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"Icemaiden" sig up for grab.


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Meh, figured it would be better to make a post about it...








Here it is:
















As said, the sig is up for grabs, but I will only give the sig to a girl, and to someone I feel I can trust.








If you think you apply to that, then reply.
















// Azvi.


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dang i hate discrimination it just lowers my respect towards someone .. this just makes me feel like my holiday in america.. people kept saying bad things about colored people and homosexuals








tho any list of names of people you can trust + and there arent many girls browsing this forum i mean eissob and ice ring you can trust them

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What exactly do you mean by "trust". You mean someone who will use the sig for more than 2 days?








Bah, Im peeved you took my title for my next sig :twisted:








Jkin' :P :lol: :oops:

If it isn't in your veins, you'll never know.

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dang i hate discrimination it just lowers my respect towards someone .. this just makes me feel like my holiday in america.. people kept saying bad things about colored people and homosexuals








tho any list of names of people you can trust + and there arent many girls browsing this forum i mean eissob and ice ring you can trust them








Its not discrimination. He made it, he can do what he wants with it.

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very nice sig, oto bad it's a black border, cause i'm on sub-black, makes it look border-less. anyway, i hope some girl gets here soon and takes it :wink:








now, discrimination? bah...anyway...

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thats just discrimination ..








Yeah. You know me... I'm tip.it's resident extreme-feminist. Burn your bra's!








Jeez man, when I saw your first post, I thought you were joking; guess I was wrong. :?
















Anyway, thanks everyone for the comments! :)








As for the border... that's the least thing I focus on, to be honest. I just want something to frame the picture basically. Heh. >.<








Phuzi0nx13, sorry, but I don't know who you are. So no.








*class starts*
















// Azvi.


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Girls get everything... :cry:








lol :lol: :lol:












and skull, he want's to give it to a girl because the main theme of the sig is the girl... :roll:




That.. and teh booty.. fo sho'








there you go, two very good reasons why :lol: :shock:

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