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~ Ways to stop autoers, post here! ~


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Yup, this is the thread where you post your suggestions on how to stop autoers.






I have three ideas.




My first one is runecrafting related. Move the portal to completely random places in the ess mine, so the auto gets mixed up.




My second idea is also runecrafting related. When aubury teleports you, he could ask you a question, something simple like 'what rune is needed for all curse spells?' and you would have three suggestions, for example, body rune, mind rune and fire rune. If you get it wrong, you're teleported to a random place in varrock.




My third idea is related to many things which can be autoed. Have the 'closed bank booths' move randomly every 5 minutes or so, once again to confuse the auto.








Post your ideas and help stop autoing!

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the closed bank idea woudlent work because if the autoer is uising color clicking to find its targets than it will be able to tel the difference between the closed bank booth and open one.




Also there is a sticky for autoer disscusion.


thxs vibro for the sig ^_^.

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Maybe Jagex could make everyone have one master account that could only be used by your E-mail address or IP address.




Every time you go to the main runescape site it asks you to type your E-mail address and a password that you picked. You can also click dont have one to create one. If you have one you'll be directed to the main page. From there you can click on a link that shows all of your sub accounts.




The sub accounts are the actual characters in the game. When one of these get reported for anything it will affect the other characters depending on the offence.




Autoing will result in a ban of all sub accounts.




What do you guys think?

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Maybe Jagex could make everyone have one master account that could only be used by your E-mail address or IP address.




Every time you go to the main runescape site it asks you to type your E-mail address and a password that you picked. You can also click dont have one to create one. If you have one you'll be directed to the main page. From there you can click on a link that shows all of your sub accounts.




The sub accounts are the actual characters in the game. When one of these get reported for anything it will affect the other characters depending on the offence.




Autoing will result in a ban of all sub accounts.




What do you guys think?




actuly thats not a bad idea.


thxs vibro for the sig ^_^.

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I really like the idea of linking accounts together. That would make it much easier to ban large quantities of autoers being used by one player.




Having Aubery ask questions is also a clever concept. They could do it just like that account safety dungeon, you can't teleport until you get it right.




Good suggestions Rtp

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Hmm i like the Closing bank booth idea. And they could have some randoms that tele u 2 wildy if u dont answer




read what i wrote and u will see this doesent work.




Next time dotn jsut read the first post then post actuly read through the thred


thxs vibro for the sig ^_^.

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i dont like the curse idea for aubury sure it only takes like five seconds but for people that mine ess in large quantities such as 1k+ will get hit major by this update... i think that all people have to have a bank pin no matter what and no instant drop box what do you think?




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well every single of these ideas would do nothing to stop autoers. with the bank moving etc even colour clickers would get past these. Not only the deob bots, which reads all packets sent from the server so it knows exactly what its dealing with anyway.




The question thing could easily be gotten past with both clickers and runtime hacking bots/deob bots for the same reasons, it could SLOW DOWN clickers, only if jagex added new questions daily, because scripts would need to be then updated daily. But jagex wouldnt do that, its more trouble than its worth.




With the whole account thing with sub accounts, whats stopping autoers from making new accounts with different emails and continuing to droptrade? They could just drop the money, log out, log in the main account and character and pick it up.




So basically everyone of these ideas wouldnt work, Nothing built into the client like that will. Only things like pure ess would do anything, and that screws up the economy for legit players.



Don't be afraid your life will end, be afraid it will never begin.

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To fight bots effectively you really have to understand how they work.




My knowledge is obviously incomplete, but I will try to pass on what I know.




There are three kinds of autos that I can tell you about:




1. Click Recorders:




Originally designed to speed up tasks in the real world workplace, these macros record a series of clicks and then play them back endlessly.




This is the simplest kind and the one most people are familiar with. (Sadly these are also the ones that most forum suggestions are designed to fight, meaning that most people's suggestions will not work on more advanced autoers) (Your suggestions seem to fall into this category, they would work on type 1, but not 2 or 3)




They cannot adapt to new situations and thus can be stopped by anything from a random event to a simple closed door.




