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My pixel project|WIP


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Been working on it for a long time now, still have to finish the empty green space. I'm pretty sure this is my best so far


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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I think i'll go with a stonehenge kind of thing, with glowing magical effects too. I'm pretty sure it will look good.


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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Been working on it for a long time now, still have to finish the empty green space. I'm pretty sure this is my best so far






Holy... uh... cow! :shock:




Are both these scenes from a game or something? Like a place in there?




Its amazing!

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


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Been working on it for a long time now, still have to finish the empty green space. I'm pretty sure this is my best so far






Holy... uh... cow! :shock:




Are both these scenes from a game or something? Like a place in there?




Its amazing!




The mountain's colors are the exact same. :ohnoes:

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Actually, it's quite weird, I started making this sig, had already placed the mountains as you see them, then I was looking for a way to texture them and I found this sig, with mountains placed almost at the same place lol :P so I used the same method (no I did not copy/paste in any way, look for yourself), and the colors are not all the same, but some are.


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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I believe he posted on a different forum that he got the colours from a ref pic.




I may have post that on rv, don't remember, but since that, I changed the colors like 3 times


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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It looks a lot like TJ's work, the left mountain has nearly undeniable proof showing some serious observation was made to make it similar. There's no ripping but my advice I'll post (since you asked for CC/advice by making this topic) is to never copy off of other's ideas/techniques.




Copying style/technique/colors/ideas never makes good artwork, people notice similarities and no one likes art copycats. :)




My recommendation is to be original, don't make something that was made before, but aim to make something better. Sure there's some really nice amazing artwork out there, but they don't set the limits, only the bar. If you're really serious about art, you will make make something that will challenge the rest, not just live up to an existing piece.




For more specific CC, I like the castle, maybe add some darker contrast on the left to match the mountains coloring. The water is nicely colored but the perspective needs some work so it doesn't just fall off the horizon.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Thanks for the C&C.


But trust me, I've tried many times to make those mountains look as good as the rest, but they always looked wrong :? . Hope that I'll find my own way of making some.


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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