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Apparently, you're a genius if...


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You don't have to excel at school to be a genius. Einstein was a genius and he was always getting Ds and Cs in school.




I read that was actually a myth, and while he was never a great student, he was never horrible. Like the "He got an F in math" myth is apparently not true, however I agree with you...I always did average in school but I can confidently say I am more intelligent than the morons I am surrounded by that spend every waking minute of their life trying to find their next party so they can get drunk, lol.




And Bmw, their exact words were: "How can you tell if you might be a genius? Well, if you can do this problem, you may very well be..."




I expected a hard problem that would make me feel stupid all day, but apparently not...:P

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Einstein failed Algebra, but nothing else.




They think he is autistic. I assume most genius's are.




I'm not a genius, or autistic, but I can name any captial in the entire world.




Yea, someone once said that all mentally [developmentally delayed]ed people are just people who are too advanced for their brain to handle...I believe that someone was the psychic "Silvia Brown", though, so not exactly "sceintific" there. :lol:






Would be quite the coincidence, though...The people some look down on for being "stupid" are actually the smartest people EVAR. :P

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Guest XplsvBam
Einstein failed Algebra, but nothing else.




They think he is autistic. I assume most genius's are.




I'm not a genius, or autistic, but I can name any captial in the entire world.

Me too, its called 'google'.
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]I can name any captial in the entire world.




That's not really hard. All you've gotta do is memorize 400 words or so?


Much easier than understanding Chemistry, for instance.


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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]I can name any captial in the entire world.




That's not really hard. All you've gotta do is memorize 400 words or so?


Much easier than understanding Chemistry, for instance.




Exactly. It just took a few days with my head in my atlas at night. I'm currently working on memorizing all the flags. I got Europe, N. America, S. America, and Asia down. But I'm having trouble with Africa and some Pacfic island countries.


Me doing staff.

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If somebody was really that desperate to prove themself a genius when infact they weren't all they'd have to do is copy and paste the answer in the reply box and be able to see the answer. So don't expect anybody to admit they couldn't figure it out.




But yeah I agree with you, you're only a genius if you have actually done something at "genius level". I see to many people on this forum saying they have an i.q of 160 when they can't even spell properly. I don't think your intelligence should be based on math questions, because let's face it some people just aren't good at math.




That's because they take one of those internet IQ tests that have about 25 questions and deem everyone above 140 IQ, then conveniently offer to sell you a complete analysis of how smart you are.




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]I can name any captial in the entire world.




That's not really hard. All you've gotta do is memorize 400 words or so?


Much easier than understanding Chemistry, for instance.




Chemistry is a cake walk compared to remembering capitals.




Majoring in Chemistry :-w

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It's possible that it would be much more difficult if it were spoken, not written. Then you couldn't work backwards, because you'd have to work as it was being said.





I think that this is important. If you just hear it, then you have to keep the seperate items (5 items: 1,000; 1/10; 1/5; 1/10; x2;) in memory at the same time as working backwards with the problem.




Working memory has been shown to be related to IQ. So the more numbers that you can keep in mind and manipulate simultaneously, the higher IQ you are likely to have. The average is between 5 and 9 items in memory.




Saying that, even if you work it out from hearing it, I doubt that you'd be a genius still.




As an illustration of how it is more difficult.. look at the following similar problem below (that I just made up), and then close your eyes while you work out the answer. Try to work it out it as quickly as possible - don't spend long just memorising the question.












"What is eight times, three-fifths of half of a third of one-hundred and fifty?"

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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@ Dusqi - Took me about 20 seconds and I think the answer is 120.




@ Original question - I highly doubt by figuring that out that you're a genius, because that was VERY easy. Now if you could have it said to you only once and have to remember, that would be a lot more difficult.


I am an Atheist, and I take pride in it.

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wow difficult lol...that shows sounds like a load of crap lol, thats hardly genius is it? and what IS genius? i mean i doubt anybody who has posted would be classed as one, in my eyes its somebody who really finds something (purposefully, not on accident) that changes things


Sig by me....

