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Do you give money to the homeless?


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I do. There is a lot of bad feeling about homeless people, but they are still people. Your money might go on drugs or alcohol. But it might go on a sandwhich that the starving homeless person needs or go towards a bedsit where they can get shelter.




Begging is illegal (technically) here in England but I don't mind (neither does the law) if they are sat down with a hat infront of them. It's just the ones who come up to you, get in your face and ask then that make me uncomfortable.




Whenever my Mum gets asked for money/ sees a homeless person, she doesn't give them it then, she goes away and buys them a pasty or sandwhich. I can she why she does this, she doesn't want to fund a drug/ alcohol habit, but at the same time, if the homeless person doesn't have money, they are stuck.




Homeless people need to get themselves out of whatever mental trap took them to the streets but if they don't have any money they don't have a chance.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Guest GhostRanger

I have a funny story about this. I was walking downtown with a friend one night about 2 years ago and this man yelled from across the street, "Hey! Do you all have any spare change I could have?" My friend says yes and starts to walk towards him getting some money out and the old guy keeps talking. He says, "I mean - I'm not gonna lie to you! I need to buy me some more booze!" My friend was a little annoyed that he had already committed to giving him some money before he said that.








I also knew a youth minister who would take homeless people to McDonald's or something when they asked for money so he could give them something to eat and not let them have the opportunity to spend it on something like drugs or alcohol.

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Guest GhostRanger
Thats not really a good way to think of it... Its not always their fault, how would you like it if you were one of those people?








If i ever have change and see a homeless person i always try and help out :D








Because you don't know the person, you can't say for sure whether or not it is their fault. There are plenty of people who are homeless because of their own bad decisions, and plenty of people who are homeless due to circumstances out of their control.

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yeah thats true... but if people took of their responsibilites and paid their bills and stuff like that.....sometimes i feel a little remorse 4 kids who got molested and abused at home so they ran away, i still dont give em money i give them advice to go to a shelter or somthin and get help



oddyss3us222.gif max hit with d scimm=28 : )

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Where I live you won't see homeless people unless you go downtown. I don't often go downtown nor do I see but a few homeless people while I'm there and they're not begging, they're picking up empty cans for money. I've never given money to the homeless, though I suppose I would if I saw them more than a few times a year. I'd rather them use my money to go buy alcohol/drugs than end up robbing a store or mugging an innocent person to support their addiction.

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Yes. I will give it to them if they don't get up in my face and beg.








Recently, I saw a couple on the side of the road near our local Wal-Mart. The man was holding up a sign that said, "Homeless. Hungry. Need gas money." I parked in the Wal-Mart parking lot and me and a friend of mine went over to them to give them some money. They were very very kind people and I had no idea how they had gotten themselves into the situation they were in, but I gave them five dollars of the money that I had worked to get. My friend gave them three. With that money and the money that had collected from the other people around us, they had enough money to get some gas and some food, and they were gone before my friend and I emerged from shopping at Wal-Mart.








However, there have been times when I haven't given homeless people money. I was in Memphis, TN on Beale Street. That place is known for... not being very safe. There was a homeless guy there who would follow people and beg and beg and beg for change. Needless to say, I didn't give him any, because he smelled like booze, and he was just plain annoying.

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nope. its not my fault they poor........they uasualy r on drugs or they ran away from home
exactly... why should i give them my money when their too lazy to get a job and all they spend it on is ciggerettes, pot crack and booze
Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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nope. its not my fault they poor........they uasualy r on drugs or they ran away from home
exactly... why should i give them my money when their too lazy to get a job and all they spend it on is ciggerettes, pot crack and booze








I hear a lot of people say homeless people should go get a job. Well let's think about this. When you go in for a job interview you always make you sure dress to impress. Well a homless person can't afford nice clothes. So he's going to walk into the interview in the clothes he wears every day and on top of that he might not have showered in a long time. Who wants to buy food from a guy who smells like their trash can? And how is the company even supposed to contact a homeless person since they don't have a phone? Just a little something to think about before you say homeless people should go gets jobs..

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nope. its not my fault they poor........they uasualy r on drugs or they ran away from home








Maybe you should spend your money on an English class.












