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Rally tomorrow... I hope I'll be there at the start -- it was stressful having Moonshadow saying "Come on! we're in Varrock Square!" while I was picking up my priest gowns ::'

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Prankster_King, I feel honored that you put my argument on the main post. Thanks! But about this IRC channel. Where is it, because I'd like to go there sometimes. A link or something could do the trick!




EDIT: Nevermind, I realized it's the Tip.it chat. Ok, forget the last part.


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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This will also encourage people not to drop trade to other "newb" accounts in order to store what they need. Which will lower the amount of account sharing/trading queries flooding customer support which will help JAGeX have less auto responses which will make customer support more loved by all.


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I'll check to see what server it's on...




To be honest, I'm a complete IRC nubby, so this may take a while. :P




If someone else finds out what the server is, feel free to let us all know. :)




EDIT: A server found to have worked is: titan.fl.us.swiftirc.net



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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How did the rally go? Was there a bigger turnout to start than last time? Any information like that would be nice if you don't mind. I had something come up about an hour before so I, couldn't attend it. Hopefully I can go to the next one though.


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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I've got a slogan for your rallying - "We want MORE for giving nothing in return!"




Has a nice ring to it :roll:




^ punches dude above




anyways..... :-w




Yeah nice utter spam, give me a reason to how i'm wrong then. And i don't want the "advertisments are the way we contribute" or "we give members items by fishing" because they're not good enough for jagex to actively want to update f2p.




This is just a certain key update that we want. We don't want a whole bunch of members stuff. We just want and need more space. Why do you have to act so prejudiced against F2P players?


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How did the rally go? Was there a bigger turnout to start than last time? Any information like that would be nice if you don't mind. I had something come up about an hour before so I, couldn't attend it. Hopefully I can go to the next one though.


It was pretty short and smaller than last time, but otherwise it was alright. :thumbup:



Follower of Guthix. *points to avatar* Aww yeah..


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I'll try to get the pics up later. Unfortunately, I had to end it early again. We wre really down to only a small thimbul full of people, and I had to go soon. It went decently. We got another pmod supporting us. ;)



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I'll try to get the pics up later. Unfortunately, I had to end it early again. We wre really down to only a small thimbul full of people, and I had to go soon. It went decently. We got another pmod supporting us. ;)




Well that's good. Hey the more Pmods we can get, the better. I got on at about 4:15, when I got home and I noticed no one was there, nor on my friends list, so I figured it must have ended early. Well let's hope for more of a turnout next time.


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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I meant to film it with HyperCam, but I mispressed, F2 (start) then, my finger tripped, and pressed F3(Pause).Woot for HyperCam noobs <.<

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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I'm having a little trouble with uploading images, so I'll have to get them up whenever I can. Also, if you were at the recent rally, I'm going to ask that you edit out the name of the pmod if you managed to get him in a screeny. This is for security measures.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Let it be known that as a multiskilling F2P I completely & wholeheartedly support this campaign.


It makes more sense to have more bank space, so that you don't need multiple characters to hold it all.


More Bank spaces, or more servers to carry extra players?

Smiles are free. And contagious. Pass one on!

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I thought of this since they just introduced Clan Chat into RS. The More F2P Bankspace Campaign should create one, so supporters can talk to each other. I want to see what you guys think.




EDIT: I could make it, but I think that Blackbear should make it to properly set up the rank. But if you don't mind, I'd be happy to.


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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I thought of this since they just introduced Clan Chat into RS. The More F2P Bankspace Campaign should create one, so supporters can talk to each other. I want to see what you guys think.


Yeah! Just add blackbear(numbers) and we have an ingame one :D.

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count me in p.s. whens the next rally?




Every Saturday until Jagex does something: 3pm EST, world 62, 2nd floor of Varrock Church! Read his first post, that should clear up any questions you should have.




Yeah nice utter spam, give me a reason to how i'm wrong then. And i don't want the "advertisments are the way we contribute" or "we give members items by fishing" because they're not good enough for jagex to actively want to update f2p.




