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What To Do Now??? Please Help!!!


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i have "part-decided" on crafting goal. still taking suggestions






What shall i do next? I was looking at training more skills over 70. the skills blurred are 70+. So, these r the 2 things i may do.


Plz choose thich of the following i should do.


Get all skills to a certain level (please state level)


Get some skills 70+ (please state skills)




and, plz state how i should get them up, because i want to raise them very cheap ;)







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Get your Runecrafting up to at least lvl 70. How you're going to do it, I have no idea. I am only F2P, sorry. I just know from studying that 70 RC is worth it.

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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herblore is amazing money if you trian it high enough, get it to at least 60

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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For crafting, you can make battlestaves and make a profit off them when you high alch them. It'd be best if you have already done the Hand in the Sand quest, so you can get free buckets of sand.




Or you can buy cowhides and craft coifs.

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i have "part-decided" on crafting goal. still taking suggestions






What shall i do next? I was looking at training more skills over 70. the skills blurred are 70+. So, these r the 2 things i may do.


Plz choose thich of the following i should do.


Get all skills to a certain level (please state level)


Get some skills 70+ (please state skills)




and, plz state how i should get them up, because i want to raise them very cheap ;)








get all skills to lvl 70

Retired from RS since Sept 06

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farming 99 ftw! \'




JUST KIDDING.... but really, wc fletch and firemaking are VERY fast ans easy to raise. Go to the willows behid seers and chop and burn, or chop fletch and drop. String willows will get you LESS exp per hour.




EDIT: nvm on flecth, since you appear to have that already...


just chop and burn :thumbsup:

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I would steal seeds from the master farmer to raise theiving to 70, then use the seeds you get to try for 70 farming, and maybe you'll have stolen enough herb seeds to get 70 herblore too. You can sell any seeds you don't need to raise money for tree seeds, which will help raise your farming faster. If you've done Throne of Miscellannia and Royal Trouble, you can have your subjects gather maple logs, which you can use for firemaking and sometimes you get nests with tree seeds.




You can range Mossies on Moss Giant island for good range XP, plus they drop herb, watermelon and strawberry seeds. If you have a cannon, go to Dagganoths for good herbs seeds and range xp. If you did the quests I mentioned above, you can get coal from your subjects and make cannonballs to raise your smithing.




Sorry to be so farming oriented, but it's my favorite skill. :lol:

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