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Classic argument: RCers, PKers


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why do these threads continue?




when are you going to add rune rocks into the mix?




if someone made a dood i was rune mining and got pked thread, its the same situation anyway.


4000000657th to 99 cookin

555555406th to 99 flethcin

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Here is my classic argument to the situation.




Runecrafters can make 3-4 times more runes (and therefore exp) in an hour then without the abyss. Let's put it in terms of pkers/everyone.




-Imagine for melee training, you got 1 exp per damage outside of the wilderness and 4 (normal) inside of it. Oh and by the way, your armour doesn't give bonuses from players unless you walk between very spread-out monsters (simulates defenseless while getting weight down for rc).




-Imagine alching being normal exp inside the wilderness and half exp outside the wilderness.




Also: there is already enough danger in the abyss. Jagex went about the problem the wrong way. If they wanted to make it more dangerous, they should have increased the accuracy of the monsters.




For those who say bring a weapon to defend yourself...with an inventory full of pure essence and in dhide vs. full rune and potted, you're never going to make much of a dent.




I don't ever expect RC pking to stop. Jagex tried to help rc'ers with the abyss bracelet but that didn't help anyone. The right step to do is increase the danger inside the abyss and move the wizard to the edge of the wilderness, maybe past the ditch, but outside...or the forest east of edgeville.




Let me counter some previous points...




if someone made a dood i was rune mining and got pked thread, its the same situation anyway.


Rune mining is a totally different situation. It is logical to scout and you bring food and as much armour as you wish because you don't burn energy or lose effectiveness.




litsen without out pkers RCing would be too easy its risk vs. reward we need them to balance the game.




Have you ever tried runecrafting in the abyss with 32 runecrafting?




Again, the abyss is dangerous inside, and Jagex needs to increase danger using an element inside their control. The wilderness is not inside their control.

RSN: Jettrider



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abyss pkers are annoying and cowardly however that doesnt chagne the fact that they can and will pk u the abyss is in the wildy there supposed to be ale to kill you though its a bit of a (hope this isn't to offensive) [bleep] move. well i guess it was too offensive w/e lol



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Well I'm not sure if I posted on this when it was active back in August but...




It's the wilderness for god's sake, you're supposed to be attacked. And this is coming from a big RC Fan, 74 RC. Plus, who will entertain you while RC'ing? :(

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I just like how some people think RC pking is fun/profitable... 6 hours wasted, at most one or 2 kills off of inexperienced rcers for a few loads of ess and a mith pick, maybe a glory if you're lucky... How is that fun/profitable...? And with killing chaos crafters, there is no fun/profit...






But rc pkers are good fun and profit if you kill them... :D

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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rc pking doesn't exist IMO.


If a 18 year old punches a 12 year old, and the 12 year old runs away. You can't call it a fight. Also it's just too pathetic to call that a fight. Same with rc "pkers", what they do isn't pking. It's just bullying and being annoying. It's just a waste of time and I also don't think people do it for fun. When I rc I sometimes see pkers standing 10, 20, 30mins and even more, just standing there. Doing nothing, not even talking. Maybe binding a guy, and by the time they hit them they're already gone.


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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rc pking doesn't exist IMO.


If a 18 year old punches a 12 year old, and the 12 year old runs away. You can't call it a fight. Also it's just too pathetic to call that a fight. Same with rc "pkers", what they do isn't pking. It's just bullying and being annoying. It's just a waste of time and I also don't think people do it for fun. When I rc I sometimes see pkers standing 10, 20, 30mins and even more, just standing there. Doing nothing, not even talking. Maybe binding a guy, and by the time they hit them they're already gone.




Yep, i hardly ever see the rc "pkers" actually kill a rcer. They must sit there for 5 hours and maybe get 1 or 2 glory's. :lol: Talk about pathetic.

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Before I post this, I am 77 runecrafting. I have been pk'ed probably 5 times since I started using the abyss. (About 140k nats made)




I don't think there's anything wrong with rc pk'ing. Most of the pk'ers are so pathetic it's not even funny. Honestly, they keep a lot of scared people out of the abyss, which makes less nats, which means the one I make sell for more.




Now I don't do it often, and haven't in a few months, but occasionally(usually when a friend asks and I am bored), I will grab my mystic and scimmy, and go try to kill a few.




First off, I am tired of hearing this "its like punching a defenseless baby", no it's not. If you relate RS to something that serious in real life, you take this game way too seriously. At the most you lose a glory, some black hides, and 20 minutes of getting your pouches.




Also, keep in mind, rc pk'ers are also "defenseless". Rc'ers usually have better defense bonus than the ones pk'ing them. A pk'er with good stats can easily 2 spec a rc pk'er.




It is the wildy, you shouldn't complain when you die. If it really bugs you, use the fairy rings or karamaja store.






And to all you rc'ers, it's not hard to avoid getting pk'ed.




First off, wear defense bonuses, especially if you are under 115. If you don't put on some dhides, pk'ers can easily hit with spells and 2-3 hit you with dds.




