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whose the best and worse team in the NFL?


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ok me personaly think the EAGLES rock and the Packers are the worst team along with the Cowboys




Oh yeah TO is the worst player


so just wondering does anyone agree or disagree with me?


I Hate Going To Weddings, All The Grandmas Would Poke Me And Say "Your Next". But They Stopped Doing That Since I Start

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Best: Atl Falcons. You cant beat Vick, Dunn, the awesome offensive line, Hall, Kerney, Abraham, Brooking, Coleman, Milloy, Webester, Crocker, and all the beastly Atlanta players.




Worst: Browns and...all the other bad teams?


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Best team = Panthers all the way!




Then Giants -- Plexico Burres went to Green Run (in post)




Worst team -- Patriots










Hmm, I doubt that you really think the Pats are the worst, you just hate them.


I am an Atheist, and I take pride in it.

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Best team = Panthers all the way!




Then Giants -- Plexico Burres went to Green Run (in post)




Worst team -- Patriots










Best team = Patriots all the way!




Then Giants -- Plexico Burres went to Green Run (in post)




Worst team -- Panthers.




Patriots FTW.




as for the best, I don't follow what team can catch many balls and tackle so many people, I'll just go with my favorite, 'cause they are the best in my mind.




No idea about the best and worst. I just no my favorite and least favorite:




Fav: The Eagles




Least Fav: The Patriots




Jealous eh?

Isn't it lovely how having an opinion makes you hated around here?
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Best team = Panthers all the way!




Shame theyre about to go 0-3. And yet you call them the best?




Come on people this is the topic for the BEST team not your favourite.




The BEST team in the NFC is shockingly the Atlanta Falcons. You CAN make an argument for the Chicago Bears. Dominant rushing attack with Michael Vick and Warrick Dunn and the sudden emergence of rookie Jerious Norwood as an up and comer on offense however makes the Falcons just downright scary. Defensivley, if they can stay healthy and DeAngelo Hall doesnt get in trouble for his mouth or his antics, a top-tier Falcons defense can propel them into the playoffs i think.




The best in the AFC. Well, Pittsburgh laid an egg Monday at Jacksonville. Indy doesn't have a running back. Patriots have a coach and nothing else except Sissyboy Brady. Im going to go out west i think and pick the San Diego "Super"Chargers. Rivers is proving he can play in the NFL and Gates is just manhandling defenses. Michael Turner the BACKUP to LaDanian Tomlinson is 8th in the league in rushing. Oh and they have LT too, he's somewhat ok, not awesome dominance you know. Oh and they have some manchild on defense named Shawn Merriman, he's ok, not good again he's just decent. I mean pssh whos needs a top tier linebacker anyways.




The worst teams in their respective conference are Green Bay and Oakland, theres no argument for anyone it's these two. Who's on the clock? My choice is Oakland. The whole team is in disarray. Bad ownership, bad coaching, bad EVERYTHING. Why do fans even bother to show up. Why does the TEAM even bother to show up. Oakland should just quit and concede the season to everyone and put themselves on the clock. It's just stupid how bad this team is and the owner doesnt really do anything about it. Just pure stupid. Stupid crap like that makes me really angry. Just stupid and pitiful.

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Sissyboy Brady = One of the best Q-backs in the league. You tell people to say the best teams and not their favorite, yet you're biased yourself. I suppose you hate their ex-field goal kicker as well then, or wait..He doesn't play for the Pats anymore, so he can't be bad.




Practice what you preach.




EDIT:: LT isn't dominant? What are you smoking? Please...Tell me who is better.




Also, Oakland isn't "bad" It's just that every other team is better than they are. In a sense they are bad, but the players are still in the NFL, far superior to anyone else that doesn't play in the league.


I am an Atheist, and I take pride in it.

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hmm pretty easy. vikings are both




Got reason?

they had an increadible team but still managed to lose.




Thats because Culpepper* SP? was playing for the first 5 games i beleive...


---last year, and he sucked


if they started Brad Johnson im pretty confident they would make it to the playoffs




Im also going to add the Miami Dolphins to the WORST list... and the Panthers..




panthers came in with high expectations but have sucked so far..


as for miami.... they have culpepper.... and 0-2... ouch.

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We all know if the vikings had




Randy moss


Chris Carter


Brad Johnson


Robert smith




back they would win the super bowl... Ahhh the good old days of the viking actually winning....




Im from minnesota, and im expecting good things to come from this overhauled team.. new coach, tons of new, good ,players... and GOOD qb, for the entire season.

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hmm pretty easy. vikings are both




Got reason?

they had an increadible team but still managed to lose.




Thats because Culpepper* SP? was playing for the first 5 games i beleive...


