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I'm glad I'll be home (At least as far as I know) for the rally. Just as long as I don't get banned, I'll be fine. Thanks for setting it up and let's hope they hear and actually do something about this issue.


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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Rioting against Jagex is not going to get you the bank space you desire. Lets think back to the Swiftswitch riots.....




Many people rioted, spammed and absolutely lagged the server. Now think, as a result, several thousand were banned or muted.




So you think rioting against Jagex is going to get you that bank space? Not saying you shouldn't get it, but rioting won't solve your problems :|




Yes I realise that last rally no one was banned, but thats because Jagex didn't even notice your rally

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Rioting against Jagex is not going to get you the bank space you desire. Lets think back to the Swiftswitch riots.....




Many people rioted, spammed and absolutely lagged the server. Now think, as a result, several thousand were banned or muted.




So you think rioting against Jagex is going to get you that bank space? Not saying you shouldn't get it, but rioting won't solve your problems :|




Yes I realise that last rally no one was banned, but thats because Jagex didn't even notice your rally




Actually, Jagex DID know about the rally. They knew about it when it was first announced. I made sure of that, with some help from my pmod friends. They chose not to do anything about it then, and I seriously doubt they'll do anything about it now. If they wanted to ban anyone about it, they would have banned me a long time ago.




And no, riots don't work. I guess it's a good thing then, that this isn't a riot. This is what's called a rally. There really is quite a difference...



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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By the way, the SS rallies/riots (Whatever you want to call them) worked.


It shows that Jagex listens if the problems are big enough. If we keep this up, they'll notice and listen.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I feel that a f2p and a p2p player still needs more f2p bank space.




For p2p,even though you guys have lots of bank space, its not like you are going to be members forever.There are definitely sometimes that you dont feel like being or you might have forgotten to continue your membership.


For f2p,lol no explaination needed :twisted:




Therefore,I strongly support the idea of more free bank space :thumbsup:

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Rioting against Jagex is not going to get you the bank space you desire. Lets think back to the Swiftswitch riots.....




Many people rioted, spammed and absolutely lagged the server. Now think, as a result, several thousand were banned or muted.




So you think rioting against Jagex is going to get you that bank space? Not saying you shouldn't get it, but rioting won't solve your problems :|




Yes I realise that last rally no one was banned, but thats because Jagex didn't even notice your rally


Did you even read the thread? We don't spam. Do you see everyone going @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@?




I can honestly tell you, I don't remember anyone doing that.




Oh, and what kind of proof do you have that Jagex didn't notice it? Are you saying you have some affiliation with Jagex and they told you? If they did, I would really like to know.




If you don't do anything about the issue, it will not get fixed. There is no chance whatsoever. By doing this, it gives a chance at least.

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Pardon my ignorance, but what were the Swiftswitch riots?


Swiftswitch a client used to run RuneScape. If I remember correctly, it was released by RuneHQ. Anyways, what this client did was make a lot of things easier. I believe it's legal now, so you can actually go try it out. (Although I'd double check first on the legality)


Due to one of the rules (I forget which one) Jagex decided to ban SS. Obviously, players that used SS were mad. They rioted. Over a few worlds, there were many players in Varrock Square and other popular areas protesting.


In the end, I think Jagex made SS and other clients allowed.




So, this shows that Jagex will listen if we try hard enough. And if we try really hard, they might change it.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Pardon my ignorance, but what were the Swiftswitch riots?


Swiftswitch a client used to run RuneScape. If I remember correctly, it was released by RuneHQ. Anyways, what this client did was make a lot of things easier. I believe it's legal now, so you can actually go try it out. (Although I'd double check first on the legality)


Due to one of the rules (I forget which one) Jagex decided to ban SS. Obviously, players that used SS were mad. They rioted. Over a few worlds, there were many players in Varrock Square and other popular areas protesting.


In the end, I think Jagex made SS and other clients allowed.




So, this shows that Jagex will listen if we try hard enough. And if we try really hard, they might change it.




I thought it was Zybez




But, i wonder if wearing the same outfit during the rally would have more of an effect? Same haircut and beard and whatnot.

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I feel that a f2p and a p2p player still needs more f2p bank space.




For p2p,even though you guys have lots of bank space, its not like you are going to be members forever.There are definitely sometimes that you dont feel like being or you might have forgotten to continue your membership.


For f2p,lol no explaination needed




100% AGREE!

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Rioting against Jagex is not going to get you the bank space you desire. Lets think back to the Swiftswitch riots.....




Many people rioted, spammed and absolutely lagged the server. Now think, as a result, several thousand were banned or muted.