Also....take a tele. If you know the guy can teleblock, and he has entangled you....click your tele tab! Also if a rune pure hits 28-29 on his first spec, odds are you'll be dead next one.




Or just use the back way.




Or fight back. Do a normal rc run, but pot up at bank, take a dds and a few sharks, and spec the pk'er a few times. Another alternative is the seercul bow. One special and that pk'er won't be tb'ing/barraging you for a few minutes.




A final, and my favorite way, is make pk'er friends your level. I personally have about 5 rune pures or barrow pures my level on my list. When I get attacked, I let them know and they're usually willing to spec them out and get some free mystic.




Good luck not getting pk'ed \'

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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i rc pk because it's good money


i made like 200k in a whole week!




and i tb entangle and pk again so you don't get your pouches back




I sure hope you're being sarcastic... If not, you might wish to consider an alternative money-making scheme... I make 200k in about 30mins rc'ing.

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i rc pk because it's good money


i made like 200k in a whole week!




and i tb entangle and pk again so you don't get your pouches back




I sure hope you're being sarcastic... If not, you might wish to consider an alternative money-making scheme... I make 200k in about 30mins rc'ing.

She's 91 rc. :-w

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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I agree with what ugafan_2009 says. If you dont wanna risk the abyss dont. Use another method.


Admittedly rc pking is very easy, as you are hitting someone who is almost defenceless, but this just means its easier.




The rc'ers should grow up and stop moaning about the rc pkers. Use another route.




I also respect ugafan_2009 for not moaning, when he admits its fair game that he got pked as he took the risk.


Also any stories you have are pretty pointless, they are just tryna degrade rc pkers. Wow if they aren't as great as you.. so what? Its there choice to do what they do, and you can't stop them... but they can stop you \'

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i rc pk because it's good money


i made like 200k in a whole week!




and i tb entangle and pk again so you don't get your pouches back




I sure hope you're being sarcastic... If not, you might wish to consider an alternative money-making scheme... I make 200k in about 30mins rc'ing.




rofl, my thoughts exactly. RC pkers (especially high lev ones) are the lowest form of life. I love the "we balance runescape by making it dangerous to abyss rc, you should thank us"...lol um yeah. You big stud you, you managed to pk a defenseless person...wow. I have been pked twice, both times I was surfing the forums and was over 120 in combat...no biggie, I replaced my goods and went back to making 1 mil per 3 hours work. I now wear 115 mage defense and 118 range def, carrying a DDS and of course one click tele. want some? bring it. I have sent several wannabes back to fally/lumbry where they belong. If I see a lev 120 lurking at the mound by the mage, i go back to bank, pop a few pots and put on real toys...watch them scurry like rats when you fight back. love it.




RC PKERS = spineless scared lil boys who want to feel like they accomplished something by pking a defenseless person...sad...lame....grow up. Go pk by the ardougne tele spot in wildy, or mage bank..then u did something. Feel free to try me.


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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nothing wrong with killing rcers, however if thats all you can do thats pretty sad. when im pking in edge i usually kill other pkers but if i see a rcer thats worth killing ill go for it. sometimes i even do it in hopes they come back in pk gear so i can have a good fight with them.

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i feel that rcers should be left alone, people go into the wilderness to pk so pk them. the rcers arent harming anybody so i think they should be left well enouhg alone. the only people that pk rcers are peple who arent good enough ot pk normally nuff said

Tip.it's official Ninja

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I haven't and won't read all 6 pages, but after skimming through them I noticed something. No body mentioned the Rc Pkers motive. I Rc Pked all the time(when I had members). Why? Because I had no good way of getting the cash to buy my glories. Heck, I figured I'd just go pk the level 94 in green d hide or even nothing, and get my glories that way. That's how I think, and how a lot of my friends think. There isn't anything wrong with it. You say why attack the Rcers when they haven't done anything or are defenceless. Hm, ever think about what you do when you pound those flesh crawlers to train on? They never did anything either. Besides, they have an extremely low max hit, so they are pretty much defenceless. Huh, I don't know what's worse, looking at all these people saying Rc Pkers are pathetic(probably because they got pked and lost their d hide and glory) or looking at people's posts who have no idea what they are talking about but just go with whatever most people think. All in all, there is nothing wrong with Rc pking. Just like theirs nothing wrong with killing looters because there annoying just standing there to steal sharks or strength ammys. So why even bother complaining. If you don't like something, either do something about it, yeah, that means get that dds and kill those meany Pkers, or suck it up and get over it.



To get in her you need a lockpick...

Wait for it, wait for it..Bow chicka bow wow!

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Hm, ever think about what you do when you pound those flesh crawlers to train on? They never did anything either. Besides, they have an extremely low max hit, so they are pretty much defenceless.


a flesh crawler is not a person with actual thoughts. the person on the other side of the character you're killing gets extremely annoyed when you try to kill them for what? 50k? in the amount of time it takes to get a kill off an rcer, you could fish monks and actually make money.




my opinion is that rc-pkers shouldn't even be called that. many can't even pk a person in hides that doesn't have food. anyone willing to come up with a better title?

