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Why do people fletch/alch so much?


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Lord Umega, thankyou for creating a topic about this, I have always wondered the same thing as you. I am 81 fishing and Ive made millions off sharks and so I took some time off and I crafted 10k nats, currently 7k yews and I plan to fletch and alch them all, but I still dont see how it is better than fishing, because in my oppinion its not... It takes so much time I could sell my yews for 300ea nats 330ea bstring 150ea thats 780gp isnt that more than what you get for alching (768)? Even if those prices are off, thats not much of a profit if you look at it, might as well just be rc wc and picking flax. Fishing sharks is way better in my oppinion.

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Lord Umega, thankyou for creating a topic about this, I have always wondered the same thing as you. I am 81 fishing and Ive made millions off sharks and so I took some time off and I crafted 10k nats, currently 7k yews and I plan to fletch and alch them all, but I still dont see how it is better than fishing, because in my oppinion its not... It takes so much time I could sell my yews for 300ea nats 330ea bstring 150ea thats 780gp isnt that more than what you get for alching (768)? Even if those prices are off, thats not much of a profit if you look at it, might as well just be rc wc and picking flax. Fishing sharks is way better in my oppinion.


Yay! Someone agrees with me. Fishing sharks FTW!! :D




Maybe there should be a race? Player A fletches/alches and Player B catches raw sharks. At the end of the day, see how how much Player A and B made. :-k

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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well i think some of the richest players in the game are high alchers so its gota be a ok way to make money. well it cost my brother about 1.5 mill to get 81 fletch so now hes working on 10k yews for the 85 fletch. the 10k yews he cuts will put him at cutting mages and he probly wont fletch for a while. well he bought 50k willows so thats 800k of that back pluss the roughly 7.8 mill for alching the yews. hes mining the ess im crafting and alching. he gets the money and i get the free mage xp. also it will put him a level or 2 closer to 85 mining. right now i think hes at 76. so it really helps all of your skills.




my rsn is 1242631666




and his is austin,f1234(with his permission in person)

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

George S. Patton


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someone asked above how to string bows quickly, its easy:




1. first withdraw 14 of each (unstrung bow and string)


2. now if you withdrew bows first, take a bow and move it to the space right above the bottom right corner


3. now just click on the bow, double click on the string, double click on the bow, double click on the string back and forth 14 times


4. now bank, dont put up your strung bows yet, withdraw "all" strings or bows, then bank the strung bows, then withdrawl the other item


5. repeat 2-4




at first, i thought this didnt seem right. so i tried it out, and it works, really FAST. I did it a "different" way where you did take out 14 bows, and 14 strings. Then.. you would click on the bow, then the string but instead of double clicking, i would go back to the unstrung bow and do the same thing. This has shown me the light! \'

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Meh, when I got 70 fletching for the first time I made my first couple 100k off it :thumbsup: (it was really good cash back then, when all I had was a set of Rune armor and some other stuff). Then I alched from 82 to 85 Mage, getting 85 fletch in the process. It's pretty good both for experience and/or cash.




Lately though I've stopped doing anything remotely "boring" in the game- I can't stand more than 30 PC games at once, or more than a couple 100 alchs before I go crazy. Maybe I'm just getting over the game, maybe I have a shorter attention span, idk, but the game is just boring the heck out of me lately :? . Eh, Dagganoth Kings and CW are still kind of fun...

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Lord Umega, thankyou for creating a topic about this, I have always wondered the same thing as you. I am 81 fishing and Ive made millions off sharks and so I took some time off and I crafted 10k nats, currently 7k yews and I plan to fletch and alch them all, but I still dont see how it is better than fishing, because in my oppinion its not... It takes so much time I could sell my yews for 300ea nats 330ea bstring 150ea thats 780gp isnt that more than what you get for alching (768)? Even if those prices are off, thats not much of a profit if you look at it, might as well just be rc wc and picking flax. Fishing sharks is way better in my oppinion.


Yay! Someone agrees with me. Fishing sharks FTW!! :D




Maybe there should be a race? Player A fletches/alches and Player B catches raw sharks. At the end of the day, see how how much Player A and B made. :-k




There's no point in that race. You're mixing up stuff. On one hand you have magic and fletching xp, and on the other you have fishing xp. Fletching+alching isn't as efficient a moneymoker as plain fishing (on high levels, fishing sharks), that's absolutely true.