So you think rioting against Jagex is going to get you that bank space? Not saying you shouldn't get it, but rioting won't solve your problems :|




Yes I realise that last rally no one was banned, but thats because Jagex didn't even notice your rally




Actually, Jagex DID know about the rally. They knew about it when it was first announced. I made sure of that, with some help from my pmod friends. They chose not to do anything about it then, and I seriously doubt they'll do anything about it now. If they wanted to ban anyone about it, they would have banned me a long time ago.




And no, riots don't work. I guess it's a good thing then, that this isn't a riot. This is what's called a rally. There really is quite a difference...




Rally - to bring together and organise a group of




Riot - To make a disorderly, public outbreak




As taken from the dictionary

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The argument that it's becoming more than just a demo is ridiculous. It's not at all - just more people are playing the demo.




At the end of the day Jagex is a business, if people are that desperate for more bank space they will become members. The 'lack' of F2P bank space has been set at a pretty low number to make people realise that they need more space and must therefore upgrade to members.




I really do think free players have no rights whatsoever to complain about anything Jagex is doing (or not doing) as they're getting a service for free. Anyway, Jagex will not listen to the pleas for more F2P bank space as they would gain no revenue from it all and, as previously stated, it is a business at the end of the day.




In summary: stop whining - the game isn't your right, it's a privilege. When you start paying for the services Jagex are providing then you have the right to complain/request upgrades to feel your money is being spent well.




Good day.



40 Barrows trips, 4 Barrows equipment (Guthans Helm, Veracs Helm, Ahrims Skirt, Dharoks Helm)

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Rioting against Jagex is not going to get you the bank space you desire. Lets think back to the Swiftswitch riots.....




Many people rioted, spammed and absolutely lagged the server. Now think, as a result, several thousand were banned or muted.




So you think rioting against Jagex is going to get you that bank space? Not saying you shouldn't get it, but rioting won't solve your problems :|




Yes I realise that last rally no one was banned, but thats because Jagex didn't even notice your rally




Actually, Jagex DID know about the rally. They knew about it when it was first announced. I made sure of that, with some help from my pmod friends. They chose not to do anything about it then, and I seriously doubt they'll do anything about it now. If they wanted to ban anyone about it, they would have banned me a long time ago.




And no, riots don't work. I guess it's a good thing then, that this isn't a riot. This is what's called a rally. There really is quite a difference...




Rally - to bring together and organise a group of




Riot - To make a disorderly, public outbreak




As taken from the dictionary




You just proved my point... This is an organized gathering, thus a rally, not a disorderly riot.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Hmm, i think the only reason jagex dont give you f2p people more bank space is because they dont have to. You're not their main source of income so they spend their time and effort on us members who pay for the pleasure. Its fair enough really.




Also if jagex give you more bank space you'll expect them to give you even more. Even if not all of you, we'll see a "f2p has more bank space..now what about *insert demand*".

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Hmm, i think the only reason jagex dont give you f2p people more bank space is because they dont have to. You're not their main source of income so they spend their time and effort on us members who pay for the pleasure. Its fair enough really.


Just because it isn't the main source of profit doesn't mean they shouldn't update it. f2p is important to Runescape as well.




Also if jagex give you more bank space you'll expect them to give you even more. Even if not all of you, we'll see a "f2p has more bank space..now what about *insert demand*".


That strawman argument has already been used before.








Aaaanyways. Back on topic. Nice to see there's another rally planned. Ill try to make it to the next one. Maybe on time for a change. :lol:

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Maybe we should all make new accounts. :?


Similar names, same look, etc. And that'd be good for the people afraid of getting banned.


If not, then those that want to should wear the same clothes. It'd be more eye-catching. (Although I'd prefer to be decked out in members gear, showing that even P2Pers support it...Also a hint at that I "quit" members -No, I didn't - and have to wear that stuff because I don't have space.)


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I don't think new accounts is a good idea. We want high levels here.




If we all do the same outfit, we should do it slightly odd yet good looking so that it stands out. Too bad there weren't white robes. Those would go good with a sea of white text.

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I don't think new accounts is a good idea. We want high levels here.




If we all do the same outfit, we should do it slightly odd yet good looking so that it stands out. Too bad there weren't white robes. Those would go good with a sea of white text.




Unfortunately, then people would probably go crazy reporting us, because we look like a particular prejudicial group.




My only idea so far is the priest gowns. They're easy and affordable for everyone to get. Perhaps we should add on the requirement long white hair and a white beard, or something of that sort? The contrast would stand out a bit more, especially with the white text.




Monk robes wouldn't do, as not everyone could get them.




Pink skirts perhaps? Maybe a pink or blue skirt with a black top. You tell me.




