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Do you think anybody will ever get all skills to 200mil xp?


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I was thinking about Slayer, and I can get 250k exp on a day if I really push it, so let's say people like N0valyfe could get 350k exp, it would still take nearly 2 years to get 200M Exp.






Oct 28, 2008: 82nd to reach 2376 total

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I was thinking about Slayer, and I can get 250k exp on a day if I really push it, so let's say people like N0valyfe could get 350k exp, it would still take nearly 2 years to get 200M Exp.








eek that is pretty scary to think about

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Jagex has the skill xp cap because of memory storage. In the next 10 years I think Jagex will buy better servers and/or bigger databases if they are still there. The money cap of 2,147,483,648(?) will also soon be gone.




*remembers the flood of rants over the caps a few months ago*

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erm..would that mean getting 99 from 1 in each skill....over 10 times :ohnoes: Id be fine with 99 flat int hat case personally :-k


That's a good way of looking at this.




Flat 99's are insanely hard to get. And you guys are expecting someone to be able to make 15 characters with flat 99s? LOL!

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Guest TaDaraCampbell
of corse sum1 will eventuly get 200mil xp i personly would think zezima cause he/she is always pushing thmeselves for betta chanllegers but wat i no 4 sertain is it wont be me getting 200mil xp


HE- http://tip.it/runescape/index.php?times=39




My guess, if n0valyfe can stick with it, he really tackles those levels, and Zezima has his studies :D

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Guest TaDaraCampbell
erm..would that mean getting 99 from 1 in each skill....over 10 times :ohnoes: Id be fine with 99 flat int hat case personally :-k


That's a good way of looking at this.




Flat 99's are insanely hard to get. And you guys are expecting someone to be able to make 15 characters with flat 99s? LOL!


1st bold- About 15 times :shock:


2nd bold- What does 15 characters have to do with this? We're talking about 200mil exp on one account. :?




Oops, pressed submit instead of copy-pastin' into other post :-#

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Guest TaDaraCampbell
I don't think it'll ever happen. 200m xp on 1 skill, that's great.. But every skill?.. no way. That would take to much time. :-k


well, if they want to put in 10-20 years of membership and boredome thats on the edge of imploding their brain, they could do it :wink:

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It will happen, i never thought anyone would get all 99 skills. This is rs2, and they keep bringing out new ways to get xp quicker... Matt258 is on his way to 200mil cooking and fletching xp, as is n0valyfe.




Definately going to happen one day..



currently smithing

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Here's some future things that could happen that will alter the nature of this discussion:




1. Better training methods: The pyramid upped the thieving rate to 150k per hour, monkfish upped fishing to 45k per hour, etc. Jagex will always be releasing better training methods, sure to tick off the "old skoolers" that did it the hard way first.




2. Skill cap raised: With that, there's incentive to go above 99.




3. Experience cap raised: With that, the discussion becomes moot.




4. Cheaper training methods: Construction and Prayer cost about 6 to 10 gp per skill point even assuming you use the efficient methods. Smithing has similar costs involved until you get upto 99 smithing.




Let's face it, without Cook-X, someone getting 200 mill cooking may not have occured yet.


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200M construction xp starting from 0 using only oak planks and a demon butler:




60 xp per oak plank --> 200,000,000 / 60 = 3,333,333.3333




250 gp per oak plank --> 3,333,334 * 250 = 833,333,334 gp




10k gp butler payment per 200 planks --> 3,333,334 / 200 = 16,667 butler payments or 166,670,000 gp (double this if the butler goes to the sawmill too)




Total costs 1,000,000,000 or 1B gp exactly. That's actually not quite as expensive as I thought. Considering cursed you used that amount of money to reach 99 con I expected it to be more. Then again, no sain person would use oak planks for a project like this, let alone make all the planks himself. But there you have it, if you have 1B lying around in your bank you can get yourself 200M con xp and make your butler an insanely rich demon in the progress.




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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y would anyone even think of getting 200mill xp in the first place?!?!?! i say that because someone who got 200mill xp in a skill would have exactly the same advantages as some one with 13,034,431xp (lvl99). they would waste 5 years of their life and the only glory he would get from doing that would be from ppl addmiring him from thousands of miles away he would never get to talk to or meet. also the person who spent all the hard long years acheving this wouldnt get any of the credit after doin this, only the account that he did it to would.


You get 750000gp from alching a Bandos Godsword. I know from experience.

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Guest TaDaraCampbell
y would anyone even think of getting 200mill xp in the first place?!?!?! i say that because someone who got 200mill xp in a skill would have exactly the same advantages as some one with 13,034,431xp (lvl99). they would waste 5 years of their life and the only glory he would get from doing that would be from ppl addmiring him from thousands of miles away he would never get to talk to or meet. also the person who spent all the hard long years acheving this wouldnt get any of the credit after doin this, only the account that he did it to would.


That's obviously your outlook upon RuneScape, but once you have achieved level 99 in all skills, all of that money that you used on membership, you can't just walk away from the game, you need to set new goals, so you try for 200mil exp in a skill, taking it one skill at a time. In the end, yes, it may be just a game, but do you'll think you'll get admired any more in the real life by working at your job? No, unless you hit it big, no one cares, even the celebrities get forgotten later. We all have our ways of living our lives, and setting goals, no matter what it concerns, no matter what it's importance, is just as good as any other goal.

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y would anyone even think of getting 200mill xp in the first place?!?!?! i say that because someone who got 200mill xp in a skill would have exactly the same advantages as some one with 13,034,431xp (lvl99). they would waste 5 years of their life and the only glory he would get from doing that would be from ppl addmiring him from thousands of miles away he would never get to talk to or meet. also the person who spent all the hard long years acheving this wouldnt get any of the credit after doin this, only the account that he did it to would.


That's obviously your outlook upon RuneScape, but once you have achieved level 99 in all skills, all of that money that you used on membership, you can't just walk away from the game, you need to set new goals, so you try for 200mil exp in a skill, taking it one skill at a time. In the end, yes, it may be just a game, but do you'll think you'll get admired any more in the real life by working at your job? No, unless you hit it big, no one cares, even the celebrities get forgotten later. We all have our ways of living our lives, and setting goals, no matter what it concerns, no matter what it's importance, is just as good as any other goal.






you cant compare working at a job (which u need to survive) to a game which you play when ur bored. people dont ussally get admired when they go to work, but wats the point to do something that with take 5years from your life with nothing in return?? not to mention that that person would also hav to pay aournd 300 for the 6 years of membership. why should someone improve something that cant be improved on, when they could be improving themselfes instead??


You get 750000gp from alching a Bandos Godsword. I know from experience.

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