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LimeWire sued by the RIAA


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i live in australia....Albums cost $20-30... 20 if your lucky.




and i think buying off itunes is bull cause its not the right way to stop people illegally dl music




i mean why pay to dl when you can dl for free?

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The first being that its so much easier and faster and free to download music with 2 clicks of my mouse than going to the store and buying ONE cd for 10-15$.. thats like 4 McDonalds trips right there, lol.





Do you also steal cars because a new car would cost you 10,000 trips to Mcdonald's and it's faster to take the nearest car than actually go to a store? Stealing can't be accepted just because it's faster than doing it the legal way or you could buy something else with the money.




The second reason is half the time, a band comes out with a CD, and only 1 or 2 songs would be hits or even be remotely appealing to me, the rest being filler tracks that nobody listens to, so it always feels like a waste to me.




If you feel like that, you most likely listen to bad artists. Personally I got only few cd's that have disappointed me with none/only few good tracks.




I'm all for supporting the artists, but the only way I can, is not by paying for CDs with money i don't have, but by downloading their music and telling my friends about it. I just love music enough to take that risk.




Personally I found that as hypocritical as Bush saying he wants to bring peace to the world. If stealing is supporting in your mind, then there's something wrong. If I want to support a good band, I spread the word about it (and not share files!), buy their cd and go to their gigs. Not steal their stuff, spread stolen stuff to other idiots and watch their gigs in .avi formation.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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I don't know where you live but a CD over here in the US is $10-$15.





Ahh you're obviously one of those ignorant American types. Down here in Australia an average CD will set you back around $25-30.




I tend to be pretty indifferent about the whole downloading thing. I mean yeah the artists are getting cheated. But essentially if they wanted something done about it, it really should be them taking the civil action. After all it is a civil wrong against the artist and not the RIAA.




Having said that, I can see that artists want a larger stronger organisation, similar to a workers union to fight for them.




The RIAA must be fully aware that they have no hope of eliminating piracy. This is evident by who they choose to take action against. In picking on those who are young or are incapable of posing an adequate defence, they are attempting to scare other users in quitting. They are trying to limit the impact of an inevitable practice.




For those who say


'I can't get sued as it isn't against the law. Now watch me be a little [cabbage] and download in spite.'


Watch yourselves. You might not have the RIAA in your country, and therefore they don't have the power to do much about it, but there is bound to be a similar sort of organisation where you are. The most frustrating part of this opinion in my eyes is that those who hold it have no comprehension of what civil action is. You don't have to have committed a crime to be sued. It is a wrong against another person or party that has caused damage. The burden of proof (at least over here) is on the balance of probabilities, not beyond reasonable doubt. They are two completely different systems.




Finally I have something to say to the 14 year olds who think they have seen it all in this life.


'Hehehehehe I have hide IP platinum, they won't find me in Afghanistan!!! I iz uber 1337zorz!'


Sit down, shut up and stop downloading. You are a fool. Let me put your idea here into perspective. I am in senior year and I am in the top 5 people in my physics class. Does that mean I am going to go and tell Stephen Hawking he is wrong and I am right about physics? No, hell no, I am not a tool.




So now think about you and your IP hider. The RIAA who obviously know a thing or two about tech and have a fair few resources, are more than likely going to have someone smarter than the bloke who wrote that program. And I dare say that the guy working for the RIAA knows what your real IP is.




Oh and if you are going to post here. Perhaps you could use a bit of punctuation, sentence structure and punctuation. You have something to say, make sure we can understand what it is.

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The RIAA who obviously know a thing or two about tech and have a fair few resources, are more than likely going to have someone smarter than the bloke who wrote that program.




That is doubtful. The RIAA are not a technical consortium, far from it, in fact this is the group who base their cases on the misinformation that an IP = a person and drops them when the defendant points out that that is not true.




That is not to say that any IP-hiding things are going to work; just that the RIAA are not all-powerful network gurus. If they were as intelligent as you make them out to be then they'd be suing people and not leaving a way for them to easily get out of it as they are doing now - they have just been successful so far because the defendants are generally computer-illiterate. Or dead.




