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how would you feel if you became a player mod ?


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honestly id decline for numerous reasons:








1) jagex messed me over banning my good character because of trouble with my internet at home and responding with an automatic message...why should i help those who will not take the time to read my response to a perm ban(selfish true but still irritating)




2) my friends and i who have played 4-5 years+ get diddily-squat from jagex when we upheld all the rules and such and in return get punished by either bans or mutes for no reason (EX: my friend theone 2005 got banned 3 weeks ago for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING cuz a p-mod reported him for saying hi to a friend and me for having a cable internet service provider)




3) irritates me seeing lvl 50s-70s (most of them, there are a few good ones out there that are good people) who flaunt and abuse their mod abilities just to scare people and jagex doesnt do squat about it when you report them for abusing power/TOS




4) i got a lot of attention when i played because people knew who i was, modding me would be a pain in the bum -.-




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I strongly doubt I could ever become a mod due to a slight smudge on my record. the appeal was accepted and the opology sinceer but none the less I doubt they would chose me of all people. if they did I would accept and do my best to bring justice and order back to world 55. I get plenty of people following me or asking for free stuff as it is so im used to it. and i would like to be able to mute those scammers and people who have some auto type program that prevents you from getting a word in edgewise at banks and places.








other than that I would try to stay the same way as I have always been, honourble, frendly, and respectfull.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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One of my friends (a lvl 122) had an offer to become a runescape mod. He turned it down. Being a mod has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include being "cool", able to deal with scammers, autoers, and rule breakers a little better, and to get the silver crown next to your name. My 122 friend turned it down because of all the attention that would be turned towards him and no one would act normally around him. He's already having trouble since he is such a high level and so rich. I tell him to just gimme the money, lol #-o

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I would love becoming a mod... I would mean easy trades in world 1. Meaning that i would be able to merchant a lot easier. That is the really only use. And i will like to have a crown beside my name, it will make me feel special O:).

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I'd decline, i get bothered enough as it is. I don't need a crown to report those who do things wrong in game.


Proud Tip.It Moderator December 07 - October 2009
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Guest IdiotElzar

I'd be like "Alright. Cool." I've been a moderator of a few forums, and admin of 3. I'm also GM of a successful guild on WoW and own my own private server, so this would be nothing out of the ordinary. But, if I REALLY got pissed (and that takes alot.) I'd take everyone to hell with me. Shatter Runescape's society.

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I'd be like "Alright. Cool." I've been a moderator of a few forums, and admin of 3. I'm also GM of a successful guild on WoW and own my own private server, so this would be nothing out of the ordinary. But, if I REALLY got pissed (and that takes alot.) I'd take everyone to hell with me. Shatter Runescape's society.








Heh, exactly.




Piss me off, the gates of hell open. ;)



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i would definitly become a mod it would be awsome as every1 would trust u when u tried 2 lure and if any1 pjed taged u u could just mute them

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I'd probably accept the offer, i wouldn't dare to step into F2P for awhile because, well, "OH EM GEE!! A mod!! Can i have 600 million santa's and 5 million geepees???!!" But beside's that i'd be glad to help people. Although it will never happen cause i already got 3 offences ::'


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id like to say congrats, iv'e played since august 2001 and i know its a pain to get that kind of respect. ill admit im not perfect and we all have done a bad thing in runescape. but after losing 3 accounts .... anyway im going off topic. id like to earn that kind of respect mainly for just helping out and being friendly. as to lowest lv mod. lv3 i win! cant remember his name now but its prob best i did forget incase he has priv chat on.


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Hmm... probably accept, mainly cause it takes loads to test my patience. I tend not to burst out anymore against players and scammers, I'd probably be neutral and overwatch order and peace.








I don't feel mad against newbies asking loads of questions, I feel quite lonely anyway, I'd do my best to respond them. I'm into skills like mining and stuff, so I could use my experience to give tips...








ONE question though: Is the silver crown also visible when you pm someone? I'd prefer it doesn't appear, just to maintain my contacts without a stressed relation...



Achieved quest (07/08/2009), woodcutting (28/06/2010), attack (21/07/2010), strength + constitution (07/08/2010), defence (26/09/2010), summoning (13/01/2011), herblore (03/03/2011), cook (31/08/2012), firemaking (01/09/2012), magic (08/09/2012), prayer (16/09/2012) and ranged (29/10/2012) capes.

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i would definitly become a mod it would be awsome as every1 would trust u when u tried 2 lure and if any1 pjed taged u u could just mute them








you definitely shouldnt become a mod.








ONE question though: Is the silver crown also visible when you pm someone? I'd prefer it doesn't appear, just to maintain my contacts without a stressed relation...








yep, the crown is still visible when you pm others (yet it doesnt appear on your own pm list. its quite strange).

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I asked a mod what his reaction was when he became a mod (He's level 112) and he told me he thought it was pretty kool and he was happy to see it. He was a mod at lvl 106.








If i became a mod... I'd prolly be like 'holy ____' and call my friend who wants to be better than me and piss him off :lol:



rssig.png(40 crafting, 40 range)

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I would be so happy.




It would be like this.




Me in minning guild




"Hi everyone"




where did everyone go!




looks like more coal for me!








Short version




Become a mod, Speak. and ZAM half the minners are gone.

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Here is a pic of me with a F2p , low level mod (the lowest i've ever seen)
















He/she also lives in Singapore too :) :) same as me








Oh no, you got me! :shock:








When I was modded, my heart just raced like a rocket and I stared at the invitation for about 5 mins before reading it. ::'

RS Player Since 2006



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