You definitely have the p2p "You don't pay" mentality. To be honest not everyone wants to or can pay every month to be a member. Ever think of that?! I know it's not asking much to pay the small $5 monthly fee. A lot of f2p'ers though are casual players who like playing the game but don't play it enough to justify paying the fee. Some people might also want to build up their skills to high levels in f2p before they make the switch to members, but how can they if they can't store a freaking thing? Also, little kids have to convince their parents to pay for it, and if they don't, they are SOL. Also think about the members who quit p2p, and have banks filled with stuff that make it almost useless. It's at least these few reasons, plus many more, that Jagex and members with attitudes such as yourself, should think about.




What you guys also don't understand is that there is NOT enough room to store all we need. I've destroyed all my holiday items to give to Diango to store and don't even have every full random event costume. I still don't have enough to store all the essentials that I need. I need places to store full rune, two weapons, full dragonhide, bow and arrows, mage robes, two staffs, about 8 types of runes, and mining, fishing, crafting, smithing, cooking, and runecrafting gear, ALL on top of about 12 different pieces of random event clothes that I don't want to throw away. Sure, I could just re-buy all those things every time I want to use them, but it's a pain to walk all the way to the opposite side of the map to get one item that I could have just stored. Don't tell me "Well just teleport, duh!" because I can't store the freaking runes to do so! We have to have some room to have an enjoyable time, and if people quit, Jagex loses potential member costumers.




I mean what is so bad about having 12 extra spaces? Jagex would give members at least that and much more. It's really not too big of a problem to implement. I mean they should make enough money off ads to pay for that little amount of space. It's not worse than giving members a couple more rows, which you know you'd get if f2p received more as well.




In addition, do you really think that the Runescape economy would be profitable as it is now if it didn't have f2p along with it? Yes, I know f2p has tons of bots and gold-farmers, but that's besides the point. You know [censor] well that f2p helps keep prices low! We supply tons of supplies that members can't afford to spend the time that they pay for, just cutting trees, unless you happen to be and enjoy being a skiller.




Besides, we have had enough of the same arguments, and we (well mostly just Prankster_King) usually just shoot them down. If you want to flame this post, do it here: The Anti-More F2P Bankspace Thread. That's what it's for.




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EDIT: I added a little extra and changed a few things.




look, i can understand not wanting to pay the fee for members, but not being able to afford it is bullcrap. even 13 year olds can afford the $8 dollars a month for pay pal, since they can't use a credit card. mow some lawns. lawns need to be mowed every week, and most people will pay $5 if they have a lawn that takes 20-40 minutes to mow. so one and a half hours of work is all it takes a month to pay for members. i can easily get that in between 3 hours of runescape, homework, chores, and a 10 o clock bedtime, so not being able to afford it is no excuse. and think of it this way, if you don't want to pay the fee, you're basically saying "i don't want to pay but i deserve to get the same stuff people who do pay get."




and, did you ever think that members don't have enough bank space either? we have way more skills, which take up a lot more space, plus we have to have different armors for pking and boss monsters and slayer. we can't use pking armor, which is rune and dragon legs and helm, plus a whip or dragon weapon for boss monsters, and it's ineffective for slayer. the KQ requires verac's armor for melee, otherwise you have to bring two sets of equipment in addition to consumables food and potions. and you definately can't use verac's for barrows, unless you spend 200k for a stock of prayer pots, verac's is ineffective at barrows you have to use magic armor and ranging armor for karil. for slayer, you can't use consumables unless it's cannonballs because of the mass amount of assignments you need for good xp. and you certainly can't take magic and range armor unless you safe spot, which isn't an option for most tasks. so there's 6 sets of armor you need, plus the room for 17 skills, money, random event clothes, quest items, food, all of that leads to about 1.5 times the size bank we have now. so in all reality, we are both in need of bank space, yet all members want is a better bank, i. e. easier to organize things. we manage our space so we don't run out of room. i did that in f2p, and never had a problem with bank space.






now, don't get me wrong, i support this idea for more f2p bank space, but the only reason you guys don't have enough space is because you aren't managing your space well enough and won't get rid of things you don't use. do you really use all the random event clothes in a week, or even a month? if i haven't used something in 3 weeks i chuck it unless it has some worth in the market. i never used my ledarhosen and mime mask, so i chucked them. if you don't use a certain set of random event clothes, chuck them. they don't impress anybody sitting in your bank, and they impress very few on your back.



