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I fully endorse Reborn Dragon, been wanting an option to take off the filter for too long! However after what, 5 years of Runescape without this option I doubt they'll bring it out anytime soon. :boohoo:


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Thank for all the positive support guys!




Oh, and bong0, it's the Dragon Reborn, not the Reborn Dragon :roll: :wink:

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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I don't give a ____ if people want to swear. It just doesnt bother me. Like-minded people could just turn of the filter when they talk to thier friends. I'm actulay developing RS paranoia over having words bleeped and the number of bans related to the censor and advertising. On P2P, so long as the recipient aquieses to it (turns the filter off), it should be alowed to swear. Perhaps this feature should be disabled for accounts of people younger than 16? I know you can lie about your age, but this voids any responsibility Jagex has under 16's hearing swearing. (And, I mean, do YOU knwo any one over the age of 10 who doesn't know all the swearwords?)



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Not going to happen EVER. Jagex would no longer be able to market their game as a family game, a game for all ages, or anything along those lines. Many parents would be outraged, as well.




I do not support whatsoever.




Perhaps this feature should be disabled for accounts of people younger than 16? I know you can lie about your age, but this voids any responsibility Jagex has under 16's hearing swearing. (And, I mean, do YOU knwo any one over the age of 10 who doesn't know all the swearwords?)




I, along with many others, created my acount before age was questioned. What about that? And why 16? What makes a 16 year old suitable for profanity moreso than a 15 year old?

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the most annoying thing is when it conflicts with a perfectly innocent thing, eg:


balls of wool




it should be able to let through crap at least. mabye not s***. oh, and why the hell is damn filtered?

The it in tip.it stands for Italy. Not many people know that until now.

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Er... You put me on your supporters list, but I did not say that I supported your idea. I don't. I agreed that the filter needs some work, but I do not agree that a player should be able to adjust the filter level in anyway.




My reasons are stated in my previous message.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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The_Dragon_Reborn, I may support the idea, but I do not support how you have ruined the spelling of my name... How would you like to be mis-spelled as "The_Drogan_Robern"???




Please correct my name in your list immediately!!!

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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What are you thinking? Yes, im going to turn off my chat filter and then be able to swear? that just destroys rule one of runescape, when anyone can just turn off their censor and swear at an eight year old without their censor on... My parents would never let me play again if they caught me with my chat filter off and someone started swearing... Even though the game is supposed to be for 13 and over... Some People...


Which FF Character Are You?

"The only tyrant i accept in this world is the still voice within." - Mahatma Gandhi


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What are you thinking? Yes, im going to turn off my chat filter and then be able to swear? that just destroys rule one of runescape, when anyone can just turn off their censor and swear at an eight year old without their censor on... My parents would never let me play again if they caught me with my chat filter off and someone started swearing... Even though the game is supposed to be for 13 and over... Some People...




Heck, I'd like to see the multiple-mode idea. Especially the "Explicit-Only Option", so I could talk normally (no swearing or sex-talk, obviously) and be understood instead of being blasted confusing. :) ...This option would work for you too, because you wouldn't see any swearing, but you'd still be able to talk to others properly. I'll bet you hate seeing a lot of your words getting bleeped even though they don't violate rules and are fully valid, right? :)

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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EVERYONE MESSAGE JAGEX AND TELL THEM THIS IF MORE PEOPLE DO IT...they might take notice of us for once. Lol.



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EVERYONE MESSAGE JAGEX AND TELL THEM THIS IF MORE PEOPLE DO IT...they might take notice of us for once. Lol.






They're not going to do it anyways. Theres no need for profanity in this game, unless its intended to bash someone else, which is one reason it wont be added. The most obvious reason it wont be added is that it completely violates rule 1, as previously stated.




This is the exact reason people complain about the community being as bad as it is.

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There is no reason for foul language to be used in the game. None what-so-ever.




The reason why the chat filter is such a pain is because it has evolved. People, who insist on abusing the game by discussing inappropriate topics or using inappropriate words have cause the chat filter to become what it is now. As people find clever ways to get around the filter, Jagex has responded by adding additional rules to the filter to prevent these work-arounds. Unfortunately, these additional rules cause things to be censored out that are not nor intended to be inappropriate.




A programmer cannot write a program capable of reading the mind of a user. Simply can't be done. However, it's people who insist on finding ways around the chat filter that are causing the annoyance for the rest of us. If those people would behave themselves, then we wouldn't need the chat filter in the first place!




Unfortunately, jerks will be jerks, predators will be predators, and noobs will be noobs. Therefore, the chat filter exists as it is. If it's annoying to you, then so be it. But quit trying to find ways around it, and don't ever expect Jagex to give you an option to change its settings. It isn't going to happen no matter how much you beg for it, no matter how many million names you put on a petition.




Let me ask you this question: If something is inappropriate for kids, then why is it appropriate for adults?




(Again, please remove my name from your supporters list. I said before that I do not support the idea, and my opinion has not changed.)




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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