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World Of Warcraft/Runescape


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Hey guys,




my mom and dad said i can get world of warcraft if i do good on my first quarter of jr. high and i am sure i want to get it but i am also a member in rs,




what should i do:




1: Stay With Runscape (Member) [5$ a month]




2: Get World Of warcraft [10 dollars a month]






remember: w.o.w. also has better graphics.


remember: I like rs a ton.... :uhh:

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WoW is where you find the super nerds, its where zezimas off spring reside and they make up a large portion of the game :uhh: this late in the stage its hard to get to the top and because people on it are so nerdy they take it so seriously which is why i dont play it, i played near the beginning and didnt like it but i heard it changed a bit

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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^ dont listen to that.




Anyways, if you did some searching, there is already an offical WoW thread, which you could find some info there to help sway your diccision.




Dont be just drawn in by the preatty graphics, WoW is such a big game, it is compleatly amazing. It has bassicly everything Runescape has, and tons more. plus the battle system is much better. Take WoW over RS.


Sig by Ikurai

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most people who talk about wow have never played it :uhh: i thought it was gonna be great but by the time my trial ended i didnt care anymore, it just got boring. its a huge transistion to go from a high level in runescape to a low level in the game and everyone knows more than you and the community isnt too nice either

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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No one but Lionheart helped <.<




Well, if I can help: a friend of mine got addicted to WoW for one and a half year, gave up everything he had; his girlfriend, his friends (he barely saw us anymore), he was rude against everyone around him all day long, skipped school from time to time...


It was pathetic. I told him he was becoming a mindless zombie and so did a few other friends. That made him realise those computer games are a true waste of time, when you eventually quit you'll regret those hundred of hours you wasted weren't spent in a better, useful way.




So what I would do: either consider sticking with RS, but I would strongly advise you to think where it'll get you. Perhaps it's better to quit all together, or play a CD-ROM game from time to time, which doesn't take up that much of your time.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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I started on a fairly new server and if you ask your questions in a respectful manner, you'll always get help. WoW is really fun once you get into a guild, much better then Rs imo. Helping kill elites or just questing together is lots more fun.


Don't think I'll ever go back to Rs because WoW is just that much better.

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You stated WoW has better graphics, yes it does, but, graphics dont make a game. ;)




I found that the WoW community is so much more better than the RuneScape one, I think WoW has friendly people....




The choice is up to you...... Don't let any one decide for you.




- Denic.

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WoW is where you find the super nerds, its where zezimas off spring reside and they make up a large portion of the game :uhh: this late in the stage its hard to get to the top and because people on it are so nerdy they take it so seriously which is why i dont play it, i played near the beginning and didnt like it but i heard it changed a bit




The same could be said for RuneScape? People here call eachother "noob" like it's a personal insult. That's pathetic.




WoW is a good game. If I was still into MMORPG's (I've realized they're just a huge waste of time, but I'm probably older than you. :P) I would absolutely still play it. It's got a great story-line which make for fun questing that makes you want to figure out and do more, and it's just...Yea, fun. I played it for about a year and had fun doing everything it had to offer...No regrets there, whereas RuneScape, I played on and off for years and I regretted it because it wasn't even fun.




Give it a try if you want to...If you don't like it, stop playing. All I can say is that I loved it. It MUST be a pretty damn good game if noone has anything bad to say about it except "Oh man, it's so addictive!"...I've honestly *never* heard anything bad said about it...Not like people talk bad about RuneScape or different games, you know. 6.5 million people can't be wrong, and either can the budget they can then spend on making content for you. :P




I will say this though, as a warning: They're making an expansion pack right now and it's due to be out pretty soon...I don't think until the beginning of 2007, but still, it's close. You'll probably be mad (or your parents will be :P) if you figure "Oh crap, I have to buy that now to get the new content..." after you pretty much JUST bought the game. The expansion is definately going to be worth the cash, though. It's not like an Everquest expansion that they pump out every month or two with nothing in them, it's a pretty huge "update".




Glad Blizzard is doing well. They make quality games, and quality game companies deserve every penny they get now-a-days where cash-cow sports games with no new content every year are the norm.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Let's put it this way: Would you like one scoop of ice cream put into your hand? Or would you prefer a triple ice cream sundae, with raspberry sauce, a flake, one of those cool little biscuits and a free pint of Guiness to wash it down with?

