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UNDERAGE USER ALERT!! (age requirement discussion)


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IMO i think this game should be 16 and up. Theirs alot of mean unsymathetic kids that play this game. They swear (they shouldn't be, way to young), and are too young for a game like this. They just ruin the game. Thats prolly one of the main reasons why i quit Rs, and moved on to Wow, at least theirs no angry 12 years old their yelling "g1v3 m3 fr33 st0ph pl0x" (well so far i haven't seen any). Too bad this will never happen though, but it really doesn't consern me anymore.








i am eleven and i dont do this

No! You'll die if you try to kill that farmer!
nah whips should be as left as is. besides theyre the intestine of an abbysal demon (i think) have fun crafting that.
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meh thats like 20% of the rs population??








but these things should be seen more as guidelines...




for warcraft II it said you have to be 17, I played it when I was 11 and It didn't give me any trauma's or anything lol








btw I'm off to report a few ppl for being underage even though they are not just to get them banned so I can laugh ;)








P.S. ofcourse not thats not nice :o

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I did a check, and Jagex indeed blocks account creatoin if you recently tried to sign up as under 13.








It's done by cookies, and not by IP, because I was still able to access the account creation options after changing browsers (IE -> FireFox).








If you had your 13th b day and want to sign up just delete your cookies?








Tools> Internet Options> Delete Cookies




Then: Tools> Internet Options> Delete Files> Delete Offline files








It erase all the cookies. But listen to the rules. Only do this at 13 years of age!!!!! \'




If under 13 :shame:









RIP Michaelangelopolous
Thanks to cowboy14 for the pimp sig!

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heers a good reson for this rule: maturity!








if I told you how many people act poorly in the extreem... well I dont have to just go see for yourself. I bet you half of the bad players with no respect for anyone are under the age of 15. if you ask me the rule should be changed to at least 15 so we get more mature players and less yelling FREE STUFF PLEASE! and calling me meene or noob becouse I dont give them my armour for free.








sorry if I offended anyone heer I relise that many people are respectfull and decent at any age but I feel inmaturity prevales more in the younger players than it does in us old guys.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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1. Has anyone ever been banned for being proven to be underage?




None that I have heard of.








2. Would bad-faith users try to get people banned by attempting to impersonate their victims' parents?




We never know...








I'm 12, but hey, I have my parent's permission. :P



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There is basically no way for Jagex to find out if your underage or not. I know a few that are, but have they been caught after years of playing this? No. If a friend rats out of them, do they have the evidence to show to Jagex, and would even Jagex care? They are paying $5 each month, Jagex would probably just ignore it and say not enough evidence. Is there even a report button for that? No. They just made it to make the people happy, to let them know they don't allow little kids on to ensure they are safe. But are they really protected?

99 Fletch~~99 WC~~79/81 Fishing

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Etha! Saradomin Forever~CW

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do you really think under aged kids will honestly respect the warning and tell their parents? i think not. i dont think under aged kids should play. lets face it most. the beggars and idiots on rs are the kids who are under 13. i only know a few kids on rs that are under 13 and act decently and respectibly [/i]

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12 year old player mod? Scary.




Just a note, Jagex probably has to enact this rule legally.








meh i new a 12 year old pmod she still gots on some times but less no that her dad was baned :boohoo:


By 'fittest' do you mean 'most selfish brat with the fastest internet connection?'

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heers a good reson for this rule: maturity!








if I told you how many people act poorly in the extreem... well I dont have to just go see for yourself. I bet you half of the bad players with no respect for anyone are under the age of 15. if you ask me the rule should be changed to at least 15 so we get more mature players and less yelling FREE STUFF PLEASE! and calling me meene or noob becouse I dont give them my armour for free.








sorry if I offended anyone heer I relise that many people are respectfull and decent at any age but I feel inmaturity prevales more in the younger players than it does in us old guys.




Would that not mean that the other half of the people with "no respect for anyone" are over the age of 15? I am so sick of people assumimg that all Runescape's problems are caused by people under 13 or whatever. I think it is more the fact the older players have established an attitude that realises "oh, it's just a game, so what if I am annoying and disrespectful, nothing can happen to me because it is just a game." I would go so far to say that it is the older, that's right, older players that are the problem. Besides, people under 13 probably haven't been introduced to scamming and what not, Runescape or real life. Please get rid of your biased attitude, it is not very endearing.








And to the guy that said if you don't live in the U.K or America you can't speak English, I live in Australia and can speak better English than you.

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I know there are a huge amount of kids on runescape. They're all lying.




If you choose the "I'm under 13" option, the computer blocks you from making accounts further. My friend's little brother did this, and my friend had to come to my house to make an account.








Actually, that is not true, one time while i was making another backup file i accidently choose the underage option, but i just erased my cookies/temporary files and then went back and made my backup account

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I did a check, and Jagex indeed blocks account creatoin if you recently tried to sign up as under 13.








It's done by cookies, and not by IP, because I was still able to access the account creation options after changing browsers (IE -> FireFox).




If you say your under 13 jagex gives you a cookie to stop you from singing up? (that..sounded kinda funny :XD: )

siggy ^.^

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Haahaa, sitting down with parents playing a game. That would be painful #-o








This rule is absurd. Look in the game. Left and right, there are a ton of 5-13 year olds playing. They probably make up most of the runescape population and by getting rid of them, the game would be a bust.








Jagex does not ban for being underage or else you would be able to report it :D

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