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Updated List of F2P Items




Armor (Platebody, Plate-Legs, Shield, Helm)


Weapons (Swords, Battle Axes, 2hers) Just a scimitar should be okay. The other weapons aren't of any use.


Ranging Armour (Body, chaps, vambraces, cowl)




Arrows of several sorts (Most people have at least two)


Mage Clothes (Top, Hat, Skirt, and Anti Dragon Shield)


Mage Staves (Earth, Fire, Water, Air)


Runes (Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Laws, Natures, Chaos, Deaths, Cosmics, Bodies)




Woodcutting Axe


Fishing Supplies (Feathers, Bait, Harpoon, Lobster Pot)


The harpoon, lobster pot, and any rods can be dropped and bought again when needed. It's a pain, but they don't cost much to replace.


Ore of various sorts (Tin, copper, iron, mith, addy, rune, gold, silver, clay)


Bars of various sorts (Bronze, Iron, Steel, Mithril, Gold, Silver, Addy, Rune)


Wood of various sorts (Regular, Oak, Willow, Yew)


It's absurd to think that you need to hang on to rune ore and tin/copper ores at the same time. You can save more space ridding yourself of the lower lvl materials that you don't really use. also, you can get rid of some of your ores by smelting them.


GP (Money)


Random Event Outfits (Full Zombie, Full Frog, Full Mime, Full Camo, Full Lenderhosen) [Make up a large bulk of the bank]


Hanging on to 2 frog tokens instead of the full costume will save you 2 bank spaces. Zombie can be worn. But do you really need this stuff? It's not impossible to get back.


Quest Items (May have an average of 5+ items for quests) [Not valid for players that have completed all the quests]


An F2Per with a full bank should have their quest journal already completed, or be experienced enough to get it done.


Food of many sorts (Swordies, Lobbies, and under)


Unless you're cooking, 1 or 2 kinds should be plenty.


Strength Potions


Trimmed Armour and Clothing of all sorts


These are no more useful than regular rune or wizard robes. They can be sold and bought back anytime. If you keep them for the bragging rights that come with it, then yes, you're going to lose some bankspace. It's common sense.



all that's really needed is to be a little wiser in how you fill your bank. If you can save a little space, you have room for other things when you need them.



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you forgot coal in your list of things :P, but on topic, a few more spots wont kill anyone, but you have to be careful, if you commit a little, you commit alot.

Quest Cape Achieved on November 14, 2007


Items Acquired

Crystal Pick and Hatchet

Berzerker Ring x 3

3/28 Barrows Items

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look, i can understand not wanting to pay the fee for members, but not being able to afford it is bullcrap. even 13 year olds can afford the $8 dollars a month for pay pal, since they can't use a credit card. mow some lawns. lawns need to be mowed every week, and most people will pay $5 if they have a lawn that takes 20-40 minutes to mow. so one and a half hours of work is all it takes a month to pay for members. i can easily get that in between 3 hours of runescape, homework, chores, and a 10 o clock bedtime, so not being able to afford it is no excuse. and think of it this way, if you don't want to pay the fee, you're basically saying "i don't want to pay but i deserve to get the same stuff people who do pay get."




and, did you ever think that members don't have enough bank space either? we have way more skills, which take up a lot more space, plus we have to have different armors for pking and boss monsters and slayer. we can't use pking armor, which is rune and dragon legs and helm, plus a whip or dragon weapon for boss monsters, and it's ineffective for slayer. the KQ requires verac's armor for melee, otherwise you have to bring two sets of equipment in addition to consumables food and potions. and you definately can't use verac's for barrows, unless you spend 200k for a stock of prayer pots, verac's is ineffective at barrows you have to use magic armor and ranging armor for karil. for slayer, you can't use consumables unless it's cannonballs because of the mass amount of assignments you need for good xp. and you certainly can't take magic and range armor unless you safe spot, which isn't an option for most tasks. so there's 6 sets of armor you need, plus the room for 17 skills, money, random event clothes, quest items, food, all of that leads to about 1.5 times the size bank we have now. so in all reality, we are both in need of bank space, yet all members want is a better bank, i. e. easier to organize things. we manage our space so we don't run out of room. i did that in f2p, and never had a problem with bank space.






now, don't get me wrong, i support this idea for more f2p bank space, but the only reason you guys don't have enough space is because you aren't managing your space well enough and won't get rid of things you don't use. do you really use all the random event clothes in a week, or even a month? if i haven't used something in 3 weeks i chuck it unless it has some worth in the market. i never used my ledarhosen and mime mask, so i chucked them. if you don't use a certain set of random event clothes, chuck them. they don't impress anybody sitting in your bank, and they impress very few on your back.