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Yes, I will agree that it can be addicting, When I first started, I was glued to the computer for almost 2 weeks straight, but I later found that just as long as you have a strong mind and other intrests, its compleatly fine.




The only slight negative thing I can say about WoW, is that the servers are crap. Its not that there is uber lag, its just that they are unreliable some times, especially after patches (but there is no more patches till the expansion comes out).


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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you are asking a q like this on a RUNESCAPE FAN site? :-w




i play both depending on my mood (more wow atm than rs).


on a personal note i've found the people/community in runescape alot better than in wow. even though i have taken a few rs breaks i've still kept in touch with several players though our chat, they are what make rs appealing to me.




don't play wow if you are after continuos play. here in uk it goes down for 5 hours once a week on a wednesday(except they messed up the lag on the last patch and it was down for 12 hours yesterday while they was trying to fix it)


rs has none of that as they do that kind of maintenance everyday i believe.




its your choice at the end of the day, we can't decide it for you

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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Go for WoW. Well worth it in terms of hours of play time. Leveling different characters can keep you occupied for quite a while, and calling the endgame "extensive" is a gross understatement.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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I played RS, quit and started playing WoW and then quit that too. WoW was infinitely a better game. There are tradeskills in WoW, but they are a minor part of the game, unlike RS. This game revolves purely around combat - and it's way more fun than RS where combat consists of right clicking attack and eating sharks.




The WoW community is way better than RS as well. I was shocked at first by how friendly the people are. Often when I asked for directions a person volunteered to take me there, or help me on a quest, or do a low level instance (= dungeon) with me while they gain nothing. As well as the friendly community WoW offers guild and team support, and you can easily communicate with your guild mates and teammates. WoW is definitely the better game if you can afford it.

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Hmm... I guess it depends realy. Do you want spoon fed crap to you, or realy spoon fed crap to you?






If you can't tell I don't like WoW... it's realy, simple. Also, don't be lured by the idea of "less grind". WoW has the same, if not more grind than other games. The thing is is that WoW hides it through quests until you get to level 60, than you get to spend either 12 hours a day PvP'ing if you want a good PvP rank, or 12 hours a day raiding if you even want somewhat decent gear.






To tell you the truth there realy are no "great" MMO's out right now. We are kind of stuck in a... realy, realy bad age for MMO's.






btw, Yoda....




lol @ the community for WoW. I guess it probaly is better than RS, but... it's still infested with 13 year old kids.




EDIT: I should tell you now also, blizard is officaly the slowest gaming company in the world. Don't say I didn't warn you...

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Hmm... I guess it depends realy. Do you want spoon fed crap to you, or realy spoon fed crap to you?






If you can't tell I don't like WoW... it's realy, simple. Also, don't be lured by the idea of "less grind". WoW has the same, if not more grind than other games. The thing is is that WoW hides it through quests until you get to level 60, than you get to spend either 12 hours a day PvP'ing if you want a good PvP rank, or 12 hours a day raiding if you even want somewhat decent gear.






To tell you the truth there realy are no "great" MMO's out right now. We are kind of stuck in a... realy, realy bad age for MMO's.






btw, Yoda....




lol @ the community for WoW. I guess it probaly is better than RS, but... it's still infested with 13 year old kids.




EDIT: I should tell you now also, blizard is officaly the slowest gaming company in the world. Don't say I didn't warn you...




yea, the game is definitely overrated. ill bet you most of the people on this topic have never played WoW but instead say what they hear about it, once you hit majurity(no, not puberty. puberty comes at like 12 and maturity comes in the middle of high school) its not fun anymore

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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yea, the game is definitely overrated. ill bet you most of the people on this topic have never played WoW but instead say what they hear about it, once you hit majurity(no, not puberty. puberty comes at like 12 and maturity comes in the middle of high school) its not fun anymore




How long have you played it?

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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Nadril, and I don't mean this in an unfriendly manner at all, but I see you bashing WoW every chance you get, but have you ever actually played WoW? I mean, for more than a few hours? I don't think anyone can actually - or rather, should not - comment on the game unless they've played it for at least a week or more. You need to see more than having nudged the "quest aspect" of the game for an hour...




