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Guide to multi-tasking!


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1.0 Index




1.0 Index


1.1 Introduction


2 Multi-tasking 2 things in Runescape


2.1 Multi-tasking: high-alching


2.2 Multi-tasking: long term


2.3 Multi-tasking: other things


3 Multi-tasking non-Runescape things


3.1 Multi-tasking: browsing forums


3.2 Multi-tasking: going on holiday


4 Credits


4.1 Updates




1.1 Introduction




Multi-tasking is very handy if you don't have a lot of time to play Runescape or just want to have more money/xp. There are different ways of multi-tasking: while reading forums, watching television, high-alching or even when you are on holiday!


There are no real requirements, but having a fast computer and internet connection helps!




2.1 Multi-tasking: high-alching




I think almost everyone know that you can combine farming with high-alching, thats not difficult: Stand next to your farming patch and high-alch. You can also combine it with the agility arena in Brimhaven: When you have tagged a pillar you start alching, when the arrow moves you start running again. You can also high-alch when you are buying (nature) runes from a store, or when you are merchanting in a bank. If you have 85 mining you can also alch at the rune rocks in the hero's guild basement. And if you have 75 thieving you can alch next to the gem stall in Ardougne while stealing gems.




2.2 Multi-tasking: long term




Long term multi-tasking means: You do something, but at the same time you have something else that takes time. An example of long term multi-tasking is long-term merchanting: buying rares in the hope that they will rise. Another thing is that you put money in the royal coffers of Miscelania, after you did the quest: Throne of Miscelania. If you are for example fletching, fishing, herbloring or cooking you can do this at caterby while growing crops and herbs at the same time, have a look every 15 minutes and you will be fine.




2.3 Multi-tasking: other things




There are also other things you can combine in Runescape, you can when crafting/running natures if you use a dueling ring, the abbyss or the fairy ring method you can mine the ores outside the temple if you take a pickaxe and for f2p it's handy when you are mining silver or gold in the crafting guild you can craft/run some airs on the way there, you also can run/craft laws when collecting seaweed which is in the north-west of Entrana, I also heard you can collect it when fishing monkfish, but I haven't done Swan Song yet... Another possibility is to do things while you are getting your new slayer task e.g. mining or buying stuff from stores. You can also multi-task mining iron and mithril/adamant, as far as I know you can do this at 2 places: the mine south-west of port khazard and the scorpion pit mine north of Al-kharid. At the one near port khazard its important that you angle you view like this:




In this way you can see it when the mithril rocks respawn.


If you are training agility at the ape atoll course, (take a knive to cut the pineapple) you can buy laws from the runes shop, it takes about half an hour to have a full stock again, you might consider doing this in world 2, since there won't be a lot of world hopping buyers there.




3.1 Multi-tasking: browsing forums




You can do different things while you are browsing forums, mining ess, fishing and woodcutting are some of them. If you're doing this: PUT YOUR SOUND EFFECTS ON! That way you can detect random that are fighting you. Also look back every minute at least. To do this quick it's easy to use ALT+TAB, just press this once to switch between the first 2 screens, if you want to switch to a third one you hold ALT and press TAB another time. Another trick is to size your screen like this:




In this way you can see the last text line as well as the last row of your inventory, if you are woodcutting you can hear the sound of the falling tree if you are the one that gets the last log of it, if someone else does, you won't hear it. Ofcourse you can also do those things while watching television




3.1 Multi-tasking: going on holiday!




Yes, you can make money in Runescape when you are on holiday! There are 2 things you can do: First, again: Long-term merchanting, just buy a rare and hope it will rise. Second, again: The Miscelania kingdom, when you leave, make sure it's on 100 % effort and that there is enough money for the whole time that you're gone.




If you've read up until here, I'd really appriciate it if you would post a reply.




4 Credits


Myself for making the guide 8-)


Bigmoneyak: In his Master slayer guide he wrote the idea of doing things while getting a slayer task


Nuclear_man2 for the ALT+TAB idea in the forums section


Piman1053 for reminding me of cooking


IceBlackIce for the nature crafting idea


Atestarossa for the silver/gold mining idea




4.1 Updates




Update 1: Added the ALT+TAB idea


Update 2: Added cooking in the long term paragraph


Update 3: Added the Mining Multi-Tasking idea


Update 4: Added the updates section :wink: and the replying sentence at the end


Update 5: Added the natures idea and the silver/gold mining idea


Update 6: Added the agility/law buying idea




If you have another idea, see a spelling/grammar mistake or want to make a comment, post here or PM me!


You can as wel be creative yourself, think of some ways how you could make boring tasks less boring and save time by doing more things at the same time!

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that is a very well thought idea and guide, =D> keep it up mate




btw, is you put money in manage thy kingdom then go holiday you wont get as much of a good result as you would staying

signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you if

^^^^read backwards^^^^




^^^^The Best Melee Training Spot In The Game^^^^



^^^^The new Bandits^^^^


even i have the misfile craze!!!

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that is a very well thought idea and guide, =D> keep it up mate




btw, is you put money in manage thy kingdom then go holiday you wont get as much of a good result as you would staying




But you could still make a profit is what he is saying I think.




That's true ofcourse, if you go each day to Miscelania you will get a better result, but if you go on holiday not longer than 45 days you will get a positive result for sure, i made 3.4 M when I went 3 weeks on holiday

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im going to add something to ur forum thing.




is another way to switch.

I'm working on starting a web design buisness and a book

Goals-90M/100M-Top 2.0k In Smith-26m as F2P(+lvl 79 Smith)

United SmeltersÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ Association-Founder

Nuclear Co. MSC-Owner

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The section under multitasking forum proves very useful to me.


Nevertheless, great guide!

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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umm also during boring repetive tasks such as fletch, cooking, fishing, etc, you can do your homework or ya browse forums as you stated.




Yes, thats absolutely right! (just finished my homework while killing dusties 8-) )


But I won't add this to my guide, because you should not make your homework during playing runescape if it's not going well at school.

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Another one, while rcing nats you could mine the ores just outside the temple.


While rcing laws you could get some seaweed to help in crafting glass things.


If your house is in Rimington and you are walking back and forward you can stop by the craft guild to mine some gold or silver


*** [ END ]: You gained 1,671,000 thieving exp in 9mins 44secs. That's 10,300,684 exp/h.

Dragon Drops - 1 Skirt

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Very nice guide, opera or firefox (I prefer and would recommend firefox) is better for multitasking often. At least for forums where you can open multiple threads at once and dont need to tab through many (just a mere click to the original tab).

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