But I'll take that challenge anytime if we do it my way (just stringing). Say we both start at 1 mill and see who gets faster to 2mill. Or who can make the most profit in an hour. There is no question who wins.


And if you replace fletching with rcing through the abbyss, the gap will be even larger.




As someone said above, bowstringing, picking flax and for me even cutting yews are jobs for newbs who don't have access to more profitable ways of moneymaking. Anyone who has those skills and does those tasks is in fact wasting time, and hence money.





Why would someone what to spend money on there pure ess when you can get it for free on world 99





Once again we come to the issue of time. In the time you spend running pure essence I can be doing a much more profitable skill, one that allows me to buy that same ess and make a profit. Adding to that fact I'm actually getting xp, which is something you get 0 of when running.




I have nothing against running (law, cosmic, nat, ess, etc), I did it myself when I was starting out, but it's something to be done only when you have no good moneymaking skills.




edit: This is starting to sound a lot like an economics class. Where's Duke Freedom when you need him?


edit2: I have nothing against people who woodcut a lot. I personally don't like it, but I respect people with high levels of it a lot. Just don't tell me that cutting yews is a great moneymaking way.


Current goals: Going for 80 80 80.

Recent goals achieved: 70 70 70 done.


Major Achievement: Fire Cape at 79 combat.

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BECAUSE it's FREE mage XP!!!!! Mage is very hard to level without spending tons of money. Alching is an effective way raise mage without spending millions if any




It took like 20 posts before the complete obvious was said




Agree 100%. I made that point too in the first paragraph of my post above, fletching+alching is great to get mage xp, not as a moneymaker you can compare to fishing sharks.




The complete obvious was said, but apparently ignored.


Current goals: Going for 80 80 80.

Recent goals achieved: 70 70 70 done.


Major Achievement: Fire Cape at 79 combat.

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BECAUSE it's FREE mage XP!!!!! Mage is very hard to level without spending tons of money. Alching is an effective way raise mage without spending millions if any




It took like 20 posts before the complete obvious was said




Agree 100%. I made that point too in the first paragraph of my post above, fletching+alching is great to get mage xp, not as a moneymaker you can compare to fishing sharks.




The complete obvious was said, but apparently ignored.




Sorry I just thought he made the point the clearest. :P

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At the moment im in the middle of Fletching and Alching 10k yew longs..


This will raise me from 80 fletching to 85, and 70 Mage to 75


With some extra (but little profit)


The last 10k Yew longs i made and sold i made a Bomb load of money.




But after i reach my goal of 85 fletching, i will aim for 76 fishing, heard it's a good money maker..

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ppl do it to get magic exp fletching exp mostly if you found a diffrent way that works for you thats great but why question other ppl cuz you dont do something the same way as them

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fletching is a easy money money if u havnt got the fishing lvl like me but i do slayer so



180th to 99 Divination + 1st W36er


Rambo, cannot pk call your friends bro :). Wait nevermind none of SAPK/PKS can. Kappa.

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I am currently in the process of fletching and alching 9k yews, but not for money just because it's fast xp and I'll get somewhat of a profit off of it:




9k natures @ 350 ea = 3,150,000


9k bow strings @ 170 ea = 1,530,000


9k yews cut will get me to 81 woodcutting




profit per longbow alched = 248


Total profit = 2,232,000




ending levels - 77 magic, 81 w/c, 81 fletching




so I raised all 3 of those skills by a bunch and I made a profit to boot





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I find that using a combination of skills is the most profitable, not just training one skill to a crazy level while the rest of your skills bring in no profit.


Before I begin rcing, I usually go fish around 100-500 sharks, depending how good the conversation is at the guild. And while I fish, I have a few farming patches growing kwuarm and limps, to make into super str pots. After I've finished cooking my sharks I begin rcing. Everyone knows edge bank is pking hq, so thats where I sell my sharks and potions during bank stops. Easy cash! :thumbsup:

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I am currently in the process of fletching and alching 9k yews, but not for money just because it's fast xp and I'll get somewhat of a profit off of it:




9k natures @ 350 ea = 3,150,000


9k bow strings @ 170 ea = 1,530,000


9k yews cut will get me to 81 woodcutting




profit per longbow alched = 248


Total profit = 2,232,000




ending levels - 77 magic, 81 w/c, 81 fletching




so I raised all 3 of those skills by a bunch and I made a profit to boot






See, that's the kind of work that would drive me mentally insane. How anyone can stand doing that in their free time, I'll never know -.- .