The less grinding thing, if we're speaking level-up wise... it is less grinding, but hey you know what, it's still an MMORPG, so if you want to advance in the game, you'll need to do a considerable amount of grinding - as you do in every MMORPG.


The reason it requires less grinding to level up is because as soon as you spend time logged out, or in a city or at an inn, a certain percentage of your experience-bar turns blue, which means you're rested. The longer you're logged out/in the city/inn the more the rested-meter increases. And when you're rested, it means you will get 200% the experience points. And that really helps.


But, correct me if I'm wrong, don't you play Everquest? If yes, the assumption that WoW requires a lot of grinding shouldn't bother you in the first place (see? I can also come and criticise a game from things I've heard from friends... and a teacher).




As for the community... well, uh, I didn't know RuneScape had a "community" to begin with? And I played that game even during it's "glory days" and it never came across as a game... with a community. You usually just stand there under an oak tree and train by yourself all day. In WoW, whether you like it or not, you have to group with other people in order to obtain better items and advance levels. In instances/dungeons you usually are five people doing it together, and in order not to whipe, you need to communicate with the groupmembers and make up tactics. And in raids you are 20-40 people doing it together, and from what I've heard, if one member screws up, you will whipe. So a lot of communicating there as well, usually via Ventrilo or Teamspeak.


And when you're not doing raids or instances, you're usually a group of people that quest together; you share the experience and loot. Fun times.




... And there are in-game events as well.




than you get to spend either 12 hours a day PvP'ing if you want a good PvP rank, or 12 hours a day raiding if you even want somewhat decent gear.




I'm guessing you've talked with a lot of level 60s to come up with such a foolproof statement. It's just that those "raids" you speak about only spawn every third day, and the regular 5-man instances you can only do five times a day. As for the PvPing, I don't know anybody who does it just to keep their rank intact: they do it because they think it's fun. Which it also is. The PvPing in WoW beats any other PvP I've played... even Guild Wars', which is very PvP oriented.






it's still infested with 13 year old kids.




Christ, can't people come up with better arguments? I swear, this is used 99,9% of the times when people attempt to criticise MMO games. The guild I am in has around 150 members... and I think maybe five or ten of those are "13 year old kids", and I've been questing with a few of them. And believe it or not, I didn't pass out from hyperventilating. But most people in the guild are 16-20+. We even have a few who are over 30. So yeah.






One thing I can agree with you though is that Blizzard are way too easy on you. I'm mainly talking about when you die, you only lose 10% of your durability and you have to run and obtain your body. Whoop-de-dideli-do. I mean, they could at least have made it so that you lose a certain percentage of your experience, or that you lose some gold. Anything. But they're too afraid people would get angry and quit playing I guess.




Again, sorry if I was too blunt in my post, I didn't mean any offense. I just don't like it when people make bold statements about stuff they actually know nothing about, just because "my friend told me".


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yea, the game is definitely overrated. ill bet you most of the people on this topic have never played WoW but instead say what they hear about it, once you hit majurity(no, not puberty. puberty comes at like 12 and maturity comes in the middle of high school) its not fun anymore




How long have you played it?




He already stated - the "Free trial" was all the time he played it. :lol:




I played it for a year and I don't regret it. I got my money's worth and I even upgraded my video card and RAM just to play it. No regrets.




Yes, their servers (some, not all) can be crappy. I never once experienced "lag" in RuneScape terms, but once in a while, the servers just poop, but they're often back up within a reasonable time limit...I never found myself getting angry at the servers like I did on RS.




And Blue, maturity doesn't start at an exact age. Even if it did, it most certainly wouldn't be at 16. I can name TONS of people my age (heck, even 25+) who are the most immature, moronic people I've ever seen. Maturity starts when you stop being a turd and move on to important things.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Oh, and to the "12 hours raiding, 12 hours PvPing" comment:




I had full tier 1 and I only raided about 3 hours per day 3 times per week. Sometimes 4 if we could get the people together. And we were the ebst guild on the server on Horde-side.




PvPing will soon take less effort (or does it already?) when the patch for the PvP system change is released. It may have been in the last patch, or the next...Or hell, even in Burning Crusade, I don't even know. Like I said, I don't play anymore. It used to take 12 hours per day, indeed, but now they're saying it should be much more casual. The reason it took so long before was other people screwing you out of ranks and ranks decaying. It was a huge time-sink that they hadn't expected.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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