For this reason, they are only used by people who have no clue what they are doing. Any autoer serious enough to be a threat to Runescape will have abandoned these long ago.




2. Color-clickers:




These are capable of looking at the Runescape playing window and actually searching out objects based on colors, and sometimes shape.




They are the second most effective, because they can respond to new situations. They can search for and click on closed doors, detect and run from random events, find and replace lost axe heads, and find their way through the world (autoers have been known to die to a random event, then automatically get their equipment replaced and walk back from Lumbridge to continue autoing!).




The main weakness of these autoers is that while they can adapt to new situations, it takes them time. An autoer like this may stand still for a few seconds at frequent intervals while the software analyzes the screen and looks for its objective (This is most likely why random events so often strike people who stand still or get distracted reading the forums).




Because they analyze the screen, they cannot be stopped just by making things random, things must happen randomly and fast.


Think of all the most complex random events, from the mysterious box to prison pete, they all have you responding to fast moving things. Players must chase balloon animals, find a certain person among many constantly moving NPCs, or pick out shapes as they whiz by. Humans can do this, but a computer cannot analyze the screen fast enough.




3. Deobsfucators (I don't know the spelling)




The most powerful type of autoer (to my knowledge). These autoers actually decompile the client and use a modified version of it that they control.




Because they can read and send server packets, they are immune to most of the normal autoer-killers. They will see random events coming the instant they happen, never fail to find an item (be it an axe, tree, or fishing spot), and are unlikely to be stopped by any obstacle that other players can see (Maybe some random events are specially designed for them, but it is hard for me to imagine how).




Sadly this form of autoer is virtually impossible for players to fight. Anything we players can see, they can also see. Anything our characters can do, they can also.




Fighting this third type of autoer can only be done by Jagex themselves, by inserting small tricks and obstacles into the code itself to trip up the autoers.








The point I am trying to make is that all of this must be taken into account when trying to fight autoers. Most people seem surprisingly unaware of what they are capable of, and we will never get anywhere if nobody realizes what we are dealing with.




I hope I've been informative.

If you dont take steps to ensure that you're protected, you void all right to complain when stuff goes wrong.
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Yeah I knew that people could just make new email addresses for their bots.




My idea would just delay them.




Currently all you have to do is create the account on runescape then give it the instructions.




With my account system thing you have to keep creating




the email account, create the master account, create the sub account then give the instructions.




Right now I dont even bother to ban autoers because its easy to make another one.




With my account thing I would report every autoer I see.






Heres another idea though:




The random events that attack you like the rock golem should be made a lot more stronger.




Give them all a range attack. Rock golem will throw boulders at you for example.




It will chase you until you or it dies.






Or heres another idea:




The autoers will either be mining, woodcutting and fishing.




This wont help against fishing autoers.




This idea will make it a lot harder and/or time consuming to get the bots ready.




Give attack requirements and mining requirements to use pickaxes and attack and woodcutting requirements to use axes.

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When you report an autoer(so yes if this comes into action we all will need to take actions towards autoers aswell)




Or for the record, three autoers, Jagex will look at the report(more often) and if they are a macroer, they write copy down the ip address of the autoer, and yes this would be a silent update, in other words, it will not appear in the Game Updates, if jagex finds a ton of autoers on one computer, they keep count of the logs that the autoers chop, and then when they are moved to a main account, which is probably from the same ip, jagex will be able to remove the Autoers main, considering most autoers are in groups, and there are very few autoer hosts, just a ton of autoers taking up multiple worlds

cerberus480 wrote:

Maybe most people play runescape because their life sucks. Wife nags too much, they hate their jobs, dog craps on the floor all the time.... oh wait thats my life...nevermind

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Rtp, that would disturb honest skill pures, and second, most autoers are poor, as they wouldnt need autoers if they could afford thematerials, so they normally just put like 1k on each account and buy something from bobs axes, normally either a mith, or a steel axe

cerberus480 wrote:

Maybe most people play runescape because their life sucks. Wife nags too much, they hate their jobs, dog craps on the floor all the time.... oh wait thats my life...nevermind

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This reminds me of someone who thot that ess should be stackable...