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I am currently in the process of fletching and alching 9k yews, but not for money just because it's fast xp and I'll get somewhat of a profit off of it:




9k natures @ 350 ea = 3,150,000


9k bow strings @ 170 ea = 1,530,000


9k yews cut will get me to 81 woodcutting




profit per longbow alched = 248


Total profit = 2,232,000




ending levels - 77 magic, 81 w/c, 81 fletching




so I raised all 3 of those skills by a bunch and I made a profit to boot






See, that's the kind of work that would drive me mentally insane. How anyone can stand doing that in their free time, I'll never know -.- .




Hah me too, if i ever fletch it's just for one level, i get a very small amount of profit- but it takes a short amount of time when you buy your supplies :XD:

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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I am currently in the process of fletching and alching 9k yews, but not for money just because it's fast xp and I'll get somewhat of a profit off of it:




9k natures @ 350 ea = 3,150,000


9k bow strings @ 170 ea = 1,530,000


9k yews cut will get me to 81 woodcutting




profit per longbow alched = 248


Total profit = 2,232,000




ending levels - 77 magic, 81 w/c, 81 fletching




so I raised all 3 of those skills by a bunch and I made a profit to boot






See, that's the kind of work that would drive me mentally insane. How anyone can stand doing that in their free time, I'll never know -.- .




i'm with you, I've done 1k alchs in a row twice in my RS life... and I vowed never to do it again. Magic is such a fun skill, why make it boring. High alchs and non-stop tele's to camelot are two things I'll never understand.


Current goals: Going for 80 80 80.

Recent goals achieved: 70 70 70 done.


Major Achievement: Fire Cape at 79 combat.

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I am currently in the process of fletching and alching 9k yews, but not for money just because it's fast xp and I'll get somewhat of a profit off of it:




9k natures @ 350 ea = 3,150,000


9k bow strings @ 170 ea = 1,530,000


9k yews cut will get me to 81 woodcutting




profit per longbow alched = 248


Total profit = 2,232,000




ending levels - 77 magic, 81 w/c, 81 fletching




so I raised all 3 of those skills by a bunch and I made a profit to boot






See, that's the kind of work that would drive me mentally insane. How anyone can stand doing that in their free time, I'll never know -.- .




i'm with you, I've done 1k alchs in a row twice in my RS life... and I vowed never to do it again. Magic is such a fun skill, why make it boring. High alchs and non-stop tele's to camelot are two things I'll never understand.


Lol, I fletched 10k Yew longs (bought the logs and strings, along with nats) and alched straight from 82 to 85, albeit it took about a month. I also vowed to never Alch again -.- . I nearly shot my self out of sheer extrutiating boredom :uhh: .




So, from 85 to 90, every last one of my experience points have come from the Mage Training Arena (got a Mage's Book, Infinity Boots and B2P), Barrows, Steel Dragons, and Dagganoth Kings (with 100 PC points in there). Fun training ftw :thumbsup: .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Just fishing only works on one skill and earns you cash. Fletching works on up to 4 if you make your own materials (RuneCrafting, Magic, Fletching, Crafting). I, like a lot of others, like doing skills that train more than one skill at a time while working on it.



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they do it because they have more patience then a saint


and the fact that it is a good source of profit if you auto (not supporting just saying)




and your right if you get your own stuff and do it for weeks on end you make alot of money...



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umega, realistically. its the 2nd easiest no-lifeable skill ever.






cooking being first, and fletching being the most profitable in my opinion. because really, i dont have to sell thousands of bow, and selling sharks i dread much much more then alching.




fletching is just, well easy to get massive logs, and when i was doing it bow strings had just went from 150 and were starting to go slightly higher.






94-99 fletching i bought in a week i think, i bought 10k yews and strings and the song those and bought materials to do another 22k yew longs. and then i alched alll those. and i got a really good amount of magic exp.








i understand you could probably make alot more money off another skill then fletching. i mean i might beable to cut as many magic logs to equal that out. and you seem as if you could fish them.




but fletching is basically in my opinion, free exp in fletching and magic. simply thats how i looked at it. i got 99 fletching in probably a month and really thats quick enough for 13mil exp.

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100gp for pure ess


Why would someone what to spend money on there pure ess when you can get it for free on world 99




Are you POOR?

If anyone remembers me... PM ME. having nostaligia issues D:

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