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Would u rather


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COKE ftw...


Would you rather be annoying or start freaking playing the game right and not saying stuff like "neither" or "I dunno"...


Are you blind or ignoring me on purpose?

Even though I sometimes side with religious people in some debates, I no longer consider myself religious.

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play the game right as if i dont already...




would you rather get inf phats or your own giant personal castle in lv. 100 wildy with a huge banner with your name on it and your own personal army of a couple hundred men of any lv you choose...

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im not gay but collin lane =]] as much as im not into guys, im still secure enough to say who's hot and who's not.








you house is on fire, you are on the top floor, would you rather fall two stories to pebbles/concrete, or burn in the fire and hope you get rescued.


Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?

Final Fantasy


Currently Listening To ~ Hotel California / The Eagles

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I'd jump from the building. Easy question.








WYR drop out of a plane and fall to your death or be ejected upwards from a helecopter?


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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