Ok first about the whole money issue. You're saying that the cost per month isn't that much, I agree, it's not that much that they are asking for. But if you just play sparingly, what's the point of paying for something and not getting full value out of it? That's a waste. Say you only played for a couple hours a month, would you get your money out of it? Now about the whole issue regarding children. One of your main points is that they can get a job. Being as they are under 16, they can only really do oddjobs such as mowing or babysitting, around their neighborhoods. Sure they can do that and save up their money. Then you you go on to say that they can just use Paypal instead of their parents credit cards. Paypal connects to your account through credit or debit cards. I highly doubt that a young kid has a credit card of his own, and his parents would have to provide it for him. But in the case that he does have an account, I really doubt that a parent wouldn't watch the kid's account. They probably put his money into the account, and if they'd see that the kid was paying for something they told them not to, they'd get very angry. And no, I'm not saying I want what the members get, but I don't want to pay. Members get so much more, especially with bankspace upgrades. We want at the very least to finish off that last pitiful excuse of a row, plus maybe one more. Is that so much? The ads that all over 9 million f2p'ers see each time they play, should pay enough for that little amount You know members WOULD get at least that, but most likely at least two times more.




Yes, for a matter of fact I did think about the members' space, in the original post, but I edited it out, due to reason's I'd prefer to keep to myself. I agree members have lots more items and skills so they should have tons of space, plus they pay for it. I've never had members so I can't effectively comment as much. This has info on managing and organizing p2p bankspace. He seems to be able to fit all his stuff in there, no problem. Even with the Barrows he doesn't have in there, it should fit. Jagex does seem to add new space with most updates also. What about POH's also? Weren't those supposed to help get some stuff out of your banks. It can hold your Mage robes, TT rewards, quest items, and random event/holiday items. That can cut a portion of your bankspace. Say you have about 500 spaces in your bank (I know it's less than that, but just go with it). That means you'd have 830% more space than us. Sure you can say you have that much more in content, but as you said there as ways to clear it out.




I'm glad you have supported us, but I mean it goes much farther than just random event and holiday items. Just like p2p'ers (according to you), we can barely store all the necessities for our skills. Sure I could just chuck them, but it's just a pain in the butt to have to make trips to the store that would put me minutes away. Also, you said chuck the random event clothes. I do wear mine. I mean not every day, but I do wear them. That and for some reason, I barely ever get a good random event that give clothes. The only ones I have are parts of the zombie, and a piece of lederhosen. That's it, and I have about one space to store something. That is not very helpful, especially considering I only have that space because I got rid of everything that's disposable. You do bring up good arguments, but I mean they've been said so many times before, and you can't argue that fact that many a f2p'er can't store anymore. If you didn't good job to you, but to me and so many others that is not a luxury. Please just try to see where we are coming from. As you said, we "want" bankspace. A want is something we desire, but don't need to survive. A need is something you have to have to survive, and we NEED more space.


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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I support f2p realy need more bank space! All the randoms, runes, arrows, food, ores... takes alot of scape! :shock:


takes alot of scape what kind of joke is that anyway can you fix the second rally pics cos it links me to a website that i have no clue about


takes alot of scape... takes alot of scape... takes alot of scape... :-k i dont get it :XD: *pokes eimux* oi your joke is not very good you umm epacsenur P.S. that was runescape backwards teehee ::'

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I thought of this since they just introduced Clan Chat into RS. The More F2P Bankspace Campaign should create one, so supporters can talk to each other. I want to see what you guys think.




EDIT: I could make it, but I think that Blackbear should make it to properly set up the rank. But if you don't mind, I'd be happy to.




I cant join it because im not a high enough rank ><




http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=682451 For Userbars (Underbanners) Click here^

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