---last year, and he sucked


if they started Brad Johnson im pretty confident they would make it to the playoffs




Im also going to add the Miami Dolphins to the WORST list... and the Panthers..




panthers came in with high expectations but have sucked so far..


as for miami.... they have culpepper.... and 0-2... ouch.




daunte culpepper hasnt gotten his roll on yet but once he does they wont suck cause their rb and recievers are pretty good. vikings are doing pretty good but both miami and minnesota are my favorite teams

guy dont go on youtube and search my name "jblrulessd" and if yall do plz dont watch my video!!!!!!!!!!! especially chillen at starbuxxxxxx

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Sissyboy Brady = One of the best Q-backs in the league.




Stat Wise? Nope. Ranks 19th in QB Rating. 29th in PassPct. 21st in Yards Per Game. Has fumbled 3 times AND lost 2 of them. Tell me what kind of QB do you want doing that all the time.




You tell people to say the best teams and not their favorite, yet you're biased yourself.




I like to see how im biased? It's strictly in the books and stat wise, The Falcons and the Chargers are the best team. You can throw Jacksonville in there if they win against the Colts sunday.




I suppose you hate their ex-field goal kicker as well then, or wait..He doesn't play for the Pats anymore, so he can't be bad.




Vinatieri? He was clutch, won 3 super bowls on that leg of his. He's one of the best all time kickers. Yes, it's a shame he's gone for the Pats, but thats the probem with Free Agency. They couldn't hold Vinatieri, they lost Branch. They need a WR badly. Gostkowski i think can do the job. He's no Vinatieri. But he's no Michael Koenen on a Sunday either.




Practice what you preach.




I preach good stats, and i give the information. I bring the meat. You so far, you've just brought nothing. Get real.




EDIT:: LT isn't dominant? What are you smoking? Please...Tell me who is better.




Larry Johnson. No other running back can dominate a game like Larry Johnson. Don't get me wrong, i loved LT when he was at TCU, but Larry Johnson is simply the BEST running back in the National Football League.




Also, Oakland isn't "bad" It's just that every other team is better than they are. In a sense they are bad, but the players are still in the NFL, far superior to anyone else that doesn't play in the league.




Doesn't that make them bad?




Honestly folks, it's not rocket science. A Crappy O-Line plus a Crappy QB with a sprinkle of Crappy Defense garnished with a HORRIBLE OWNERSHIP equals a BAD TEAM.




When you want to make a real argument, please let me know, ill be waiting to bring some more meat to this table, otherwise, please. Sit back, shut your trap, and let someone who knows what he's talking about handle things.

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Stat Wise? Nope. Ranks 19th in QB Rating. 29th in PassPct. 21st in Yards Per Game. Has fumbled 3 times AND lost 2 of them. Tell me what kind of QB do you want doing that all the time.



Ah, I see you don't care at all about anyones past records?




I like to see how im biased? It's strictly in the books and stat wise, The Falcons and the Chargers are the best team. You can throw Jacksonville in there if they win against the Colts sunday.




I was saying that you only say the Patriots are bad because you hate Tom Brady.




Vinatieri? He was clutch, won 3 super bowls on that leg of his. He's one of the best all time kickers. Yes, it's a shame he's gone for the Pats, but thats the probem with Free Agency. They couldn't hold Vinatieri, they lost Branch. They need a WR badly. Gostkowski i think can do the job. He's no Vinatieri. But he's no Michael Koenen on a Sunday either.



You completely missed my point.






I preach good stats, and i give the information. I bring the meat. You so far, you've just brought nothing. Get real.





You only care about what people have done THIS football season. You act like nothing they have done in the past matters at all. You know, there is a such a thing called reputation. Yea I like the stats in your other posts, considering I see no numbers that have anything to do with anyones stats besides Tom Brady and Vinatieri, which take like a minute or so to look up anyways rofl.




Larry Johnson. No other running back can dominate a game like Larry Johnson. Don't get me wrong, i loved LT when he was at TCU, but Larry Johnson is simply the BEST running back in the National Football League.







This is what I'm seeing: Larry Johnson - 7th in the league in rushing, 0 td's, long = 24




LaDainian Tomlinson - 5th in the league in rushing, 3 touchdowns, long = 58.




So, if we're playing by your rules of only caring about who has the better stats right now, looks like I win.



Doesn't that make them bad?




Honestly folks, it's not rocket science. A Crappy O-Line plus a Crappy QB with a sprinkle of Crappy Defense garnished with a HORRIBLE OWNERSHIP equals a BAD TEAM.




Yea they are definatly bad, what I was trying to say is..The people in the NFL are still among the top in the world, they just have the worst combination of these people that you can get.




When you want to make a real argument, please let me know, ill be waiting to bring some more meat to this table, otherwise, please. Sit back, shut your trap, and let someone who knows what he's talking about handle things.




Yea you do that, I'm waiting for my filet mignon.




EDIT:: I'm going to school now, I'll check up on this when I get back.


I am an Atheist, and I take pride in it.

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