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New prayer making new max hits?


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I think that maximum hit with ruby bolt would be 180!


It says 20% of hits and JAD with full hits is 900, that would make a 180 hit possible, of course you would leech urself for 10 damage as well.










if jad had 900 hp, getting a fire cape would be next to impossible for the very best

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wow... ranged would be a bit over powered then...


you will see in f2p that many ranger r2her with the 15% ranged then protect item... that sucks

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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tommarows update i really doubt will be prayers, or at least in probably wont be just 1 update






theirs 3 updates left this month, prayer, graphic, pirates and boat update.






well 2 updates left in the month so, 1 update will have 2 updates involved.






and i talked to a friend who told me he had seen 4 jagex mods just walkin around today, well this is why i think prayers might not come out tommarow






why would jagex mods be out around in the game today? to check some stuff over i assume.




but where he saw them is the most convicing thing to me, draynor(port sarim) ardounge catherby and i dont recall the last 1. i came to the conclusion it cant be a graphic update and they wouldnt be wondering for prayers, so i checked the behind the scenes. pirate update was the only 1 that made sence










after all that being said.






magic will get an increase to accuracy, ranged will to but probably including a new max hit for things.


Agreed, and good point.




There would be no reason for J-Mods to be walking around checking the RS environment if they wanted to check if everything is OK for the prayer update, because that would make no sense whatsoever.




But we'll see :)

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tommarows update i really doubt will be prayers, or at least in probably wont be just 1 update






theirs 3 updates left this month, prayer, graphic, pirates and boat update.






well 2 updates left in the month so, 1 update will have 2 updates involved.






and i talked to a friend who told me he had seen 4 jagex mods just walkin around today, well this is why i think prayers might not come out tommarow






why would jagex mods be out around in the game today? to check some stuff over i assume.




but where he saw them is the most convicing thing to me, draynor(port sarim) ardounge catherby and i dont recall the last 1. i came to the conclusion it cant be a graphic update and they wouldnt be wondering for prayers, so i checked the behind the scenes. pirate update was the only 1 that made sence










after all that being said.






magic will get an increase to accuracy, ranged will to but probably including a new max hit for things.


Agreed, and good point.




There would be no reason for J-Mods to be walking around checking the RS environment if they wanted to check if everything is OK for the prayer update, because that would make no sense whatsoever.




But we'll see :)






oh we did see...and i pretty much called it.

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That's quoted directly from the behind the scene : "Later this month we release a new batch of prayers, this time adding the ability to temporarily boost your ranged and magic attacks with prayers like ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅHawk EyeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ


|Barrows Drops-7|Dragon Drops-5|

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That's quoted directly from the behind the scene : "Later this month we release a new batch of prayers, this time adding the ability to temporarily boost your ranged and magic attacks with prayers like ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅHawk EyeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
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well, we know it now..




it only increases accuracy with the new prayers....




so for both magic and range it willl act like extra range attack or mage attack bonus points you get from wearing items such as mystic or dhide :)

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well, we know it now..




it only increases accuracy with the new prayers....




so for both magic and range it willl act like extra range attack or mage attack bonus points you get from wearing items such as mystic or dhide :)




No, it increases damage for ranging, I hit 28s now with cbow potted :P

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basicly, its like this:


mage prayer: raises prayer lv by 5%, 10%, or 15% (watever one u use) so, asumming (sp) you hav 10 mage and u use the 10% mage prayer, u would raise 1 lv. so it would be like having lv 11 mage, and so u would hit just as high as u would if u werent using the prayer and u just had 11 mage... get it?




Range prayer: same thing... lv 10 range + 10% prayer thing = lv 11 range, so u hav the same effects as you would if you just had lv 11 range... ya





Whats your average lv? viewtopic.php?t=615571&start=0&pos

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