I don't run into many homeless people, but I remember when I was about 8 or 9, I saw one when I was going to a Baseball game downtown, and I felt really bad for him, he was really sick looking and his beard was a dirty grey color. I gave him 2 dollars (That was like 4 weeks allowance for me when I was that age.) It made me feel really nice.




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Where I live you won't see homeless people unless you go downtown. I don't often go downtown nor do I see but a few homeless people while I'm there and they're not begging, they're picking up empty cans for money. I've never given money to the homeless, though I suppose I would if I saw them more than a few times a year. I'd rather them 'not' use my money to go buy alcohol/drugs than end up robbing a store or mugging an innocent person to support their addiction.










Me doing staff.

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nope. its not my fault they poor........they uasualy r on drugs or they ran away from home
exactly... why should i give them my money when their too lazy to get a job and all they spend it on is ciggerettes, pot crack and booze








I hear a lot of people say homeless people should go get a job. Well let's think about this. When you go in for a job interview you always make you sure dress to impress. Well a homless person can't afford nice clothes. So he's going to walk into the interview in the clothes he wears every day and on top of that he might not have showered in a long time. Who wants to buy food from a guy who smells like their trash can? And how is the company even supposed to contact a homeless person since they don't have a phone? Just a little something to think about before you say homeless people should go gets jobs..








Don't they ask for your address and stuff like that too? I know it's hard for homeless people to get a job. :( No one wants a homeless person to work for them anyway.

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I have bought food and a drink for a homeless person. I have bought the Big Issue on several occasions and I have donated money to homeless charities. I will not directly give cash to a homeless person.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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nope. its not my fault they poor........they uasualy r on drugs or they ran away from home








Maybe you should spend your money on an English class.








I have perfect english mechanics. Have you ever heard of shortcutting?



oddyss3us222.gif max hit with d scimm=28 : )

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nope. its not my fault they poor........they uasualy r on drugs or they ran away from home








Maybe you should spend your money on an English class.








I have perfect english mechanics. Have you ever heard of shortcutting?



oddyss3us222.gif max hit with d scimm=28 : )

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nope. its not my fault they poor........they uasualy r on drugs or they ran away from home








Maybe you should spend your money on an English class.








I have perfect english mechanics. Have you ever heard of shortcutting?








Did you notice the thread called 'Grammar Nazis'? Really, if you're too lazy to type out your words, then make me a decoder ring so I don't have to put your words together like a puzzle.

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I have bought food and a drink for a homeless person. I have bought the Big Issue on several occasions and I have donated money to homeless charities. I will not directly give cash to a homeless person.








I'm going to have to agree with Mercifull and GhostRanger here, don't give them cash directly. If you're going to give them something directly, take them to mcdonalds for a cup of coffee or something :)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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funny you should bring this up.








when i was 16-17 i planned my Eagle scout project to acheive the rank of Eagle Scout (eagle scout)








i couldnt think of a really good idea so i decided to talk to the person in charge of the homeless ministry at my church..and got an idea








i held a toy drive for homeless children for christmas..kind of like toys for tots. i placed boxes at other churches, libraries, schools, etc...put up fliers...handed them out at places like walmart with my contact info...








my goal was to collect 50 toys...and i reached well over 150 :shock: .








anyway...after i collected em all i held wrapping sessions where we wrapped presents and put "age tags" on the presents to indicate what age it was designed for. i went to all the local motels and homeless shelters and got the names and ages of all the children around December 15th...and then on December 23rd i got a group of volunteers to hand out the gifts








it was truly an amazing experience and i would encourage any1 to do something similar. i was rewarded with more than an Eagle Scout...i was blessed by seeing how much i had and how little others had..and it made me appreciate what i had. also i got attached to the kids.








here are some pictures..im not sure if teyre allowed or not..if theyre not dont delete my post..just edit them out (im the one in the grey sweatshirt):








[images removed - sorry no RL pics allowed. ~azn]

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I see a lot of homeless, but I don't give any money. Theres this blind guy who is always on the N, R, W train line that I've seen for about 6 years. If you ever come to new york, you'll see him. He sings the same stuff over and over again... I think he makes some ok money.

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I went to Denver for a week to help out with various projects, including working nights at meal lines. I have to admit, Turkey Gravy is good :P.








But the thing is, those people are not grateful. Some of them even consider it a game! It's sad, and I hope they can finally get out of their rut...whether they want to or not.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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