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~Runemetsa's free graphics!~ (5 new sig makers!)


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type: sig




size default




colours: whatever looks the best




Text: GreyAce




subtext: I can create the light or i can take it away




pic to work with:












special request: you can add one more pic thet goes with this one :ohnoes:

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Want to make me another sig hehe? You've only made me like a gabillion of these before lol. :P








Kind: Sig








Style: Abstract








Size: Sig default 400x125x30kb








Render/Stock picture: Will have to make slightly bigger, exaggerate it with Photoshop, and fill the entire space with it.








Colors: Colors of the flag, as well, clean up the white.








Text color: White, outlined in black to stand out.








Text: 'Rwy'n dy Cymru :P <---Actually put the smilie which is colon/capital P so :P but a capital P.








Subtext (Smaller font size): Dydd da Suzi! Sut wyt ti?








Border: Black, thin.








Brushes you want to be in the sig:








Font wish: Something nice.


Me doing staff.

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Thats awesome, but could you do the text a bit more like how I said? Big and Bold, like sticking out of the sig, and not all 1 colour if you know what I mean, it kinda looks like its been put on in paint at the moment. :D












Sorry, didn't think you saw this. :D


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Kind: siggy








Style: ur choice








Size:tip it size








Render/Stock picture: http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/9227 ... pngqv6.jpg
















B/W? no thx








Text color:








Text: Kiddo








Subtext: Suck It!
















Brushes you want to be in the sig:
















Other message: dont mind maker

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you think i could get a clan banner that says "Oracle Pkers" on it in any cool font, and matches this forum[url/]?




You can add a render if ya want, but not neccesary








shigar you may wana fix the code to:
















[url=http://z6.invisionfree.com/Oracle_Pkers/index.php?act=idx]this forum[/url]

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Kind: big banner




Style: abstract








Size: 700 x 200








Render/Stock picture:








Colors: red + black








B/W? yea








Text color: whatever looks best, white probably?








Text: shan








Subtext: if you think you can, you can.








Border white border








Brushes you want to be in the sig: whatever is best








Other stuff: if possible please animate the text








Font wish: your choice








Other message: maker - any.








Thanks guys. ::'


Miami Heat 4ever fan.

Yes, i'm a girl! I like to watch NBA, so? =]]

Thanks star_in_the_sky for the AMAZING sig and eckered for the great avvy!!

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Render/Stock picture:http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?album=search&cat=0&pos=7
























Text color:white or red
















Subtext:Deadly Rose
















Brushes you want to be in the sig:Yes








Other stuff: <...>








Font wish:http://www.dafont.com/pieces-of-eight.font








Other message:





Runescape - Currently In-active and a cancelled membership due to a broken computer and a cabbage laptop!



(Previously 'Darkknightider', wow that was a bad name :p)

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Lets see what ronnie can do. :XD:












Kind: Sig








Style: You choose, suprise me.








Size: 300x175








Render/Stock picture: saluteif9.jpg












Colors: Make it go with the render.








B/W? No.








Text color: You choose








Text: Skully








Subtext: The Champ Is Here








Border What fits in.








Brushes you want to be in the sig: What fits in.








Other stuff: <...>








Font wish: http://www.dafont.com/defused.font








Other message:










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Guest puremad

Kind: Sig And Ava








Style: Grunge












default 300x19x10kb> Default








Render/Stock picture: http://www.render-world.com/renders/albums/joujou/1139759994-21218.png








Colors: Magenta /or Green








B/W? no








Text color: Default








Text: L33t B 4 S H








Subtext: Just Average








Border Default








Brushes you want to be in the sig: Default








Other stuff: <...> Font:http://www.dafont.com/disko.font








Font wish: Umm Not Sure Wat U Mean








Other message:








Red Font = Who I Want To Make My Sig ! ::' Thanks

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