Throw some more ideas around for me to look through, and I'll decide what'll be the best course of action.




Also, should we send messages to Jagex about the upcoming rallies? If so, I need to get it posted as soon as possible, so we can get as many people as we can to send them. I can also probably get a message posted in the Pmod Centre about it, like I did last time. I know for certain that Jagex would see it, as they did last time.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I got some free time, so I went ahead and pulled together all of the needed info on the uniform. Here's how it will be listed:




What to wear:




Unlike in the first rally, we will be all wearing the same uniform. It's been decided that this will have a bigger impact, as it will look much more coordinated, and stand out much better than a random jumble of all sorts of outfits.




The uniform will consist of a full set of priest gowns, the same haircut and (for guys) beard, and an amulet.




The Priest Gown:




You may wear a priest gown, and only a priest gown. no capes, no gloves, no boots. We want eveyrone to look exactly alike.




The priest gown can be bought in the shop located on the map below.








It doesn't cost much, only about 20gp total at most. The shop usually has about three sets in stock, with a medium respawn time, so I suggest you buy your gown before you meet for the rally.




The Haircut/Shave:




Everyone will have long white hair, and for the guys, a white beard and mustache. The hair must be white, and must be the style as shown in the following pictures. The cost for the haircuts and shaves will be 2,000gp total.




The barber shop is located in Falador, as shown on the following map:








You need to go there, and talk to the barber. Ask for a haircut, and select the following style, exactly as it's shown in the next picture.








Once the style and color is selected, click Confirm. Once that is done, if you are a guy, you need to talk to the barber again about a shave. Please select the style and color as shown in the following picture.








Click Confirm, and you're done with the hair part of the uniform.




The Amulet:




In addition to the gown and haircut, I've added in an amulet that I'd like everyone to wear. It's called the Yin Yang Amulet, and costs 100gp from the Makeover Mage. The amulet will add to the looks of the group, and help them to stand out a bit more with the added contrast in the uniform.








The makeover mage is located outside of the southwest corner of Falador, as shown on the following map.








Once there, you need to talk to the Makeover Mage. After a bit of talking, he'll give you some chat options. You need to select the option that says "Cool amulet! Can I have one?".








He will charge you a fee of 100gp for the amulet. Once you have it, wear it. Then you're done with preparing the uniform. ;)




~If you have any questions or concerns about the uniform, please pm me.~




EDIT: Unless someone is against the idea of the uniform, I'm going to go ahead and put it into my main post this afternoon.




EDIT: I updated the uniform info to include female haircuts, and the finishing looks.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Man, I just want to throw out the fact that I am a Member.


I remember when I was F2P, I always needed more bank space. I never..


EVER... E.V.E.R. kept my rare stuff out of my bank and in my inventory. As the months passed, I soon acquired many more items, armours, food, etc. and wouldn't dare to keep it in my inventory when I log out. One day, I had a full bank, just got spent all my hard-earned money on a set of full Zamorak armour, and I went to the bank to put it in, but my bank was full, so I decided not to drop anything this time, and I kept the armour in my inventory :pray: . The next day when I logged on, I saw that everything in my inventory and equipped slots was gone. :-k Nothing in my now-worthless bank was gone because I had a bank pin... luckily... :wall:


I know I am mostly at fault here for not taking something out of my bank and putting my armour in, but still, if I had, let's say 12 more bank slots, I wouldn't've been out 2.4million gp (This was the price of Full Zamorak). Even as a member, I proudly support this campaign. :thumbsup:




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Rioting against Jagex is not going to get you the bank space you desire. Lets think back to the Swiftswitch riots.....




Many people rioted, spammed and absolutely lagged the server. Now think, as a result, several thousand were banned or muted.




So you think rioting against Jagex is going to get you that bank space? Not saying you shouldn't get it, but rioting won't solve your problems :|




Yes I realise that last rally no one was banned, but thats because Jagex didn't even notice your rally




Actually, Jagex DID know about the rally. They knew about it when it was first announced. I made sure of that, with some help from my pmod friends. They chose not to do anything about it then, and I seriously doubt they'll do anything about it now. If they wanted to ban anyone about it, they would have banned me a long time ago.




And no, riots don't work. I guess it's a good thing then, that this isn't a riot. This is what's called a rally. There really is quite a difference...




Rally - to bring together and organise a group of




Riot - To make a disorderly, public outbreak




As taken from the dictionary




You just proved my point... This is an organized gathering, thus a rally, not a disorderly riot.




Ah, but after everyone has gathered you are then going to riot.




Ah well, screw it, by the 28th I'll be f2p, i might as well come to the rally....

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