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What do you say to abby pkers?


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depends how much they annoy me, if they just attack n fail i ignore.




if they shout noob, or i pwn j00 or any elitespeak to be honest, i take everythign off, grab a dds, restore prayer for protect item and go and attack them




If they REALLY annoy me, or i dont get them first time, ill add them to friends, turn pub chat off, and follow them when they inevitably world switch




*top tip for killin abyss pkers* run up a few wildy levels then log in, they rarely pay attention to those coming from above to my noticing.

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go jump of your roof...




on this subject... what lvl do u think u could be to use the abby




def lvl: ?


range: ?




100% Spamage post :ohnoes:




I usually say: Hi, LOL, or: "Do you enjoy beating up men when there running with no weapons", then i come back and kill em

If anyone remembers me... PM ME. having nostaligia issues D:

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its pathetic how most of you talk a whole lot of trash.




if u actually told a friend irl u said all that to a person u do not know over the internet in a game what do you think they will think? (Considering that they are not a nerd)?




attacking someone in wild became sexy? WTF




how is it funny when u get attacked..... :? :? :? :? eh [wagon]es




and how are they all cowards lol....ur the one teleing and running. No one said u couldn't bring armour and food and just craft 1 rune per trip did they? u chose to go out there and they can just say ur scared for going out with full rune instead u go out to fight with pickaxe and black hides cos ur scared.

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Are you serious?




Lemme explain for you




People go out to craft runes in a pickaxe and blackhides, with teles, not fight.




RC Pkers are cowards and noobs because they are attacking people with no food or weapons. To make them look even cooler they tele when people with pickaxes hit them back and usually die whenever someone decides to go back to bnk and get some decent weapons and armor.








You are a moron if you think that RCers (not Pkers) are cowards for, excuse the grammer, "fight with pickaxe and black hides cos ur scared."







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sometimes I'm like "its pathetic that you try and kill me, I oinly have a glory" and once this guy kept on trying to wind wave me every trip I was like




"still trying to hit through this +100 mage defense eh?"


Doing a little bit of everything

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The sad thing is, I've died 3+ times in the actual Abyss from the monsters, and never from the repeated attacks from PKers.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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I don't.


99+ all 23rd March 2012 - 2496 total 13th June 2012.

9000+ dragon drops! Including draconic visage, d chains, d spears, d2h, d claws, d meds, d legs, d skirts... d bones, d hides :)?


I want jagex to put resource dungeons and dungeoneering skill doors to dungeoneering floors so I can dungeon and get dungeoneering xp while I dg so I don't have to dg to get dg exp, but I can dg while I dg :)?

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The first thing that comes to my mind:




"Jesus forgives you..." :wink:




Haha, oh that's awesome, I should try it sometime.




Well, if it's a pker that can't kill me or slow me down, I just try to come up with a new insult for their inability to pk me, a defenseless, weaponless guy every time I go past. Some have stayed and tried and put up with many insults for an amazingly long time ... well, I'll do that unless it's a teleblocker, basically.


And I've stopped bothering with pking them back, they always run or tele when they see me coming for them ...



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I always try to pk them, but they always tele if they see me coming with dds. So after a while I kept wearing my rcing outfit, but with dds and rune defender in inventory, but most still tele away on the moment I put them out :roll:

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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Good question,




there is many comebacks in my little book.








Nice try, bad tactics.


You were almost 50 k richer that time.


Maybe you should try your hand at skills for cash.


If i had a gold for every time this has happened.... I would'nt be here.




And the greatest of all of them to just tickle them red:




Lol, my grandmother pks me faster then you.

Current none PVP item drops: Dragon legs, Dragon medium- 2, Dharok axe, Ahrims hood, Kharils skirt.


Clan Jaguar For Life.

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I don't say anything to taunt them since I have had terrible luck with Pkers. Twice I have made it to the Mage, clicked on Teleport and instead of going into the abyss, I end up in Falador with nothing. The first time it happened I figured I needed to get my levels up, so I did some Slayer, got up to level 102 and decided to try again. Everything was going well till a 103 showed up. Between level 3 and the Mage he was able to hit me for 80+ damage with just magic even with my current stats and armor totalling magic defense of over 100. So then I teled back to Edge, used a Super Set, and DDS spec'd the guy 4 times while he was wearing Full Mystic. The 8 hits did a total of 10 damage. Needless to say it was not my day. <.<


Dragon Drops - 10 Meds, 9 Legs, 5 Skirts, 2 Left Half

PM me to have any potions made or crafting done

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Quit runescape on Jan 6th of 2008, at level of 115 with around 150M worth of item in bank...however stats still remains


World 59, the world i loved~



Now 95% dedicated to playing Microsoft flight simulator



my youtube channel with many FSX videos i made. please leave a comment if you will

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When they bind/freeze me, I start a conversation.








Me: Hello, how are you doing?




Him: L0l0l0l yu0 g0t own3d pl0x kthxbai phr33 st00f!?








Sometimes, the pker is so busy typing, I quickly escape, I never bring teleports while RC'ing.












Whoops, I don't think I should have said that...


Billy Talent ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâë3

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