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Hm, ever think about what you do when you pound those flesh crawlers to train on? They never did anything either. Besides, they have an extremely low max hit, so they are pretty much defenceless.


a flesh crawler is not a person with actual thoughts. the person on the other side of the character you're killing gets extremely annoyed when you try to kill them for what? 50k? in the amount of time it takes to get a kill off an rcer, you could fish monks and actually make money.




my opinion is that rc-pkers shouldn't even be called that. many can't even pk a person in hides that doesn't have food. anyone willing to come up with a better title?




Oh dear, 50k? That's so sad since Most Abby Rcers make a few hundred k in an hour. That's not even annoying 50k. How about the people who pk out in level 30 wildy who lose a few million? Besides most Rcers have 28-29 glories. One doesn't really matter does it? And another thing. Why would you care when you can buy back the d hide and glory with all the cash you make from nats? Also, with the whole entangle so you don't get pouches. Well tough luck. How about when 45 def pures lose torso? It's much harder to get a torso then pouches.



To get in her you need a lockpick...

Wait for it, wait for it..Bow chicka bow wow!

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Hm, ever think about what you do when you pound those flesh crawlers to train on? They never did anything either. Besides, they have an extremely low max hit, so they are pretty much defenceless.


a flesh crawler is not a person with actual thoughts. the person on the other side of the character you're killing gets extremely annoyed when you try to kill them for what? 50k? in the amount of time it takes to get a kill off an rcer, you could fish monks and actually make money.




my opinion is that rc-pkers shouldn't even be called that. many can't even pk a person in hides that doesn't have food. anyone willing to come up with a better title?




Oh dear, 50k? That's so sad since Most Abby Rcers make a few hundred k in an hour. That's not even annoying 50k. How about the people who pk out in level 30 wildy who lose a few million? Besides most Rcers have 28-29 glories. One doesn't really matter does it? And another thing. Why would you care when you can buy back the d hide and glory with all the cash you make from nats? Also, with the whole entangle so you don't get pouches. Well tough luck. How about when 45 def pures lose torso? It's much harder to get a torso then pouches.




if you, as you say lose a few million in the wildy while pking, then you deserve it, or if you're just dumb enough to wander into the wildy with that much on you, then you are simply foolish. 45 def pure? you mean a character designed solely for pking? (and usually built illegally by item trading between your characters, like the level 44 with 70 mage sporting a blue phat i saw yesterday, and 4 stats in high scores :shame: )...meh, good, die and do it often please. We don't care about the losses of a pker, if I was a pker and lost my stuff trying to kill others, well that's the risks one takes, and you would never see a "omg i lost my stuff while pking" thread from me. annoying rcers by making them regain pouches and buy another set of dhide...ridiculous. especially by a 120+....dont they have better things to do.....like work on their stats, high lev wildy pk, stake, duel, something other then disrespect another high level?




it doesnt matter I make 1 mil gp within 3 hours work, if you're jealous, then skill a little. I dont sell my nats, I use them (points to 98 fletch and 95 mage) as a matter fact I made the nats and alched 4.5 mil worth just yesterday, so replacing anything I lose is chicken feed, that's not the point, it's the principle of the thing.




so little wannabe pker guy, as you said, tough luck on replacing your "torso" or whatever you lose pking. Just hope you don't cross my path while I am doing my average of 2-3 lev 3 clues a day in the wildy, I come fully prepped, and weilding ancients...bring it.




now for all you pkers out there, I support your right to pk...I just don't like the rc pkers. If I am doing a clue and you jump me, then that's the risk I take...and the risk you take :)


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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I hate it when people say RC Pking is lame, they just prolly lost a glory and care about the 50k, which they claim to be "nothing, very cheap" (unless, of course, a pker gets half an inventory them, which is more than 500k, and he can still go more). It is easy to make 50k via abyss RCing and still have most of the money left, but maybe you just have tough luck. Stop bashing pkers, and go out-of-the-wild RCing if it annoys you.



You're being watched.

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I hate it when people say RC Pking is lame, they just prolly lost a glory and care about the 50k, which they claim to be "nothing, very cheap" (unless, of course, a pker gets half an inventory them, which is more than 500k, and he can still go more). It is easy to make 50k via abyss RCing and still have most of the money left, but maybe you just have tough luck. Stop bashing pkers, and go out-of-the-wild RCing if it annoys you.




don't take this the wrong way, but I don't put a lot of merit in your opinion, due to your stats neither reflect you as a pker or a rcer...unless you have another account, then I COULD be wrong :P




If so, my bad, if not, deal with the experience first, then voice an opinion.




I don't have much problem with pkers, because I rc fully equipped, and if they can pk me, good on them, they earned it. It is the principle of it that annoys me.


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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