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bath or shower?


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Bath, absolutely!


There is no moment in the week more relaxing than a bath on Sunday evening, after having entertained 15-20 little children in my youth movement an entire day.




SCOUTS FTW :lol: ...






Bath when I have time, Shower if I'm in a hurry and I'm really dirty :uhh:

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A bath please. Let me highlight some tip-top bath facts!


  • You don't run a bath, you draw it.
    You don't have a bath to predominantly clean, it relaxes and massages.
    You can share baths with rubber duckies


What's not to love? I'll only have a bath once a week though, compared to showers, because they do waste a lot more water.

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Oy_the_Great wrote:


Bath, absolutely!


There is no moment in the week more relaxing than a bath on Sunday evening, after having entertained 15-20 little children in my youth movement an entire day.












Bath when I have time, Shower if I'm in a hurry and I'm really dirty




HA! I know how that is..EAGLE SCOUT BABY!

Its better to be judged by twelve, than to be carried by six.

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Oy_the_Great wrote:


Bath, absolutely!


There is no moment in the week more relaxing than a bath on Sunday evening, after having entertained 15-20 little children in my youth movement an entire day.












Bath when I have time, Shower if I'm in a hurry and I'm really dirty




HA! I know how that is..EAGLE SCOUT BABY!




I was an Eagle, too, and the first thing I did after surviving a camping trip was soak in a long, hot bath. That was usually a nasty color after a while and required me taking a shower afterwards :P.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I outa slap you Barihawk, you ARE an Eagle scout. You never were or I was, you always remain an Eagle Scout!




Point taken :P


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Usually showers, less water, quicker, more refreshing and they actually clean you rather than turn you wrinkly. :lol: But baths if I'm tired or want to relax, which isn't often.

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I usually shower as it is quick and easy, but once a week or so, I'll have a long hot bath to take away any stress and the aches in my body. Most of my washing is done at the gym though as after every session I get a sauna and a shower.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Baths take too long...


Plus youre just wallowing in your own filth in there...


So showers all the way. =;


^haha, yah. Pretty much what I was thinking.




But baths are more relaxing than shower but it takes too long. And since I have alot of people in my family, it's really impossible to get comfortable.




So shower for me.


.: Gallery :.

Away :( -cheers all!

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Umm, well you know ...




I turn on my shower, then sit down, curl up in a ball and let the water run over me. I put my soap and shampoo on the sides of the tub so I can just sit down and take a shower. It's alot better than a regular shower when it's 6:00 am and you're too tired to even stand up.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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shower!!! i hate baths all you do is sit there soaking in water and your own dirt. but i have to be carefull when i ahve shower once i had a shower that was 3 hours long cos i lost track of time (only stopped cos i ran out of shampo)

ahahaha IMA A IDIOT

cant argue there mate
Real world? *looks around confuzzled* Real world?!? :ohnoes:


have now quit rs :-( (but i still browse these forums :-)

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shower!!! i hate baths all you do is sit there soaking in water and your own dirt. but i have to be carefull when i ahve shower once i had a shower that was 3 hours long cos i lost track of time (only stopped cos i ran out of shampo)






LOL 3 hours. the only reason to have a shower for 3 hours if if ur not alone :-D

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Umm, well you know ...




I turn on my shower, then sit down, curl up in a ball and let the water run over me. I put my soap and shampoo on the sides of the tub so I can just sit down and take a shower. It's alot better than a regular shower when it's 6:00 am and you're too tired to even stand up.




lol i bet that is cool

DoD:S ownage

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