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Near Death Experience?


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A lot of stuff that makes me look bad..




Heh.. My excuses...




-I was young (3 years old?)




-How was I to know you couldn't swim? :-w :-$




-No excuse.. That was funny as hell! And why'd you hide the fact that you liked her for so long? Take my advice.. You know what I'm talking about..

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Yeah, I have one.




Me and my friend were racing our bikes, and we needed to cross the street. I wanted to cross first, and I thought I could pass a minivan. She was going faster then I thought. She slammed the brakes leaving me in the middle lane, where I almost got hit by an on coming car. I literally, pissed my pants.




Oh, just thought of another.




I used to race go-karts, yes I love to race'em, I was racing a friend who was also very competitive. He hated to lose, as did I. He did the "PIT" maneuvor (sp?) on me, meaning you hit the rear fender, spinning you out. My kart, instead of doing what it was supposed to do, flipped. It spun one full time in the air, landing on half way on its wheels, and on it's side. Funniest part was, I won the race :shock:




If I would've spun slower, I would've hit my head, probably breaking my neck. It was kinda funny though, the next race, he ran me into a wall. A year and a half later, my HUGE dent is still there :XD:.



My Farewell thread. Please post nicely, or die. :^_^:

Yea, I'd vote for him too. But I don't think they let Iraqis vote :P
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My near death experience was too painful(physically) for me to remember clearly :cry:








I was running around an abandoned construction site with my friends while playing hide n seek. I got caught and I tried to run away. I ended up tripping over a pile of rubble and my head barely missing a piece of metal sticking upright. My knee was so badly injured that they couldn't stitch it close because there was no skin left to stitch up.








If I had landed a couple of centimeters to my left I would've died with a 3-foot stick impaled through my forehead :ohnoes:








:shame: Never run around dangerous places like abandoned constructions sites

Ultra Unholy,

Hearted Machine...

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My near death experience was too painful(physically) for me to remember clearly :cry:








I was running around an abandoned construction site with my friends while playing hide n seek. I got caught and I tried to run away. I ended up tripping over a pile of rubble and my head barely missing a piece of metal sticking upright. My knee was so badly injured that they couldn't stitch it close because there was no skin left to stitch up.








If I had landed a couple of centimeters to my left I would've died with a 3-foot stick impaled through my forehead :ohnoes:








:shame: Never run around dangerous places like abandoned constructions sites








so what did you do for your knee if it couldn't be stiched back up? :ohnoes:

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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My near death experience was too painful(physically) for me to remember clearly :cry:








I was running around an abandoned construction site with my friends while playing hide n seek. I got caught and I tried to run away. I ended up tripping over a pile of rubble and my head barely missing a piece of metal sticking upright. My knee was so badly injured that they couldn't stitch it close because there was no skin left to stitch up.








If I had landed a couple of centimeters to my left I would've died with a 3-foot stick impaled through my forehead :ohnoes:








:shame: Never run around dangerous places like abandoned constructions sites












so what did you do for your knee if it couldn't be stiched back up? :ohnoes:








Duct tape.




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Guest AshKaYu

Me and my two friends, Kyle and Nigel, were in Nigels big blowup pool(5 feet deep!). We were swimming around really, really fast, making a whirlpool, when I got caught under a ladder(yaya, I have the lamest neardeath experiences ever!). I was there for about . . . I have no clue. More then 120 seconds for sure, and my lungs were on fire, black spots were appearing(I was eight)

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Guest Armagedon46disabled

car crash back in september. car totaled blew up, fire fighters said me and my 3 friends shoulda died... near death, i think so it flipped twicei had no seatbelt, i got pics if u really wanna see em pm me

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Hmm, I don't really remember the seriousness of it, but I was quite young.








It was when I was about 5. Me and a friend were playing outside of his aunt's house I believe. There were some older kids horsing around and throwing various things at other various things. One of those happened to be a stone the size of a brick. As far as I know it was not intended to hit me. But, the stone was tossed - at no where in particular, I assume - and hit me square in the back of the head. (The boy that threw the rock was only about 10 so he couldn't very well control the stone that well I guess) All I remember is being carried up to the aunt's house and my friend's mom screaming. Anything after that I don't remember. I assume that it could have been much worse since I was only 5 my head would still have been quite fragile.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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My near death experience was too painful(physically) for me to remember clearly :cry:








I was running around an abandoned construction site with my friends while playing hide n seek. I got caught and I tried to run away. I ended up tripping over a pile of rubble and my head barely missing a piece of metal sticking upright. My knee was so badly injured that they couldn't stitch it close because there was no skin left to stitch up.








If I had landed a couple of centimeters to my left I would've died with a 3-foot stick impaled through my forehead :ohnoes:








:shame: Never run around dangerous places like abandoned constructions sites












so what did you do for your knee if it couldn't be stiched back up? :ohnoes:








Duct tape.








Nah, They just left it open to heal. It scarred pretty bad. It looks like a piece of meat stuck on my knee(keloids) I couldn't walk properly for a month

Ultra Unholy,

Hearted Machine...

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You probably did the worst thing possible in that situation. :uhh:








Never fight a rip tide (think that's what it's called), just let it suck you away, then go to the left, and swim back. The rip tides pulling you out, if you get out of it's current, you're safe.








Theres a beach close to where I live, Its excellent for surfing. If you get stuck in the undertoes to etheir side of the main beach, YOU WILL DIE. If you are strong enouph to get out in maby 5 seconds you can get to shore, but when you go under most things cant surface for 2 - 5 minutes and normally a couple hundred yards from shore. I don thtink any one whos been pulled under there has ever lived. So in that case, hold you breath and swim for you life very quickly. But most places dont have that powerfull of an undertoe.








Also when I was in grade 1 I was hospitalized with a kidney infection. I dont rember most of it after I arrived at the hospital, the fever had me in delerium. Im told I made my best efforts to keep evryone away, I was pinned down so that they could put in the Iv (intravenus). Aparently I was in primal instinct for a while. I couldent dissconect from the iv for a week, and for the next week only for 1-2 hours maby 2 times a day. They figure I had 1 maby 2 hours before kidney failure, and with the fever I would have died. (I didnt know that at the time). Also soon after I was born I stoped breathing for a couple minutes in the hospital. I was blue when the nurse saw me. If I hadnt been in the hospital I would be dead.








Near blindness:




My friend was whacking ferns with his woden sword. He let go, and hit me a little less tha half a centimeter below my right eye socket. A few more milimetes up and It would have brocken my orbital, so if I could still see after the brocken orbital, I would have reduced vision and limated movement in that eye. We were both 13/14 and hes pretty strong. I almost whacked my head into a rock when I fell, and im not sure I was concious all the way to the ground. Only 4 stiches, and it hurt a fair bit. My friends were afraid it had hit my eye since i had my had over it, and between tears and pain in the area I couldnt see with the eye.








Near broken skull:




When i was 8 or 9, me and my brother (whos older) went sailing in our boat, on the way back the wind changed, the boom whick ways a bit hit me in the center of my forehead, I went flying about 10 feet before I hit the water. Good thing im light, it probaly saved me from whiplash, concusion, or an impacted skull(where theres a dent). I was disorented for a while though.

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