As for people not having the RIAA in their countries - I made a point of this earlier. In the UK we have the BPI and whilst they have done some lawsuits I think it was just one run of them and they haven't done any since. It seems they're not as desperate for money as the RIAA. I haven't heard of any lawsuits against individuals in any countries besides the US and the UK, but that's not to say there weren't any.




One thing that annoys me is the US-UK pricing conversions - whilst it would make sense that an item which is $10 in the US should be ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã6 in the UK I can safely say that that never happens; it is pretty much always the case that they'll just change the $ in the price to a ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã - leaving us paying nearly twice as much for something.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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The RIAA who obviously know a thing or two about tech and have a fair few resources, are more than likely going to have someone smarter than the bloke who wrote that program.




That is doubtful. The RIAA are not a technical consortium, far from it, in fact this is the group who base their cases on the misinformation that an IP = a person and drops them when the defendant points out that that is not true.




That is not to say that any IP-hiding things are going to work; just that the RIAA are not all-powerful network gurus. If they were as intelligent as you make them out to be then they'd be suing people and not leaving a way for them to easily get out of it as they are doing now - they have just been successful so far because the defendants are generally computer-illiterate. Or dead.





Fair enough mate. I see where you are coming from there. I wasn't trying to make out that they have limitless resources. My point I spose is that little smart arses shouldn't think that they know better and are safe behind IP hiders.

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One thing that annoys me is the US-UK pricing conversions - whilst it would make sense that an item which is $10 in the US should be ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã6 in the UK I can safely say that that never happens; it is pretty much always the case that they'll just change the $ in the price to a ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã - leaving us paying nearly twice as much for something.




It's like that in Canada too. Five years ago the exchange rate was $.65 American equalled $1 Canadian. Nowadays it's $.91 American equals $1 Canadian, but everything that enters Canada from the US for sale is still using the exchange rate from five years ago =\.


(Example? Check RuneScape subscription prices - although this is not an American product, it's an example of an old exchange rate. $5/month for Americans, $7.30/month for Canadians.)

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Personally I found that as hypocritical as Bush saying he wants to bring peace to the world. If stealing is supporting in your mind, then there's something wrong. If I want to support a good band, I spread the word about it (and not share files!), buy their cd and go to their gigs. Not steal their stuff, spread stolen stuff to other idiots and watch their gigs in .avi formation.





Why is it etched into your brain that the only type of support is financial support? I support bands by trying out their music(downloading) and if I like it, i'll tell my friends about it so they can enjoy the band too. That's supporting isn't it? Just because im not giving them my money means im not supporting them? If someone had a goal on Runescape is the only way to support giving them donations? I may only be 17, but in my mind, what's the difference between downloading music and borrowing a cd from a friend and listening to it? Would you harp on that? Would you send that friend to jail for borrowing the cd from a friend instead of buying it?

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Don't worry guys, there will be some other chap who will deside to open another website such as limewire.




Personally i don't like limwire too many people use it, i use russian websites for my music downloads, i dont think russian goverment are stricked on copy rights, so like everyone shares music online.




Anyway to my point - There will be others to come, and another one- i usually only like 1,2 or maybe 3 tracks by the same artist unless they are really good 'Queen' ftw, anyway i don't want to buy whole album with 10-20 songs for those 1-3 tracks i just dl them for free, if i like the artist so much i splash out my 12 pound sterling and buy their album 'Linkin park' ftw.




However if i just like one song i will never spend 2 pounds to buy it from shop or 30p from i-tunes.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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Why is it etched into your brain that the only type of support is financial support? I support bands by trying out their music(downloading) and if I like it, i'll tell my friends about it so they can enjoy the band too. That's supporting isn't it? Just because im not giving them my money means im not supporting them?




How is the band being supported? All I see is a bunch of people taking their music and listening to it illegally.






I may only be 17, but in my mind, what's the difference between downloading music and borrowing a cd from a friend and listening to it? Would you harp on that? Would you send that friend to jail for borrowing the cd from a friend instead of buying it?