Good ideas, except not all people know about curse runes and such




LMAO! :lol: :lol: :wall: :wall: :lol:




ess stackable.. #-o #-o :wall: :wall: :lol:






So without doing anything you could just sit there for a week, mining like 1300M ess. Then go into the nat altar and make 1300M nat runes. Then repeat, except it will make 2600M nat runes because you will have 99 rcing. Hehehehehehe

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^^ You seem to sort of know what you are talking about, more than most of the people in this forum at least.





Well thank you. :D




I've seen some other people around here who seem to know how these things work, but I think most of them seem reluctant to try to explain it to non-programmers.




Like I said, my knowledge is very limited compared to the people who actually write the programs, but I know enough from basic programming courses to at least have an idea of what they can do.




But using srl, cicatrix doesn't need time to find what its looking for, its basically instant.




That is interesting. Are those languages Code/packet manipulators, or color clickers? If its the former, then I wouldn't be at all surprised. Packet manipulation would be like having the answers written on your test, you wouldn't need any time to figure things out.




Currently all you have to do is create the account on runescape then give it the instructions...





The idea of stopping autoers from creating accounts as easily does have a lot of merit, and frankly I don't know why Jagex hasn't attempted something similar. It probably wouldn't use email, as Jagex seems to dislike how insecure email is, but I'm sure there are ways.




The random events that attack you like the rock golem should be made a lot more stronger.




Give them all a range attack. Rock golem will throw boulders at you for example.




It will chase you until you or it dies.





I personally wouldn't vote for that. Like I mentioned earlier, death is not a great obstacle for most autoers. I'm almost certain this would hurt legitimate players more, as it would be almost like a guaranteed death to have the golem appear.




Or here's another idea:




The autoers will either be mining, woodcutting and fishing.




This wont help against fishing autoers.




This idea will make it a lot harder and/or time consuming to get the bots ready.




Give attack requirements and mining requirements to use pickaxes and attack and woodcutting requirements to use axes.




I've seen that suggested before, and I think its a pretty good idea. It would definitely slow down the preparation process, and ideally the autoer might even be banned before they reached the appropriate levels.




Like you said, it wouldn't be perfect, but I can definitely see Jagex using that strategy someday.








most autoers are poor, as they wouldnt need autoers if they could afford thematerials, so they normally just put like 1k on each account and buy something from bobs axes, normally either a mith, or a steel axe




Some of them absolutely are, however there are also people who do it for fun, and companies that auto in various games in order to sell the resources for real life money.

If you dont take steps to ensure that you're protected, you void all right to complain when stuff goes wrong.
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I've seen some other people around here who seem to know how these things work, but I think most of them seem reluctant to try to explain it to non-programmers.




Like I said, my knowledge is very limited compared to the people who actually write the programs, but I know enough from basic programming courses to at least have an idea of what they can do.




Lol yeah, Ive looked through these forums enough to know that most people don't understand any programming.




That is interesting. Are those languages Code/packet manipulators, or color clickers? If its the former, then I wouldn't be at all surprised. Packet manipulation would be like having the answers written on your test, you wouldn't need any time to figure things out




srl is like a build on to sc@r, it stands for sc@r resource library, Its the most used and most powerful colour clicker. Now normally in the script, it can call upon "includes" which are little bits of coding that it uses to do stuff like solve randoms etc. srl is a build on to this. Its like really advanced "includes" which makes sc@r much more powerful and effective. So sc@r scripters can call upon srl coding to use in their scripts.


an example of this:


{.include SRL/SRL.scar}

{.include SRL/SRL/Skill/Mining.scar}

{.include SRL/SRL/Misc/Trade.scar}


(SC@R gets censored to cicatrix)


Now this coding tells the script to use these srl includes.




