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Where did you get your Runescape name from?


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This is a really stupid reason, on my behalf. Maybe I should tell it, and get it out. When I was making my account (3 years ago), I thought when it got to the page that says "The name is available", I thought it said "Un-Available", so I kept trying names like "Bryce is1337", and I still thought it said "Un-Available", so I typed in random letters, and it came out "Fgfuyfyuiuyf", and I finally read it correctly. I would've had an original name, but I was stupid. So, my Fgfuyfyuiuyf got stolen, and perm banned for password stealing. So, I made Fgfuyfyuiuy0, after my first account. It's a good thing it's confusing, because if I accidentally say my password, I have enough time to change it :lol:.


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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um...i tryed- noob lord, then noob king, then noob noob(lol really did..sum 1 took it! :uhh: ) then wrote truehunter0 and it was avalibe.


True(not really i lie a LOt..hehe :mrgreen: )+ hunter( cuz i hunt down noobs in lev 40 wildy..hehe got iron kite and legs)+ 0(my favorite number)=truehunter0




btw my pure was xicepkerx, cuz i though ice was the most powerful magic in the game :D (still is in my opinon..i hate blood....mainly cuz i been pked by it many times lol)


^]{/-\|(kal) made it..it ROCKS!

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From the fruit juice drink 'Um Bongo' from the 90's in England. ::'




However someone knew I was going to choose that name and stole it before I made the player... Added the 0 because it used to look like an O, but now I'm known as '****' seeing that Bong is censored -.-


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The ah...Tate Modern Museum in London.




*shuffles nervously at her own boringness and jumps out of the window*

I hoped you enjoyed my post. If not, you may wish to jot down the name below and make obscene phone calls.



Coming to a big screen near you.

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This is a really stupid reason, on my behalf. Maybe I should tell it, and get it out. When I was making my account (3 years ago), I thought when it got to the page that says "The name is available", I thought it said "Un-Available", so I kept trying names like "Bryce is1337", and I still thought it said "Un-Available", so I typed in random letters, and it came out "Fgfuyfyuiuyf", and I finally read it correctly. I would've had an original name, but I was stupid. So, my Fgfuyfyuiuyf got stolen, and perm banned for password stealing. So, I made Fgfuyfyuiuy0, after my first account. It's a good thing it's confusing, because if I accidentally say my password, I have enough time to change it :lol:.




Lol, I got my name just from random, cause I want to play runescape, randomly!!





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It's a good thing it's confusing, because if I accidentally say my password, I have enough time to change it :lol:.


Does it get confusing when your typing in your name everytime you log in? Or have you got used to it? :wink:




I made up my name, I always use "Umega" or "Lord Umega" in any game.


In short terms Omega sounded cheesy for a name so I just added U instead of O. I think Umega sounds cooler than Omega. =P

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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My RS name came from a joke on this forum, where my name was Nanosaur:






My name on that forum came from a really old video game for macintosh:






"Nanosaur" was already taken on runescape, and I hate names with numbers, so "Nanosauromo" seemed like the perfect fit.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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It's a good thing it's confusing, because if I accidentally say my password, I have enough time to change it :lol:.


Does it get confusing when your typing in your name everytime you log in? Or have you got used to it? :wink:




I made up my name, I always use "Umega" or "Lord Umega" in any game.


In short terms Omega sounded cheesy for a name so I just added U instead of O. I think Umega sounds cooler than Omega. =P




It's been 3 yrs. since I got it, so of course it's easy :P My friend even memorized it. The bad part about my name is when people ask how I remember it all the time on RS. I get annoyed answering, so I ask "How do you remember your name?" and they usually reply "Because, I just do, it's easy." Then I reply "And that goes for me too." My friend can even type it fast. He remembered it. :D


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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i chose my name cauz the person who introduced me to RS was called grim reap??? ( i forgot the #s... )so my first RS account i made was also called grim reap??? ( i forgot those #s, too... ) but i didn't play on that account... after a year i decided to play RS for real. i named mine after my first one, so now i hav " grim reap437 " ::'

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:o I was listening to my teachers lecture in English class when she started talking about Shibboleths. A shibboleth is a word used to distinguish one group of people from another. For example the U.S. soldiers used the word lala palooza to determine the difference between japanese immigrants in hawai and natives. The natives would say "lala palooza" while the natives would say "ra ra parrooza". Any way there are thousands of different shibboleths strewn through time. If you wanna check that out try this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shibboleth#Origin


So after hearing that, I thought it would be the perfect runescape user name, so I went online to find out about it, mistakenly spelling it chibaleth. My internet browser corrected me but when I tried to enter it on the runescape webiste they said it was already taken. Because I hate to add numbers to my name eg Bob 55532 I named my character Chibaleth. :)




For those of you who've been following my posts i'm still working on that guide. =P~

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Okay, here goes.






I used to play a game called Eternal Lands, and one of my friends there was named Immerentis






I stopped playing EL, and went to world of warcraft, and decided to use the name Immerentis




The public test realms opened, and I made 4 characters: Immer, Immar, INNAR, Inner.




I come to RS, and I try to make Innar, taken, so I decided to add "Xx xX" on the ends :D






And there ya go

RSN: Xx Innar Xx. Retired. Loong retired.


Private chat: ON.

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Poepaap is a word me and my friend came up with once.(long story short, we were kids :) ) I thought "poepaap" as a name didn't sound right...it needed something. So I took the first part of my name, sticked it to poepaap, and I liked the new name, so I took it. Have never regretted it so far, and I don't think I will.



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I got my name, Panic Pants, out of a fit of brilliance. First off; I like pants (the word); I like how i hear its used elsewhere (for rarely is it used as anything more than legwear in the US), and I took to it, calling things 'teh pants' if they pwned babies and the elderly. Panic was just something random, but eventually grew into the whole absurdity of the name. 'Panic Pants' are legwear you, er, wear when panicking. I'd love a diagram if someone could draw one up.

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The letters of my name was a nickname one of my ex-boyfriend's calls me, it does stand for something, but I'm not going to say what lol.




The numbers were the last 6 digits of my old phone number.




Needless to say, I didn't realise people would actually refer to you as this name, or the significance. Bah, well in-game ctp is censored anyways.




I'd cut the numbers short if I could.



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the Witch King is the one in the last lord of the rings that lead the evil people out and caused all sorts of hell.

the other day i was walking with some friends when i saw a dead bird. i said, 'look, a dead bird!' my friends looked in the sky and said 'where?'

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Ghstkill8<- My friend's name is Ghostkill7, and he introduced me to the game. Since I am so unoriginal, I decided to take Ghstkill8...At the time, I thought he was Ghstkill7 though...Also, 8 is my lucky # :P

Currently P2P.


I don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand.


Formerly known as: Ghstkill8, Serene Ghst, Genius Goats

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i was just on dial-up, waiting to get highspeed, and i decided that i liked the blue dragons "i was looking at the bestiary" and i wanted my name to be just that "blue dragon" but, inevitably, it was unavailable, so i tried many things, and eventually landed on "bludragon" so i wondered what numbers. 123 would be nice, but it didnt work. so i went with 124, and thats what i am today. :-w


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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