When you borrow a CD your friend doesn't keep a copy of it. When downloading both parties keep a copy of the CD.

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By mentioning whatever service you use you are taking this topic 1 step closer to getting locked.


Heh, sorry. Didn't even cross my mind... I'm in school sleep mode... Too tired to really think about where I'm posting... Won't happen again...

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Within the last few years it has seemingly ceased to be 'can I borrow X CD?' - it is now 'can I rip X CD?'.




In Canada there is a tariff added onto every blank CD bought - around 18 cents per CD - the money from this tariff goes straight to the copyright association of Canada (or whatever is closest to that name), and they distribute some of that money towards the recording industry.




Of course it isn't near what they would get from an actual CD purchase, but it is some compensation.




(Note: This tariff is applied to all data storage items like blank CDs, DVDs, MiniDisks, but NOT .mp3 players, making it illegal to put unpurchased tracks on an .mp3 player in Canada)

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SO what...?


Should peps like delete lime wire and everything before they get sued and start using i tunes?




Cus if that what it take i'll do it (even if i don't have it) but what if your searching for a song that u can't find it on itunes cus it's old...do u have the right to download it??




And for peps who use peerguardian that actualt makes it harder to get sued are they in danger too?




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I did actualy and i read the whole thing again but still no1 talked about perr guardian/peer guardian 2 so but if some1 did say anything about it can any1 plz direct me to that page and if no1 did can any1 answer my question?


are you indanger if you use limewire and peerguardian??




P.S. i m not sure if bittorent is good cus even if it is free it`s kind of slow...




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No, you evidently didn't read the rest of the topic because I said that the RIAA aren't going to be suing the limewire users as (a) they lack the information to do it - logs of transfers and the suchlike and (B) they are going after the big fish.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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yes and you also said they can't sue peps because they are starting to stand up for them selves by saying that IPs aren't peps and that they can't prove that it's this person who is downloading. but u still get the "what if" question... and i'm worried, I know that they go after the peps who download alot than rip them on cds and make there own profits but i geusss if they can go after them then maybe just maybe they can go after anybody... even if they don't have alot of proof... lol it makes u realise how stupid the world is turninhg out. and How do CD producers expect us to buy CDs if there starting to protect each and every song on that cd like I can't tell my friend to send me songs with out having the CD...it's getting stupid and it's that why more and more peps are begining to download stuff from the internet/Lime Wire instead of buying them..




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It seems to me when one goes down another becomes huge.. I don't think the RIAA is ever going to be able to stop music pirating, so what's the point in trying? I will admit that I am a music pirate but only because I cannot afford to buy all of my music (however the majority of my music is purchased in the form of cd's). Although if they want to slow it down there needs to be a more harsh punishment..

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I don't think the RIAA is ever going to be able to stop music pirating, so what's the point in trying?




I don't think the UN is ever going to be able to stop wars, so what's the point in trying?




(Yes this was already used, but apparently it needed repetition).

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It seems to me when one goes down another becomes huge.. I don't think the RIAA is ever going to be able to stop music pirating, so what's the point in trying? I will admit that I am a music pirate but only because I cannot afford to buy all of my music (however the majority of my music is purchased in the form of cd's). Although if they want to slow it down there needs to be a more harsh punishment..




What do you mean by "Although if they want to slow it down there needs to be a more harsh punishment "?




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I don't think the RIAA is ever going to be able to stop music pirating, so what's the point in trying?




I don't think the UN is ever going to be able to stop wars, so what's the point in trying?




(Yes this was already used, but apparently it needed repetition).




LOL...I don't think it's the same thing...




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I don't think the RIAA is ever going to be able to stop music pirating, so what's the point in trying?




I don't think the UN is ever going to be able to stop wars, so what's the point in trying?




(Yes this was already used, but apparently it needed repetition).

Well the UN may have some chance, so trying is worth it (or there may be a chance of them suddenly getting a little smarter). The RIAA has no chance what so ever, so that cause is hopeless.
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