Here is a little bit of coding from a mining include. It tells the script to detect and avoid gas.


function GasFound(gx,gy: Integer): Boolean;


 FailSafe: Integer;




   Result := True;



     FailSafe := FailSafe+1;








NB: To the mods who don't program, the coding i just posted cannot be used by anyone to make, or assist in making a macro unless they are already smart enough to do so from scratch. so you don't need to delete it.




The deob bots are really powerful, as they can send and recieve packets, so all randoms etc do absoultly nothing, as the server sends the macro a random packet, so it knows exactly what to do with it. Jagex has almost killed deob bots with that new game engine, it has a reflection system that lets them know if someone is logged into a modified client. But there is a new deob bot being made using runtime hacking. So they will have a deob bot, but it doesnt touch the client. It will be the most powerful macro yet. Jagex can do what they want to stop autoers, people will just keep coming up with better ones. They can only be slowed down by people reporting them so they get banned.



Don't be afraid your life will end, be afraid it will never begin.

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Jagex can do what they want to stop autoers, people will just keep coming up with better ones. They can only be slowed down by people reporting them so they get banned.




They really are like a virus aren't they?




They cannot be destroyed on an individual basis because they can be created much faster than they can be banned. It seems like the only way to destroy them is to change something in the environment that will kill them all at once, but it also seems like every time something like that happens, the virus just mutates into a more dangerous form. :x




I really sympathize with Jagex. Autoers are a lot harder to kill than most people seem to think. :(

If you dont take steps to ensure that you're protected, you void all right to complain when stuff goes wrong.
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Maybe Jagex could make everyone have one master account that could only be used by your E-mail address or IP address.




Every time you go to the main runescape site it asks you to type your E-mail address and a password that you picked. You can also click dont have one to create one. If you have one you'll be directed to the main page. From there you can click on a link that shows all of your sub accounts.




The sub accounts are the actual characters in the game. When one of these get reported for anything it will affect the other characters depending on the offence.




Autoing will result in a ban of all sub accounts.




What do you guys think?




actualy, that is the same thing that world of warcraft (WOW)does, only slightly different. WOW uses account one acount name, and one password, to accses a mulltitude of characters. The problem with this is that if someone gets ahold of an acount name, they can use a cracker to find the pass, then they have unlimited accses to the items on ever charactor that that account has. The upside is that you can never know what is on an account unless you knew the account name of a certon charactor. Hope you understud that, i tryed to use the same word each time so you wouldint get confused. unless you know what im talking about it is quite discombobulating

Once an opinion is formed the truth is irelivant.


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I'm not going to bother reading most of your posts because I can instantly shut down any of your ideas. Here's a little insight:




Most bots use item/object IDs, which means that whatever color you throw in, however complex you make it, they can still get around it.




Now that I've said that, you should realize you as a player nor Jagex really can do JACK besides hold off the bots. Only way Jagex can stop them is by adding more traps to client and even then they won't even need to worry about the client anymore because a community I'm signed up at is soon to release a bot which updates with the game client(every 3 hours the game client updates now if you didn't know what the new macro destruction thing was) and activates scripts from within the client. No more pesky java bots. But with the client autoupdating Jagex would have to add some trap to catch it. I'll come back later and add more of my thoughts once I'm flamed by a bunch of idiots :\.




BTW, I don't know jack about color clicking, never made it into srl and never used Sc@r because it was so damn confusing but ice has cleared that bit up :P

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^^ You talking about rsr? if not then chances are the bot will be detectable as soon as they log in. The new game engine has a reflection system, which auto flags any accounts logged into a modified client. But I know of a community which is making a bot using runtime hacking, they can send and recieve packets from the server, without even touching the client. If they pull it off it will be unstoppable.



Don't be afraid your life will end, be afraid it will never begin.

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