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Two things we need: a use for birds eggs and horses....


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:lol: Yes, you heard me, an no I'm not completely deranged. Birds eggs have been out for so long and yet theres nothing you can do with them. There were rumours that something would happen with them at the release of farming, but nothing. Why are Jagex leaving us in the dark about these rare and as of yet pointless event drops? My second request is for horses. Proper, player owned horses. I see how this would put their owners at a great advantage, both for general travelling and escaping from say, the wildy, but think of the posibilities. You would have to do a particularly hard quest to obtain one yes, but they would open up so much. You could have jousting arenas, new weapons and armour for use on a horse, increased/decreased bonuses for certain weapons when used on a horse, new quests gained and even new shortcuts involving leaps over streams and fences. I think to be fair they would have to be non-tradeable, at least at the start, but I think it would be a crime for Jagex to ignore such a brilliant (if i do say so myself) idea :wall: . Please reply and give your thought on the matter if you would be so kind. Thanks.





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no, they said dont suggest horses, there may still b hope lol



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if you want horses, atleast come up with a worked out suggestion:





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Sorry I had only seen your post after finishing my own, I was merely highlighting your suggestion anyway and was not intending to draw out a proper plan for its introduction, this being but an evaluation of the public's opinion on the subject. Sorry for any conflict you may have felt between the similarity of the two posts (yours is infinately better prepared anyway :D )





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Yeah, I mean I can see how it would take a long time to reprogram and edit certain aspects of the game to bring in horses and how it might unbalance the game/economy, but thats exactly what happened with player owned housing and that did the game good! Construction brought more of a balance to the Runescape economy after a period of construction material price boom and lower costs for everything else, and it also brought a great new skill into an already great game! Surely Jagex can look through the difficulties in making horses a reality and see the overall game improvements that would lie ahead? As for the birds eggs, I suppose Jagex must be cooking up something good to do with them, because rumours have been going round of an update to make them useable since the release of farming (i.e. its gotta be big!). Maybe theres some kind of mini-game or shop that you can use them in/trade for something good? Any ideas would be well recieved.





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they have horses. go check out diango's shop! :mrgreen:




Lol... You know what he meant, he meant the ones you can ride on.


And yes it would open up A LOT on runescape. Jagex would need to come up with a nice firm idea of what horses would actually do though. Considering people are suggesting so many different things :? . It would take A TON of programming though, to make new armor, weapons, the horses themselves. You thought it was a long wait for POH's? Think how long it'd be for horses :wink:

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I had, like everyone else, though of how fun horses would be. But i had never even imagend what you speak of, areanas, and armors, and such. Those are some great ideas. one thing i had thought of is that you could actulay make horses afordable, hear me out, this may take awhile. Im not realy sure how to organise this out as one thing leads into another, but here goes.




1. Make horses have levels, just like players. A horse would be able to incrise your total speed by a certin percentage, and as you ride, feed, and care for your horse its level increses, and with the level the percentage of speed that is added to you.




2. Make run aply to horses aswell. as i said before, horses increse your speed by a certon percent. now lets just say, for an analagys sake, that "running" dubbles your speed" IE, increses your speed by 100 %. And you have a horse that increses your speed by 50%. At full galop, this horse could increse your speed by 200%! you have 100% speed at a normal rate. then "Run" addes 100% more, now operateing at 200%, a horse that incrises take 50% of 200 %, 100% to get 300%. This obviously would only aply for a short while, just like normal running. and without run on you would opperate at 150%.




3. as i said before, you could make horses affordable. This means that even an abbsolute noob could buy one. For like 300 gp, they could by a horse that adds like 5% speed.




4. all horses would start at lev 1. This is where price realy comes into play. you have the realy bad horses that only cost 300gp. now all horses have a max level, 99 ofcourse, so a cheep horse has a max percintage of incresed speed. But one that is more expincive, lets say 1mil, could have a huge output of speed as a begining.




5. What about autoers? wount this help them make more, faster? No, because you also make a skill to go with it, husbandry, this skill would alow you to ride, train and even breed your own custum horse, exactly as you want it. they could even aply genetics to it, to detirman what a horse would look like. With husbandry, an autoer would have to raise a skill before they could get a decint mount.




6. You could have stables where you keep your horses, yes, horseS, multiple mounts for multilple purposes. You could have a stable at your house, a comunity stable could be in each major town, i know verock has a large area that needs renovation, and you could even have spells for calling and dismising, your horse. In stables, you could care for your horses yourself, or higher NPC stable keepers to care for them for you. The more you pay, the better they care for them.




7. you could have different kinds of horses. War-horses, raceing-horses, and burden-horses, just to name a few, war horses for combat bonuses, raceing horses for speed bonuses, and the slow but sturdy burden horses for holding extra items,these might even slow you down.




How ever many new demintions horses could unlock, i think we have to realise that they probobly will never come, atlest not in our RS generation. And if they do, we certonly will never see them at there peak. I do think tho, that even if Jagex said not to ask for them, if enuf of us asked, especialy members, asking in a calm, resoning tone, as we here discus it, they might decide that it could realy bring in a lot more members. Now heres the thing that will realy suprise you. Im not a member, and i want this to be a member skill, i dont know why, but i do. Maby because i know that if it is, there is a greater liklyhood of them makeing it. So, what do you think of my ideas?

Once an opinion is formed the truth is irelivant.


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Wow. I'm lovin' those ideas, especially the different kinda 'grade' horses for different amounts of money, and the new husbandry skill would be great (dunno where they'd put the exp thing though, they had 2 put combat lvl on the combat type screen to fit in construction!) =D> . I think to do all of that though would take so long most current players would be off the game on its release, and it would be nice to at least see horses kinda take off in the game before I stop playing, even if its only as some kind of mini-game or sub-quest. Kep the ideas coming anyway! :pray:





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i bet they're thinking of something with bird eggs, already planned out maybe. HORSES NO! I'm srry but horses do not help the game at all, with new agility shorcuts, grappling hooks, teleportaton, magic carpets and even hang gliders...we're all set

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New Cooking Update! (Sarcasm)




Bird eggs can now be cooked on a range to make scrambled eggs. These eggs will be good for a few hit points, protien, and cholesteral.








They might end up being used for something like that. :P

~10 out of 10 cows agree. The greatest Runescape addition was the rubber chicken.


~Today, we watch Runescape's grass grow. Tomorrow, we watch it's pots boil!

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I have an i dea for the birds eggs, (if it hasnt been posted befor).


Birds as pets, they could have a few uses like taking things to and from your bank, or they could ust be decorative. You would train them in a similar format when compared to cats.




Also,Im not that big on horses but why not mountable pigs.





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