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I still can't figure out the problem., and it's been 5 miniutes. I suck at reading problems, I can't comprehend them very well.






"What is twice of one-tenth of one-fifth of one-tenth of 1,000?"




1000 / 10 = 100 / 5 = 20 / 10 = 2 x 2 = 4




For some weird reason I got 0.4, took me a few seconds.. I just realized 1000/10 = 100, not 10 :oops:




I still doubt calculating things like that make you a 'genius'. Look, Mozart was a genius. He could play whole concerts at age 5. What do most kids do at age 5? Play with pokemon dolls. Unless you can calculate ridiculously difficult math at a young age, I don't think math ability makes many people 'genius' really...

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Is it .. . Because I'm pretty sure it is.




Took me all of 4-5 seconds to convert "One tenth"'s into %'s and divide.




EDIT: Of course, I'm already a certified genius. IQ test proctored by a professional in school last year shows that I am mort innately intelligent than 99% of the world's population. Does that mean I know more than them? No. It just means I have more logic skills.




Also I was reading at a college level in 4th grade. ::'

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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@ Dusqi - Took me about 20 seconds and I think the answer is 120.




@ Original question - I highly doubt by figuring that out that you're a genius, because that was VERY easy. Now if you could have it said to you only once and have to remember, that would be a lot more difficult.




Yea, it is easy.




...'Cept, you got it wrong. :P

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Is it .. . Because I'm pretty sure it is.




Took me all of 4-5 seconds to convert "One tenth"'s into %'s and divide.




EDIT: Of course, I'm already a certified genius. IQ test proctored by a professional in school last year shows that I am mort innately intelligent than 99% of the world's population. Does that mean I know more than them? No. It just means I have more logic skills.




Also I was reading at a college level in 4th grade. ::'




Can I be you? Just for a few moments...




^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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Is it .. . Because I'm pretty sure it is.




Took me all of 4-5 seconds to convert "One tenth"'s into %'s and divide.




EDIT: Of course, I'm already a certified genius. IQ test proctored by a professional in school last year shows that I am mort innately intelligent than 99% of the world's population. Does that mean I know more than them? No. It just means I have more logic skills.




Also I was reading at a college level in 4th grade. ::'


I was reading at a college level by 5th. I never took a test in 4th grade for it. I just remember getting back this special reading test that I took and it said PHS (Past High School) on it. I wish our school would give us an official IQ test. I've always been curious as to what mine was but I've never taken the time to take one myself...




Btw, the answer, 4. The problem was simple. I've always been good in math. Next year, in 10th grade, I plan on taking calculus. I'm taking algebra 2 right now and my teacher said that, if I keep things going the way they are, that I can skip pre-cal and just go on to calculus next year. The average student at my school doesn't even take calculus. They take pre-cal in 12th grade and then go to college.

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@ Dusqi - Took me about 20 seconds and I think the answer is 120.




@ Original question - I highly doubt by figuring that out that you're a genius, because that was VERY easy. Now if you could have it said to you only once and have to remember, that would be a lot more difficult.




Yea, it is easy.




...'Cept, you got it wrong. :P




I was talking about Dusqi's question. If you read his post you would know what I'm talking about.




When I said "@ Original question" THEN I was talking about the question of the thread.


I am an Atheist, and I take pride in it.

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@ Dusqi - Took me about 20 seconds and I think the answer is 120.




@ Original question - I highly doubt by figuring that out that you're a genius, because that was VERY easy. Now if you could have it said to you only once and have to remember, that would be a lot more difficult.




Yea, it is easy.




...'Cept, you got it wrong. :P




I was talking about Dusqi's question. If you read his post you would know what I'm talking about.




When I said "@ Original question" THEN I was talking about the question of the thread.




Ah. ;)

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Oh, and I've been asking people I know and so far noone has figured it out. One of my friend's friends just sat there and stared at me....Kinda' creepily...He didn't know, I guess.




Going to ask my dad tonight, he says he's the smartest person EVAR so we shall see, batman! I'm sure he'll get it, though. :(

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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